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Correction texte du quotidien

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction texte du quotidien
Message de clocloanglais39 posté le 27-10-2024 à 16:24:24 (S | E | F)

I post here a text that talks about my daily life, to improve my English.

If someone can help me with corrections.
Thank you 😊

This morning, I did yoga and stretching. I tried a new position and I took time to breathe well. I started recently and I fell that it relaxes tense and painful areas.

This afternoon, maybe I will join my family to go kart. I wait their answer to confirm.

I went there. There were two kart tracks, one for children and one for adults.
I did a race with my brother, and my nephew did on the children track.
On Monday, I went to take a walk in the woods with my neighbor, a friend and her dog.
We were looking for mushrooms, chanterelles, and finally we found chestnuts. A nice discovery.
When I come back home, I prepared baked chestnuts. And the next day, I cooked a soup. It was delicious.


In my new job, I sell pintates, chickens and today I wanted to taste that we sell so I bought a roast with mushrooms.


I returned to the forest to pick up chestnuts. I just made chestnut cream ( a dessert).
It's a lot of work to prepare chestnuts. They must be incise, after cook them, then peel them.

Réponse : Correction texte du quotidien de gerondif, postée le 28-10-2024 à 18:54:23 (S | E)
I post (plutôt I am posting) here a text that talks (un texte n'a pas de cordes vocales et ne peut pas causer. that is about, that deals with...)about my daily life, to improve my English.

If someone can help me with corrections.
Thank you 😊

This morning, I did (I practised) yoga and stretching. I tried a new position and I took time to breathe well. I started recently (on dirait sans doute plutôt I've only just started) and I fell (mélange : to feel, I felt, felt. to fall, I fell, fallen) that it relaxes tense and painful areas.

This afternoon, maybe I will join my family to go karting. I wait their answer to confirm. (le verbe n'est pas transitif, I am waiting for their confirmation)
Rupture : vous étiez dans le temps présent, à midi, à décrire le matin au passé et le projet de l'après-midi au futur et voilà que vous nous racontez cet après-midi au passé !

I went there. There were two kart tracks, one for children and one for adults.
I did a race with my brother, and my nephew did one on the children's track.
On Monday, I went to take a walk (I took a walk serait plus direct) in the woods with my neighbor (neighbour), a friend and her dog.
We were looking for mushrooms, chanterelles, and finally we found (we eventually found) chestnuts. A nice discovery.
When I come (prétérit ! to come, I came, come) back home, I prepared baked chestnuts. And the next day, I cooked a soup. It was delicious.


In my new job, I sell pintates (guinea-fowl), chickens and today I wanted to taste that (that = que. what = ce que) we sell so I bought a roast with mushrooms.


I returned to the forest to pick up chestnuts. I have just made chestnut cream ( a dessert).
It's a lot of work to prepare chestnuts. They must be incise (incised,participe passé !), after then cooked, then peeled, participes passés ! cook them, then peel them.

Réponse : Correction texte du quotidien de clocloanglais39, postée le 29-10-2024 à 13:23:56 (S | E)
I am posting here a text that is about my daily life, to improve my English.

If someone can help me with corrections.
Thank you 😊

This morning, I practised yoga and stretching. I tried a new position and I took time to breathe well. I've only just started and I feel that it relaxes tense and painful areas.

This afternoon, maybe I will join my family to go karting. I am waiting for their confirmation.


(J'ai écrit ces phrases à plusieurs moments de la journée, d'où les changements de temps, lorsqu'on lit le texte d'une traite effectivement c'est étrange ! )

I went there. There were two kart tracks, one for children and one for adults.
I did a race with my brother, and my nephew did one on the children's track.

On Monday, I took a walk in the woods with my neighbour, a friend and her dog.
We were looking for mushrooms, chanterelles, and finally we found (we eventually found) chestnuts. A nice discovery.

Quand je cherche la traduction de voisin, je trouve "neighbor".
"Neighbour" est donc une autre traduction possible ?

Pourquoi "éventuellement" ? On cherchait des girolles et on a finalement trouvé des châtaignes.

When I came back home, I prepared baked chestnuts. And the next day, I cooked a soup. It was delicious.

Hmm, ici, je confonds avec le futur peut-être.
J'avais lu que lorsqu'on utilisait when, la première partie de la phrase restait au présent


In my new job, I sell guinea-fowl, chickens and today I wanted to taste what we sell so I bought a roast with mushrooms.


I returned to the forest to pick up chestnuts. I have just made chestnut cream ( a dessert).
It's a lot of work to prepare chestnuts. They must be incised, after then cooked, then peeled.


Modifié par clocloanglais39 le 29-10-2024 13:27

Réponse : Correction texte du quotidien de gerondif, postée le 29-10-2024 à 14:42:19 (S | E)
They must be incised, after ( supprimer ce after) then cooked, then peeled.
Eventually ne signifie pas éventuellement mais finir par faire qch.
He eventually succeeded il a fini par réussir.
Neighbor est l'orthographe américaine et neighbour l'orthographe anglaise.

Réponse : Correction texte du quotidien de clocloanglais39, postée le 30-10-2024 à 21:01:25 (S | E)
D'accord, merci pour vos retours 🙂


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais



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