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Exercice 22/diversify again

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Exercice 22/diversify again
Message de here4u posté le 17-11-2014 à 19:42:57 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Here's work (or amusement) for you ! for being so faithful and speaking about your preferences too ... I'll respect what you ask for ... The only problem is that some of you are really eager to do more and more translations ...while others don't mind a little 'game or two' !
I've tried to satisfy everyone, giving longer sentences to translate and giving another kind of game ... for those who want to rack their brains !

EXERCICE 22 : Let's diversify again !
1) Translate from French into English :
1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de vêtements de rechange secs et propres.

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !

4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoi que ce soit de superflu pour moi ?

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :
a) Everybody likes her , .......... ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, ........?
c) She’d better stop mumbling,..............?
d) I’m hard on you,...................?
e) Give me that answer, ...............?
f) The children had too much chocolate,.............?
g) You’d rather not do this, ..............?
h) Let’s go home now,..............?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?

When I arrived to France, I was faced with much problems :
In first, I couldn’ t make end meet. The life is so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford going to the movies every weeks. Fortunatly I got a job in a fast food. Indeed my salary was very low. I can’t stand to be underpayed.
After, my hostess become aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had less limits. I loved it ! I will go back here when I will be wealthy.

Slide the abacus beads (letters) across the wires to form 5 related words reading down. (Ihe beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another !)

|--A--------E----R -----Y----------|

I hope you'll enjoy it ! (I'd say it's a 'good' (going on minus again ! )The correction will be posted on November 28 th. You can make changes in your essays till the 25 at night. Have fun !

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-11-2014 20:22

As some of you asked for more time ... you have a few more days ...

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de kazan, postée le 18-11-2014 à 06:49:32 (S | E)
Dear Here4U,

I found the exercises more difficult this time, but I liked them all the more. I came up with 2 possible reasons. I'm either a masochist or I feel content when I am given the opportunity to improve. I've yet to know, but the truth maybe lies somewhere in between. But I digress, sorry.

Translate into English.

1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de rechanges sèches et propres.
--> - We are planning to camp in Scotland next week!
- In that case, you'd better make sure you take a completely impermeable tent, umbrellas and lots of spare dry and clean clothes.

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.
--> Pierre refused to confess to the police where his accomplice was. Although he has been held in custody for several days as a consequence, he did not yield, since he is both loyal and stubborn.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !
--> He would so much like you to agree to do the same thing at the same time, while protesting as less as possible and making as much progress as possible!

4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....
--> I haven't been thinking about the future christmas presents for my children. And yet, I hate it when I wait until the last minute and have to fight my way through the crowd to find what they would like to play with. These very things I would like to play with myself and explain to them how they work. I know them all too well. They always need me to play with them. What a bunch of brats! I swear!

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoique ce soit de superflu pour moi ?
--> When I'm done paying my various taxes, will I have enough money left to buy something superfluous for me?

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :
a) Everybody likes her , don't they ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she?
c) She’d better stop mumbling, wouldn't she?
d) I’m hard on you, am I not?
e) Give me that answer, dammit? or Give me that answer, will you?
f) The children had too much chocolate, hadn't they?
g) You’d rather not do this, wouldn't you?
h) Let’s go home now, shall we?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?

When I arrived in France, I was faced with many problems :
At first, I couldn’ t make ends meet. The life was so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford to go to the movies every week s. Fortunatly I got a job in a fast food restaurant. But my salary was very low. I couldn't stand being underpaid.
Later/Afterwards, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had fewer limits. I loved it ! I will go back there when I am wealthy.
Grade: No good!

Slide the abacus beads (letters) across the wires to form 5 related words reading down. (Ihe beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another !)

|--A--------E----R -----Y----------|

Oh my, I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll need a hint ( or two) such as the topic these words refer to.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2014 22:21

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de tereda, postée le 18-11-2014 à 18:20:41 (S | E)
Hello Here4U,
always a pleasure to play with you, for my part, I prefer English than to Latin

1) Translate from French into English :
1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de rechanges sèches et propres.

We are thinking to go camping in Scotland next summer !
In this case, you 'd better to have (to envisage) a perfectly waterproof tent, umbrellas and a multitude of clean change of clothes.

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtât plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.

Peter refused to say to the police where his accomplice was : Even if that cost him several days in police custody, he is both faithful and stubborn, and he didn't give in.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !

He really would like (he would like so much) that, at least, you agree to do, all, the same thing in the same time, with the least protest and the greatest possible progress!

4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....

I have not still thought to the next Christmas presents for my children. Yet, I really dislike to do that at the last moment, and having to fight with the crowd to find what they will have pleasure to play with...
And I, I would like explain how to use, and play with.... I know them, they always want me to play with them .....

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoique ce soit de superflu pour moi ?

When I have definitively finish to pay my different taxes, will I have enough money to buy some inessential thing , for ME ??

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :
a) Everybody likes her , don't they ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she?
c) She’d better stop mumbling, wouldn't she?
d) I’m hard on you, aren't I ?
e) Give me that answer, Do you?
f) The children had too much chocolate, hadn't they....?
g) You’d rather not do this, wouldn't you ?
h) Let’s go home now, do we ?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ? 11

When I arrived in France, I was faced with many problems :
At first, I couldn’t make ends meet. The life is so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford to go to the movies every weeks. Fortunately I got a job in a fast food. Indeed my salary was very low. I couldn’t stand to be underpaid.
After, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had less limits. I loved it ! I will go back here when I am wealthy.

Slide the abacus beads (letters) across the wires to form 5 related words reading down. (Ihe beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another !)

|--B---- --A----| Z------
|--E- ---------- R-----I-----L----|
|--G -N -------- S-----------------|
|--O -O---- N---- --I----------|
|--N -I------ T----- L----|
|--I -S--- A--------- -E----|
|--A -E- --R --- - -Y----------|
BEGONIA, NOISE, it's all I found !

ABACUS, ABACUS, you know what, I lost my latin !

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2014 18:44

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 18-11-2014 à 20:47:50 (S | E)
Hello Dear All !
I've given you the extra days to do and modify the exercise that some of you needed.
Sorry Jo06, tonight I won't have enough time to answer your question ... I'l do it tomorrow ! That' s a promise !

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de lakata, postée le 19-11-2014 à 10:09:37 (S | E)

Being one of those who asked for more time, I think it's now all right for me!
Thank you dear Here4u Have a not too busy day!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 19-11-2014 à 10:55:34 (S | E)
Hello !

Bon ! je (re)réponds à Jo06 afin que tout le monde profite des informations : Les mots à trouver au N°4 tournent tous autour d'un thème unique ... Il n'y a pas de lettres en trop, toutes doivent être utilisées.
C'me on ! Rack your brains !

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de komiks, postée le 19-11-2014 à 18:56:43 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u !
I'm so happy to be able to take part in that exercise, whereas I couldn't do the two last ones (I was very disappointed indeed)
Here's my try !
Hope it's not so bad, because it's getting harder and harder but good ! That's fine by me

EXERCICE 22 : Let's diversify again !
1) Translate from French into English :

1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de vêtements de rechange secs et propres.

- We are planning on camping in Scotland next summer ! In this case, you’d better make sure you have a perfectly-waterproof tent, umbrellas, and a multitude of dry and clean spare clothes.

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.

- Pierre refused to tell the police where his accomplice was : although he was held several days in custody, as he’s at once loyal/faithful and stubborn, he didn’t concede.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !

- He would like you to finally agree to do the same thing at the same time, with the least protests and the most progress possible so much!

4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....

- I haven’t thought about the future Christmas gifts/presents for my children yet. Yet, I hate leaving it to the last minute (I hate doing it at the last minute) and fighting in the crowd to find what they will want to play with and also what I’ll like using and explaining ! I know them : I always have to play with them.

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoi que ce soit de superflu pour moi ?

- When I finally have finished paying my different taxes, will there be enough (will I have enough) money left to buy anything superfluous for me ?

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :

a) Everybody likes her , don’t they ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she ?
c) She’d better stop mumbling, hadn’t she ?
d) I’m hard on you, aren’t I ?
e) Give me that answer, won’t you ?
f) The children had too much chocolate, hadn’t they ?
g) You’d rather not do this, wouldn’t you ?
h) Let’s go home now, shall we ?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?

When I arrived to France, I was faced with many problems :
In first, I couldn’t make ends meet. The life is so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford to go to the movies every week. Fortunately I got a job in a fast food. Indeed my salary was very low. I couldn’t stand to be underpaid.
Afterwards, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had fewer limits. I loved it ! I will go back there when I am wealthy.

Slide the abacus beads (letters) across the wires to form 5 related words reading down. (Ihe beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another !)

C'est sur le thème des fleurs ! Tu m'as fait découvrir des fleurs qui m'étaient inconnues ! Merci pour ce "jeu" qui change de l'ordinaire et qui fait apprendre en s'amusant ! Thanks !!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de jo06, postée le 20-11-2014 à 08:15:10 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Thank you very much for your answer.
This is my try:

I) Translation.
1) We are intending to camp in Scotland next summer! In this case, you should make sure (Would better)
to get a perfectly impervious tent, umbrellas, a mass of change of dry and clean clothes.
2) Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice ws: although it cost him several days of police custody, as he is
both faithful and stubborn, he didn't give in.
3) He would like so much you agree at last, all of you, to do the same thing at the same time, with the least protests
and the most progresses as possible!
4) I haven't thought about my children's future Chrismas presents yet.However, I hate to manage at the last minute and
have to fight in the crowd fiding what they will havethe urge to play with (or will feel like playing with).
And I'll like to play whit and explain how to use it as well!I know them...I have always to play with them...
5) When at last I finish to pay my various taxes, will I have enough money left to buy anything superfluous for me?

II)Question tags.
a) Everybody likes her,don't they?
b) She hardly ever goes to London,does she?
c) She'd better stop mumbling, wouldn't she?
d) I'm hard on you, aren't I?
e) Give me that answer,don't you or? or wouldn't you?
f) The children had too much chocolate,hadn't they?
g) You'd rather not do this, wouldn't you?
h) Let's go home now,don't we?

III) Mistakes.

When I arrived in France,I was faced with many problems:
In first,I couldn't make ends meet.The life is so expensive in Europe...I
couldn't even afford to go to the movies every week.Fortunatly I got a job in a
fast food restaurant.Indeed my income was very low.I can't stand to be underpaid.
After,my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot.I visited
Paris and had fewer limits.I loved it!I will go back there when I am wealthy.


Thank you again for this very interesting exercise.

Modifié par jo06 le 20-11-2014 11:44

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de alpiem, postée le 20-11-2014 à 14:24:36 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u and every english staff and enthusiasts:

1/We intend to go camping in Scotland next summer!
In this case you'd better provide for a perfectly water-proof tent ,a few umbrellas and a lot of dry and clean changes of cloth.

2/Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was: although it cost him to be put in custody for several days ,since he is both upright and obstinate, He didn't give in.

3/He would like so much you should agree at last together that all of you made the same thing at the same time, with less protests and more progress possible.

4/I have not yet thought about the coming christmas presents for my children . All the same I hate setting about it at the last moment and go shouldering my way through the crowd seeking for the things they would like to play with............and that I would like to use and play with too!I know them...........I always have to play with them...............

5/When at last my taxes be paid, will there be enough money left to buy whatever extras for me?

a/Everybody lykes her,don't they?
b/She hardly ever goes to London,does she?
c/She'd better stop mumbling, hadn't she?
d/I'm hard on you, aren't I ?
e/Give me that answer, will you ?
f/The children had too much chocolate, hadn't they ?
g/You'd rather not do this, hadn't you ?
h/Let's go home now, shall we ?

When I arrived 'in' France, I was faced with 'many' problems:
In first,I couldn't make 'ends' meet. 'Fortunately' I got a job in a fast food.Indeed my salary was very
low.I 'couldn't' stand to be 'underpaid' .
After, my hostess 'became' aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had 'fewer'
limits. I loved it! I will 'come' back there when I am wealthy .

Modifié par alpiem le 22-11-2014 02:02

Modifié par alpiem le 22-11-2014 02:11

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de koreen2012, postée le 21-11-2014 à 05:49:27 (S | E)
Hello Here4u !!!!
Thank you for this excercise!!!!
It was really difficult !!!! especially the abacus, but it was fun to discover a new thing, thank you!!!!

1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l'été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de rechanges sèches et propres.
We are planning to camp in Scotland next summer! / We are planning for next summer to go camping!
In this case, you had better allow a tent perfectly waterproof, umbrellas and many dry and clean spare item of clothing

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.
Pierre refused to confess where his accomplice was to the police : even though it costed him several days of police custody, as he is both loyal and obstinate, he didn't give in.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d'accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !
He really would like you to agree at last, to do the same thing at the same time, with fewer complaints and as much progress as possible !

4)Je n'ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m'y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de que j'aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais....Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....
I haven't thought about the future Christmas presents for my children yet. Nevertheless, I hate when I take care of it in the last moment and fight in the crowd to find with which they will feel like playing....And I would like to use and play with it too....I know them....I always have to play with them....

5)Quand j'aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d'argent pour acheter quoique ce soit de superflu pour moi ?
When I finally finish to pay my different taxes, will I have enough money to buy something in extra / anything superfluous for me?

2) Question tags:
a) Everybody likes her, don't they ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she?
c) She'd better stop mumbling, hadn't she?
d) I'm hard on you, aren't I?
e) Give me that answer, will you?
f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they?
g) You'd rather not do this, would you?
h) Let's go home now, shall we?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?
When I arrived to in France, I was faced with up to many problems :
In At first, I couldn' t make ends meet. The life is was so expensive in Europe.... I couldn't even afford to go to the movies every weeks. Fortunately I got a job in a fast food restaurant. Indeed But my salary was very low. I couldn't stand being underpaid.
After Later, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had less fewer limits. I loved it ! I will go back there when I am wealthy.
About 18 mistakes


It was difficult and not obvious but....after many hours (after a real brainstorming) I realised that the first word was almost written (begonia)....

Je n'ai pas tout à fait fini mais je préfère poster mon travail
See you soon


Modifié par koreen2012 le 22-11-2014 02:43

Have a nice weekend !!!!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 21-11-2014 à 09:21:03 (S | E)
Don't worry ! You have 4 more days to modify ... and 7 to post ... Time is on your side !
Hve a good day and weeke-end !
Kazan ! by now, I think you'll have 'guessed' that the theme is 'flowers' !

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de kazan, postée le 21-11-2014 à 15:03:00 (S | E)
Oh up until now, I've tried NOT to copy off my fellow comrades oh oh. So Tereda had the first one. I figured out the second one "Rose" but after that, no idea. I've looked up all the words beginning with a Z in my compact dictionary to no avail!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de maxwell, postée le 22-11-2014 à 10:29:05 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I've been looking forward to my favorite recreation all week !
I love everything you give us, and above all, translations which are most useful to me !
Here's the beginning of my work : I'll finish later, I promise !

1.1) We're planning to camp in Scotland next summer ! In that case, you'd better make sure you have a completely impermeable tent, umbrellas and a large change of dry and clean clothes
1.2) Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was : even though it costed him several days in custody, since he was both loyal and stubborn, he didn't yield.
1.3) He would so much like you to finally agree to all do the same thing at the same time, with as few complaints (or : protests) and as much progress as possible.
1.4) I haven't thought about my future christmas gifts for my children yet. However, I hate going about it (or : managing) at the last moment, fighting among the crowd to find what they will like to play with ... and I will like to use and explain too ! I know them ... I always have to play with them...
1.5) When I finally finish paying for my different taxes, will there be enough money left for me to buy me anything unnecessary ?

2a) Everybody likes her, don't they ?
2b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she ?
2c) She’d better stop mumbling, hadn't she ?
2d) I’m hard on you, aren't I ?
2e) Give me that answer, will you ?
2f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they ?
2g) You’d rather not do this, would you ?
2h) Let’s go home now, shall we?

3) A very interesting exercise !!!
When I arrived in France, I was faced with many problems :
In first, I couldn’ t make ends meet. The Life is was so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford going to go to the movies every weeks week.
FortunatlyFortunately, I got a job in a fast food restaurant. Indeed But my salary was very low. I can’t couldn't stand to be being underpayed underpaid.
After Afterwards, my hostess become became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had less fewer limits limitations. I loved it ! I will go back here there when I will be am wealthy.

I'd say 20 mistakes, one of which almost passed right under my nose : fortunately

|--A--E-------R ---Y--|

Begonia, Rose, Zinnia, Aster, Lily

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2014 15:25
No red on the forum, thank you

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 22-11-2014 à 13:15:16 (S | E)
Hello maxwell !
You made me smile ! You say you like the translations (= work!), but you 'rush onto' or 'get rid of' the brain-twisters (= play!) ! You're a player, aren't you ! A very talented one too ... Don't be 'ashamed of it' !
I'll adapt the proverb ... 'All work and no play would make Maxwell a dull man !'

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de maxwell, postée le 22-11-2014 à 20:20:39 (S | E)
you're right, after all ! Like a procrastinator, I often start with the easiest things to do, and let the rest for the future

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de ariane6, postée le 23-11-2014 à 11:46:36 (S | E)
Hello here4u !

1) Translate from French into English:
1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain !Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de vêtements de rechange secs et propres.
We plan to camp in Scotland next summer! In which case, you'd better take a fully waterproof tent, umbrellas and many changes of clean, dry clothing.

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.
Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was. Even though it cost him several days incustody, he didn't relent as he was both loyal and stubborn.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !
He would really like each one of you to finally agree on doing the same thing at the same time, with a minimum of protest and the maximum improvement/progress possible!
4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....
I still haven´t thought about Christmas gifts for my children. Yet, I hate doing it at the last moment, fighting the crowds to find something they´d want to play with... and something I'd like to use and also explain! I know them. I always have to play with them...

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoi que ce soit de superflu pour moi ?
When I finally finish paying all my taxes, will I have enough money left over to buy something frivolous for myself?

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’:
a) Everybody likes her , don't they.......... ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she........?
c) She’d better stop mumbling, hadn't she..............?
d) I’m hard on you, aren't I.......?
e) Give me that answer, will you.......?
f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they or hadn't they.......?
g) You’d rather not do this, would you........?
h) Let’s go home now, shall we ........?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them?
He has made a few mistakes, maybe between 20 and 25....

When I arrived in France, I faced many problems :
At first, I couldn't make ends meet. Life is so expensive in Europe ...I couldn't even afford going to the movies every week. Fortunately I got a job in a fast food restaurant. My salary was very low indeed. I couldn't stand being underpaid.
After (that), my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had no limits. I loved it ! I'll go back there when I'm wealthy.

|---A----E----------R -----Y----|

See you soon !
Thank you again for your exercises !

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de lakata, postée le 23-11-2014 à 18:33:03 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!
Exercise 22
I) Translate into English :

1) Nous envisageons de camper en Écosse l'été prochain - Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de vêtements de rechanges secs et propres.
We're planning to go camping in Scotland next summer - In your case, you 'd better make sure you bring a fully waterproof tent, some umbrellas and a change of plenty of dry and clean clothes.

2) Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtât plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.
Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was : although it cost him several police custody days, he didn't give in as he's both loyal and obstinate.

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d'accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles.
He'd like so much you all agree at last to do the same thing at the same time, with as few protests and as much progress as possible.

4) Je n'ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m'y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de que j'aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les faut toujours que je joue avec eux !
I still haven't thought about some Christmas presents for my kids. Yet, I hate waiting for the last minute then elbowing my way through the crowd so as to find what they will feel like playing with...not to mention which I'd like to use and to explain too! Because I know them...I have no choice but to play with them...

5) Quand j'aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d'argent pour m'acheter quoi que ce soit de superflu ?
When I have at last finished to pay my various taxes, will I still be able to afford anything superfluous for myself?

II) Put the necessary 'question tags':
a) Everybody likes her, don't they?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she?
c) She'd better stop mumbling, hadn't she?
d) I'm hard on you, aren't I?
e) Give me that answer, will you?
f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they?
g) You'd rather not do this, would you?
h) Let's go home now, shall we?

III) How many mistakes did he make? Can you please correct them?

When I arrived to in France, I was faced with much many problems :
In At first, I couldn't make endS meet. The Life is so expensive in Europe ! I couldn't even afford going to go to the movies every weekS. FortunatEly, I got a job in a fast-food restaurant. Indeed Actually, my salary was very low. I can't couldn't stand to be being underpayed underpaid. After Afterwards, my hostess become became aware of my situation and improved raised it a lot. I visited Paris and had less fewer limits limitations. I loved it! I will go back here there when I will be am wealthy.

IV) Abacus :
Despite the lot of time I spent on this tricky exercise, I must confess I am not sure of my answers at all. So, please, be lenient in case I'm wrong, dear teacher!
salsify - leek- spinash - chicory ( Sorry, I can't find the last one...)
Instead of saying it with flowers...and for Ariane's rabbit...
Many thanks for this copious exercise, Here4u!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de taiji43, postée le 23-11-2014 à 21:30:43 (S | E)
just before leaving to Indonesia here is my try without the game.

1.1) We're planning to camp in Scotland next summer! In that case, you'd better make sure you have a completely water proof tent, umbrellas and a multitude of dry and clean spare clothes

1.2) Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was : even though it costed him several days in custody, as he was both loyal and stubborn, he didn't give up
1.3) He would like you so much to finally agree to do, all of you, the same thing at the same time, with as few protests and as much progress as possible
1.4) I haven't thought about my future christmas gifts for my children yet. However, I hate taking care of it at the last moment, fighting among the crowd to find what they will like to play with ... and I will like to use and explain too ! I know them ... I always have to play with them...

1.5) When I finally finish paying for my different taxes, will there be enough money left for me to buy ununcessary anything

2a) Everybody likes her, don't they ?
2b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she ?
2c) She’d better stop mumbling, hadn't she ?
2d) I’m hard on you, aren't I ?
2e) Give me that answer, will you ?
2f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they ?
2g) You’d rather not do this, would you ?
2h) Let’s go home now, shall we?

When I arrived in France, I was faced with many problems :
At first, I couldn' t make ends meet. Life was so expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford to go to the movies every week.
Fortunately, I got a job in a fast food restaurant. Endeed my salary was very low. I couldn't stand being underpaid.Afterwards, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had fewer limits. I loved it ! I will go back there when I am wealthy.

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de icare29, postée le 25-11-2014 à 19:00:55 (S | E)
Hello Here4u here is my work

1) Translate from French into English :
a)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l'été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente parfaitement imperméable, des parapluies et une multitude de rechanges sèches et propres.
We are planning to camp in Scotland next summer .In that case , you'd better to foreseen a perfectly waterproof tent , some umbrellas and a package of clean -dried spare clothes

b)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et têtu, il ne céda pas.
Pierre refused to tell the police where his accomplice was, although he was held in custody for several days , as he is both faithful and stubborn he didn't give an inch ,

c)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d'accord pour faire tous la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !
He would like so much that you should at last agree to do the same thing at the same time, with the least protests and the most possible progress

d)Je n'ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m'y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer ? et que j'aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais ? Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....
i haven't thought my children's next Chrismas gifts yet, However, I hate to decide it at the last time and to make my way through the crowd in order to find what they would like to play with and what I would like too to use with ,,,,,,,, and explain how it work as well , I know them very well ,, I should always play with them

e)Quand j'aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d'argent pour acheter quoi que ce soit de superflu pour moi ?
When I once and for all pay off my different taxes , will I have enough money to buy some unnecessary things for me ?

2) Put the necessary ?question tags' :
a) Everybody likes her , ..don't they........ ?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, ...does she.....?
c) She'd better stop mumbling,.....wouldn't she.........?
d) I'm hard on you,.......aren't I............?
e) Give me that answer, ...won't you............?
f) The children had too much chocolate,...hadn't they..........?
g) You'd rather not do this, ...wouldn't you... ........?
Let's go home now,.....shall we.........?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?

When I arrive in France, I was faced up to many problems :
At first, I couldn't make ends meet. The life was so expensive in Europe ? I couldn't even afford to go to the movies every week. Fortunately I got a job in a fast food restaurant Indeed my salary was a pittance . I can't stand being underpaid.
Later, my hostess became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had fewer limits. I loved it ! I will go back there when I am be wealthy.

Thank you very much for this interesting exercise

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de notrepere, postée le 26-11-2014 à 02:05:48 (S | E)
Thank you for this exercise.

1) Translate from French into English:

1) We're planning on camping in Scotland next summer! In that case, I would suggest a completely waterproof tent, some umbrellas and several changes of clean clothes. I might also suggest a kilt.

2)Pierre refused to tell the police where his partner in crime was. Even though it cost him several days in custody, he didn't give in as he is both loyal and stubborn. Pierre is not an upstanding citizen, is he?

3) They would so like for you to finally agree to do the same thing at the same time with the least amount of protest and the maximum amount of progress.

4) I haven't yet thought of what I will get my children for Christmas. Yet, I hate waiting till the last minute and fighting the crowds in order to find something they'll want to play with...and that I'll also want to use and explain. I know them...they'll want me to play too...

5) When I've finally finished paying my various taxes, will there be enough money to buy myself something frivolous? Like a new hat? Maybe a scarf? Or ... a kilt!

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’:
a) Everybody likes her, don't they?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, does she?
c) She’d better stop mumbling, hadn't she?
d) I’m hard on you, aren't I?
e) Give me that answer, will/won't you?
f) The children had too much chocolate, didn't they? (The children have had too much chocolate, haven't they?)
g) You’d rather not do this, would you?
h) Let’s go home now, shall we?

3) How many mistakes did he make? Would you please correct them?
I don't know, between the errors and the poor writing...I don't know if I can correct them, but I will try.

When I arrived in France, I was faced with many problems:
At first(1), I couldn’t make ends meet. The cost of living(2) was(3) so high (L) in Europe … I couldn’t even afford to go(4) to the movies each(5) week. Fortunately I got a job in a fast-food (6) restaurant. However,(7) my salary was very low and I couldn’t expect anything but(8) to be underpaid.
Finally(9), my hostess became(3) aware of my situation and improved it a lot(10). I visited Paris and had more choices(11). I loved it! I will go back there(12) when I am(13) wealthy.

(1) Does he mean "at first" considering that everything turns out OK in the end or "First of all"?
(2) How much does a life cost, hein ?
(3) Narration preterite
(4) I prefer the infinitive to the gerund
(5) Every seems like a choice for present tense only; each is required for past tense, isn't it?
(6) Is "fast food" ever used as a standalone noun when referring to a type of job? I eat fast food in a fast food. No, I don't think so.
(7) I find "indeed" to be an inappropriate word here. The most overused word when translating from French to English.
(8) I don't find "stand" to be the right choice here. He might be dismayed by his salary, but not being able to stand it seems a little weird.
(9) Après ?
(10) Not the "casting couch" I hope?
(11) You Frenchies are so pessimistic.
(12) Unfortunately, you can never "go back here", you can only "go back there". But I'd rather say "return". Come back to the five and dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. Here, there, and everywhere.
(13) Ha, that is completely "du français".
(L) Merci, Lucile

My abacus broke and the beads scattered all over the floor. Then my dog ate them.

Modifié par notrepere le 27-11-2014 23:29

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2014 09:19

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de joe39, postée le 26-11-2014 à 18:43:25 (S | E)
Good evening!

Exercise 22.
Here is my try, dear here4u!

1 - We're planning to camp out in Scotland nex summer! So you'd better buy a perfectly waterproof tent, umbrellas and a lot of proper and dry spare clothes.
2 - Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplish was. Since he's at the same time loyal and stubborn, he didn't give in, even though/if it would cost him a lot of/many days in detention.
3 - He would like so much if all of you could at last agree to act by common consent in doing the same thing on the same time, with the most possible improvements/progress, without protestations.
4 - I haven't thought yet about next Christmas gifts for my children to buy.
I hate getting there at the very last moment to struggle, mingled among the crowded people, attempting to find out what they would play with...and that I would like to participate in and also explain them. I do know them...I should play with them all the time/ I would be pinned down to play with them all day long.
5 - Would I have enough money to buy the superfluos for me, after I'll have at last paid alla my taxes?/After I pay all my taxes, will I have enough money to buy the superfluos for me?

Question Tags.
A - Everybody love her, don't they?
B - She hardly ever goes to london, does she?
C - She'd better stop mumbling. hadfn't she?
D - I'm hard on you, aren't I?
E - Give me that answer, will you?
F - The children had too much chocolate, hadn't they?
G - You'd rather not to do this, would you?
H - Let's go home now, shall we?


I was not able to find out the fifth word.
The most I managed to set up were following words: Begonia, noise, zit, alley.
Unless I didn't correctly understand your instructions. Shame on me.
I'm now waiting for your reprimand to coma.

Anyway I thank you for the nice exercise and for your efforts to make me/us improve my/our language skill, which are much appreciated.
Have a pleasant evening.
Your friendly

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 27-11-2014 à 20:52:22 (S | E)
Hello !
Il me reste quelques travaux à envoyer, mais mon ordinateur, qui 'plante' sans raisons, ne m'aide pas beaucoup ...
La correction,(qui sera postée demain) est prête et l'exercice 23 aussi ... Croisons les doigts pendant que j'invoque les génies de l'informatique ... Bonne soirée !
Il reste encore du temps pour les amateurs ...

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de lucile83, postée le 27-11-2014 à 22:44:14 (S | E)

Before the deadline! Oh dear...why have the days got 24 hours only? ...Well,here I am without any abacus because I read the solutions anyway, being too lazy to think about it
Thank you for that exercise

1) Translate from French into English :
1. We are planning to go camping in Scotland next year! Therefore you’d better think up of having a perfectly waterproof tent, umbrellas, and a lot of dry and clean spare items of clothing.

2.Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was : though it cost him several days in custody, as he is both fair and stubborn, he didn’t give in.

3.He would be so glad that you agree at last in order to all do the same thing at the same time, with the least protest and the most progress possible!

4.I haven’t yet thought of the Xmas presents I am going to buy for my children. However, I hate waiting until the last moment and fighting the crowds in order to find what they will enjoy to play with…and that I will also like to use and explain! I know them… They always want me to play with them…

5.When I have at last finished paying my various taxes, will I have enough money left to buy myself anything superfluous?

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :
a) Everybody likes her , .......... don’t they?
b) She hardly ever goes to London, ........does she?
c) She’d better stop mumbling,..............hadn’t she?
d) I’m hard on you,...................aren’t I?
e) Give me that answer, ...............will you?
f) The children had too much chocolate,.............didn’t they?
g) You’d rather not do this, ..............would you?
h) Let’s go home now,..............shall we?

3) How many mistakes did he make ? Can you please correct them ?

When I arrived in France, I … faced … many problems :
At first, I couldn’ t make ends meet. The cost of living is so high in Europe … I couldn’t even afford going to the movies every week. Fortunately I got a job in a fast-food restaurant. However, my salary was very low. I can’t stand to be underpaid.
Fortunately, my boss became aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had fewer limits. I loved it! I will go back there when I am wealthy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2014 09:31
I have made some changes

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de here4u, postée le 28-11-2014 à 18:02:05 (S | E)
Hello You all !

As my computer seems to have decided to obey my claims, for once ... I'll post an early correction ...
If other people wanted to do the exercise before the real deadline (in a few hours) do it all the same and I'll send your individual explanation after the collective one !


1) Translate from French into English :
1)Nous envisageons de camper en Ecosse l’été prochain ! Dans ce cas, tu ferais mieux de prévoir une tente très imperméable , des parapluies et une multitude de rechanges sèches et propres.

We’re thinking of camping/ planning to camp/ planning on camping/intending to camp in Scotland next Summer. In that case, you’d better have a completely waterproof tent, several umbrellas and a heap of clean and dry clothes.

Many different suggestions for ‘envisageons de’=> all satisfactory if you matched the different constructions and the corresponding expressions!

2)Pierre refusa de dire à la police où était son complice : bien que cela lui coûtat plusieurs jours de garde à vue, comme il est à la fois loyal et borné, il ne céda pas.

Peter refused to tell the police where his accomplice was, though it cost him (he was held) several days in custody; as he is both loyal and stubborn, he wouldn’t yield. (give in/ give him away/betray him).

Well done if you noticed the indirect interrogative clause at the beginning and managed to build it! ‘Good’ for ‘both’and for the different means to express ‘il ne céda pas’. I tried to stick to the text, especially as I like ‘wouldn’t ‘ to express ‘obstination’ …

3)Il aimerait tellement que vous soyez enfin d’accord pour faire (tous) la même chose en même temps, avec le moins de protestations et le plus de progrès possibles !
He would be so pleased if you could finally all agree to do the same thing at the same time, with as few protests, and as much progress as possible.
He would like you all to agree to do the same thing …

Many of you skipped the ‘tous’ which made the sentence much easier to translate!!! N’oubliez-pas ‘le moins de + dénombrable’et ‘le plus de + indénombrable’ pour exprimer la formule et montrer que vous la connaissez pendant un examen (Komiks and others, maybe ...) vous connaissez : 3 fois plus = 3 fois autant que ; 4 fois moins de = 4 fois aussi peu que ; en au moins ! )
Attention ! Tous ceux qui ont mis ‘he’d like’ devaient faire suivre d’un infinitif complet ... ; certaines phrases proposées 'passaient' cependant, comme je vous l’ai dit dans vos corrections individuelles …

4)Je n’ai pas encore réfléchi aux futurs cadeaux de Noël de mes enfants. Pourtant, je déteste m’y prendre au dernier moment et me battre dans la foule pour trouver ce avec quoi ils auront envie de jouer … et que j’aimerai utiliser et expliquer aussi ! Je les connais … Il faut toujours que je joue avec eux ....

I haven’t yet thought of my kids’ future Xmas presents. Yet, I hate waiting for the last minute and fighting my way into the crowds in order to find what they’ll feel like playing with, and what I too, would like to use and explain. I know them too well! They always want me to play with them!

Je déteste = I hate + ing ; ‘me battre dans la foule’= bonne idée pour ‘elbowing my way through‘, shouldering my way through ’ for me, no elbows or shoulders ... just a simple ‘fight’ but I liked the plural of 'the crowds' which (I feel,) has a derogatory touch) and turns the crowds into the Shakespearean mobs that he hated so much …

5)Quand j’aurai enfin terminé de payer mes différents impôts, me restera-t-il assez d’argent pour acheter quoique ce soit de superflu pour moi ?

When I have finally finished paying my different taxes, shall I be left (OK! will I be left ...) with enough money to buy something frivolous for me ?

Good for those who didn’t fall into the trap of using our ‘very French’ future after ‘when’. In my opinion, the present perfect, (and not the simple present) was necessary here.(1 ‘the action will be finished’ antériorité mieux prise en compte …+2: use of finally .)
I couldn’t resist the pleasure of writing the terribly British ‘Shall I be left ‘(I love passives too …) Will you pardon me ? Don’t forget I’m here to have fun too …

2) Put the necessary ‘question tags’ :
a)Everybody likes her , DON’T THEY? (Everybody + verb in the singular, BUT tag in the plural!)
b)She hardly ever goes to London,DOES SHE?(As 'hardly' is semi-negative, it already contains ‘no’=> it’s not repeated in the tag!)
c)She’d better stop mumbling,HADN’T SHE? (She’d better = she HAD better) => tag in ‘hadn’t she?’
d)I’m hard on you, AREN’T I?(I am => tag in the plural ‘aren’t I?’)
e)Give me that answer, WILL YOU? ***(see below)
f)The children had too much chocolate,DIDN’T THEY? ('Had', here, was a verb => you needed the auxiliary for the tag + negative form as the sentence was in the affirmative =>’didn’t they ; oppose to: ‘She’s (has= auxiliary) got 3 brothers, hasn’t she?’
g)You’d rather not do this, WOULD YOU? (You’d rather = you would rather)
h)Let’s go home now, SHALL WE?.***

Well ! I kept the 2 imperatives to insist: in order to soften the orders given by the imperative, the tag should be in the interrogative future ! ‘Go to the window, will you?’ ‘’Let’s do it now, shall we?’ English speaking people are much less authoritative and bossy than Latins are !

3) How many mistakes did he make ? (so many ... we don't know really ... but I've seen a lot worse ...!) Can you please correct them ?

When I arrived IN to France, I was faced with MANY much problems :
AT In first, I couldn’ t make endS meet. The ( life is) COST OF LIVING WAS so HIGH expensive in Europe … I couldn’t even afford TO GO going to the movies every weeks. FortunatEly I got a job in a fast food RESTAURANT.YET Indeed my salary was very low. I can’t COULD’NT stand to be BEING UNDERPAID .underpayed
THENAfter(AfterWARDS , AFTER THAT,) my hostess become ,BECAME aware of my situation and improved it a lot. I visited Paris and had FEWER less limits. I loved it ! I will go back here THERE when I AM will be wealthy.

I don’t agree with one of you changing my context … My teenager was a paying guest => he had a hostess who, at first just gave him the bare minimum, and then became more ‘motherly’ ...

Now : 'The Life' => first it is abstract => Life... You should go and read notrepere's excellent explanation of this whole exercise ...How much is 'Life' or even 'a life' worth ... ? Is it cheap or expensive ... Obviously, here, the 'poorly written text' was referring to 'the cost of living' which is either 'high' or 'low' ...and YES! NP, for a great proportion of French people 'a fast food' is the place where you eat that sort of food ... especially for young people ! 'On va au fast food pour prendre un hamburger !' et les hommes mettent aussi des smokings pour aller dans des réceptions !

Slide the abacus beads (letters) across the wires to form 5 related words reading down. (the beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another !)


They were flowers this time … The following one is ready with another theme …

I hope you had fun ... I know that some had a good time, others had headaches, one lost her Latin (which makes me very sad ! ... Well, I'll try to be less naughty in N° 24 (too late for 23 ... I'm posting it in a minute if my computer remains obedient !)

to all of you for your kind words and for your efforts !

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de lucile83, postée le 28-11-2014 à 18:30:54 (S | E)
thank you for the fun!

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de lakata, postée le 29-11-2014 à 09:27:05 (S | E)

It's better when saying with flowers, isn't it?

Réponse: Exercice 22/diversify again de koreen2012, postée le 29-11-2014 à 13:07:16 (S | E)
Hello here4u !!!!
pour cet exercice, la correction, les encouragements et les nouvelles découvertes!!!!


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