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Exercice 49/Eager to work and play

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Exercice 49/Eager to work and play
Message de here4u posté le 31-07-2015 à 14:41:27 (S | E | F)
Here's some work to do... I know most of you are expecting some new difficult exercises... but they're not difficult!
Some translation from French to English..., a few jumbled up idioms and proverbs to untangle and of course, an abacus... Now that you have found out what to do, it'll be done in a wink...
The whole exercise is a and the collective correction will be on Thursday 13 August. Let the Force guide you.

A)Translate from French to English:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.

B) Here, you’ll have to work to find idioms or proverbs. Please, give their translations : (One only per line… I didn’t want to trouble anyone … again!)





3) ABACUS : Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. They’re NOT animals … but you’ll still realize this is no game!


(If necessary, see help at the beginning of exercice 48) Good luck! Don’t lose your patience.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-08-2015 14:39
Merci de changer les majuscules en minuscules quand vous faites l'exercice B

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de maya92, postée le 01-08-2015 à 11:18:17 (S | E)
Bonjour here4u,

Translate from French
- When little Mark fell down the whole house was shaken by a terrible howl and the cat’s fur bristled on its back
- It’s high time you understand that you must get along by yourself in life, now you are an adult
- To stare at the shooting stars can be relaxing and fun mainly if you make a wish every time you see one !
- Hardly had she finished her work when her boyfriend rang at the door to take her to see the film she had been willing to see since she was 12
- I’ve heard the sirens of the firemen and of the Mobile Emergency Service and ten minutes later the injured were taken to the hospital

Idioms and proverbs
- She was so sad she could not help crying her eyes out (Elle était si triste qu’elle ne pouvait s’empecher de pleurer à chaudes larmes)
- We can see the straw in the eyes of the others but not the beam in our own eyes (on voit la paille dans l’oeil des autres mais pas la poutre dans nos yeux)
- It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back (c’est le comble !)
- It’s the pot calling the kettle black (c’est la paille et la poutre)

Again no Abacus for me...Thank you and have a nice weekend..

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de siren12, postée le 01-08-2015 à 14:57:06 (S | E)
Hello here4u
You'll find my finished try below.
Impossible to do the abacus as always. I think I would do better if it was cross words.

A)Translate from French to English:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When the little Marc had fallen, a terrible yell shook all the house and the cat's fur bristled on his back.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood that you had to defend by yourself in life, now you are a grown-up.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Staring at the shooting stars in the August sky is peaceful and funny especially if a wish is made every time we noticed one!
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
No soon as she had finished her work that her boyfriend knocked at the door to take her to the movies to watch the film she had wanted to since she was 12.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I had heard the firefighter and emergency ambulance service sirens and 10 minutes later, hurt people were brought over to the hospital at top speed.

B) Here, you’ll have to work to find idioms or proverbs. Please, give their translations : (One only per line… I didn’t want to trouble anyone … again!)
She was so sad; She could not help crying her eyes out.
Elle était tellement triste qu'elle ne put s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.

We can see the straw in the eyes of others, but not the beam in our own eyes.
Nous pouvons voir la paille dans l'œil du voisin mais pas la poutre dans notre propre oeil. Nous voyons les moindres imperfections chez l'autre et sommes comme aveugles devant nos énormes défauts.

It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
C'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase

It is the pot that calls the kettle black
C'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité.

A great thank for this new interesting exercice as usual.
I wish I didn't make too mistakes.

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de taiji43, postée le 01-08-2015 à 18:25:24 (S | E)
Hello Here4u. Thank you for this new intertainment
.For the moment it is, maybe a draft..
I am thinking about your delicious abacus exercise.
Really I am not a champion…
I am starting with the translation

1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When the little Marc had fallen, a tremendous yell shook the whole house and the cat's fur bristled on his back.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood that you have to cope on your own in life, now you are an adult.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Gazing at the shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and funny especially if a wish is made every time we caught sight of one!
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
No sooner had she finished her work that her boyfriend rang her doorbell in order to take her to the film, she had felt like watching since she was 12 years
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I had heard the fire-siren and these of the emergency ambulance and 10 minutes later,
the injured were taken to hospital in double-quick time.

bye for now...

Here are the idioms and the proverbs

I have found six words in the first vertical.
I have to find words in the last vertical in order to discover a common theme before leaving on Thursday...

Bye for now and have a nice day dear HERE4U

a) She was so sad; she could not help crying her eyes out.
Elle était tellement triste ; qu’elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.

b).We can see the straw in the eyes of others, but not the beam in our own eyes.
Nous voyons la paille dans l’œil de notre voisin, mais pas la poutre dans notre propre œil.

c) It's the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Traduction littérale : C’est la dernière paille qui casse le dos du chameau.
Proverbe : C'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.

d) It is the pot that calls the kettle black.
C'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité.

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de joe39, postée le 02-08-2015 à 11:33:39 (S | E)
Dear here4u,
Thanks for your new exercise.
Could you give us at least the same kind of help you gave for number 48's ABACUS i.e.:
how many letters per each word are there, pleeeease?
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
Have a pleasant Sunday.
Yours friendly

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de maxwell, postée le 02-08-2015 à 17:58:42 (S | E)
Thanks here4U for this 5-star abacus I won't forget! After hours and hours of research, I am dying for the answer.

1) When little Mark fell down, the entire house was shaken by a terrible scream and the cat's fur bristled on its back
2) It's high time you understood that you have to defend yourself alone in life, now that you're an adult.
3) Staring at shooting stars in the sky in August is restful and funny especially if we make a wish each time we can see one !
4) Hardly had she finished her work when her boyfriend rang at the door to take her out to watch the movie she had been waiting to since she was twelve.
5) I could hear the firefighter siren and the ambulance siren, and ten minutes later, the injured were rushed to hospital

a) She was so sad ; she could not help crying her eyes out. = Elle était tellement triste ; elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.
b) We can see the straw in the eyes of others, but not the beam in our own eyes. = nous voyons la paille dans l'oeil de notre voisin, mais pas la poutre dans le nôtre.
c) It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back = c'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase
d) It is the pot that calls the kettle black : c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité

C) I'm afraid I'm stuck : I've found many words dealing with this theme, but I don't know which ones are correct, and there are far too many possibilities... and I'm almost sure I don't know the other words
TOWEL (5) or TOWELS (6)
SEA (3)
SWIMMING (8) or SWIM (4)
SAND (4)
WAVES (5) or WAVE (4)
SHARK (5) or SHORE (5) or SHELL (5)

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 02-08-2015 à 20:51:20 (S | E)
for asking ... In fact I had, at first, forgotten to write the clues... Then I imagined that as you didn't ask for them, you didn't need them... I was just being hard on you ... naughty me!
Here are the clues : 10 words: one has 3 letters, 3 have 4 letters, one has 5 letters, 2 have 6, one has 7 and 2 have 8 letters! Hope it will help !
Have a good week!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de lakata, postée le 03-08-2015 à 10:55:43 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u!

Thank you for this exercise.
I only did the first part as I've found the same as other people in the third one, and you know I'm not keen on abacus at all. So my essay is ready to be corrected.

A) Translate:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible a secoué toute la maison et les poils du chat se sont hérissés sur son dos.
When little Marc fell down, the whole household was shaken by a terrific yell and the cat's fur brisled.

2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood you'll have to hold your own in life, now that you've grown up.

3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d'août est reposant et amusant, surtout si on fait un vœu chaque fois qu'on en aperçoit une.
Watching the shooting stars in August skies is relaxing and entertaining, particularly if you make a wish at each glimpse of one!

4) À peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis l'âge de 12 ans.
No sooner her work over/ had she finished her work than her boyfriend rang the bell in order to take her to a film she'd been eager to watch since she was twelve.

5) J'ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et dix minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l'hôpital à toute vitesse.
I could hear the sirens of the firefighters and the ambulance, and ten minutes later, the injured were rushed to hospital.

Enjoy your holiday! See you soon.

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de dom74, postée le 03-08-2015 à 12:39:42 (S | E)
1)Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When the little Marc fell,a terrific howl shaked the whole house and it got the cat's back up.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's about time that you understand you must defend yourself on your own in life, now that you're an adult.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Watching the shooting stars in an August sky is peaceful and funny especially if you make a wish each time you catch sight of one !
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
She had just finish her work when her boyfriend rang at the door to take her to the cinema to see a film she wanted to see since she was twelve.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I heard the firefighter and emergency medical service sirens and 10 minutes later, the injured were rushed to hospital.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-08-2015 13:08

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de dom74, postée le 03-08-2015 à 14:44:54 (S | E)
-She was so sad; she could mot help crying her eyes out. Elle était si triste qu'elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer à chaudes larmes.

- We can see the straw in the eyes of others but not the beam in our own eye.On peut voir une paille dans les yeux de son voisin mais pas la poutre qui nous aveugle.

- It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. c'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.

- it is the pot that calls the kettle black.c'est l'hopital qui se moque de la charité

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 03-08-2015 à 14:59:10 (S | E)
hello dom!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de dinoza, postée le 03-08-2015 à 18:05:15 (S | E)
dear Here4u and dear workmates,
here's my try for exercises 1 and 2 and I'm still working on the abacus. I hate abacus,I hate abacus,I hate abacus,I hate abacus! Do you know I hate abacus! I never find any, and I'm bad sport!
Thème 49
A)Translate from French to English: -> I love translations . This one was quite easy unless I didn't see the traps!
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When the little Marc fell down, a terrible yell shook the whole house and the hair of the cat bristled on its back.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood that you must defend yourself in life, now that you are a grown up.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Looking at shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and entertaining especially if you make a wish whenever you see one !
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
Hardly had she finished her work when her boyfriend rang at the door to take her to watch the film she has wanted to see since she was 12 years old.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I heard the siren of the firefighters and the ambulance and 10 minuttes later, the wounded persons were taken to the hopsital at full speed.

B) Here, you’ll have to work to find idioms or proverbs. Please, give their translations : (One only per line… I didn’t want to trouble anyone … again!)
→ she was so sad she could not help crying her eyes out ! = Elle était si triste qu'elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps !
→ We can see the straw in the eyes of others but not the beam in our own eyes ! → On voit toujours les défauts chez les autres pas chez nous !
→ It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back → C'est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase.
→ It is the pot that calls the kettle black. → c'est l'hopital qui se fout de la charité.

=> Thanks for the idioms. I love discovering new ones...

Modifié par dinoza le 03-08-2015 18:18
Correction "sang" -> rang! It's more efficient I think, I didn't try though!
+ Merci à un collègue qui me fait mettre le present perfect à la phrase 4! hihi

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de taiji43, postée le 04-08-2015 à 12:00:23 (S | E)
Abacus:I keep racking my brain. I have found a lot of words, however ! haven't found the theme yet.Oh dear!
If you can give us the number of the letters of the first vertical word? I believe in in Santa Claus.
Have a nice day

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 04-08-2015 à 21:16:36 (S | E)
Come on ! just a little help to tell you that the theme of the abascus has something to do with the summer HOLIDAY ! (a real great help, in fact!)
taiji ....if you can't find the first word = 4 letters ... try with the last one (letters on the right!)

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de , postée le 05-08-2015 à 00:24:59 (S | E)
Here is what I've done.

1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When little Marc fell down, a horrendous scream shook the whole house and the cat's hair stood on end.

2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood that you must fend for yourself in life, now that you're an adult.

3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Looking at shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and entertaining, especially if you make a wish whenever you see one!

4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
She was hardly finished with her work when her boyfriend rang the doorbell to take her out to watch the movie that she had wanted to see since she was twelve years old.

5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
→ I heard the firefighters' and ER's sirens and ten minutes later, the wounded were rushed to the hospital.

Thank you for reading me!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de mamou3, postée le 05-08-2015 à 07:07:37 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, Hello everybody !

Thank you for this new exercise ! Here is my try :

A. Into English
1. When little Marc fell a terrible yell shook all the house and the cat's hair stood up on its back.
2. It's high time you understood that you have to defend yourself alone in the life now that you're an adult.
3. Watching shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and fun especially if a witch is made each time you can see one of them.
4. No sooner had she finished her work that her boyfriend rang the doorbell to pick her up to see the film she wanted to see since she was 12.
5. I heard the firefighters and ambulance siren and ten minutes later the injured persons were taken to hospital at top speed.

B. Idioms or proverbs
1. She was so sad; she could not help crying her eyes out.
Elle était si triste qu'elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.
2. We can see the straw in the eyes of the others but not the beam in our eyes.
Nous voyons la paille dans l'oeil de nos voisins mais pas la poutre dans le nôtre.
3. It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
C'est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase.
4. It is the pot that calls the kettle back.
C'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité.


Thank you very much again ! -It's when you want for the correction.

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de dinoza, postée le 05-08-2015 à 08:11:53 (S | E)
Hello dear all,
the first word might be "park"? that doesn't help find others though!( Note the use of the modal, which tells you how confident I am!)

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 05-08-2015 à 09:08:02 (S | E)
Hello ! No, it isn't ... but 3 of your letters are used in my word!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de taiji43, postée le 05-08-2015 à 11:00:45 (S | E)
J'ai 10 mots dont park mais aussi RAKE

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 05-08-2015 à 13:25:35 (S | E)
'Tu brûles!' Bravo ! Allez ... on continue !

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de taiji43, postée le 05-08-2015 à 17:35:13 (S | E)
A new word spark.I am trying all the combinations. I have a lack of time now...

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de lucile83, postée le 05-08-2015 à 18:52:55 (S | E)
Hey taiji43,
That's not the place for private messages ...Thank you

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de alpiem, postée le 05-08-2015 à 19:34:04 (S | E)
hello here4u and all faithful anglophile holiday-makers!
ok for correction
A) Translate:
1)Just as little Marc fell down the entire house was shaken by an appalling scream and the cat's hair bristled.
2)It's about time you got it that you'll have to fend for yourself in life now that you are grown up.
3)Looking at the shooting stars up in the August skies is restful and funny especially if we make a wish each time we catch sight of one!
4)No sooner had she finished her work than her boyfriend rung the door bell to get her going to see the movie that she hopped to see since she was twelve .
5)I heard the fire brigade's and the SAMU's alarms ring and ten minutes later the wounded were rushed to the hospital at full speed.

B) idioms
a)She was so sad she could not help crying her eyes out.(pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps)
b)We can see the straw in the eye of others but not the beam in our own eyes.(avant de voir la paille dans l'oeil des autres, retire d'abord la poutre qui est dans le tien)
c)It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. ( c'est la goutte qui fait deborder le vase)
d)It's the pot calling the kettle black. (c'est l'hopital qui se moque de la charité.)
it's all right for correction here4u thanks a lot!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 05-08-2015 à 21:48:14 (S | E)
J'espère que vous avez tous suivi la suggestion de taiji ( merci de tes recherches ... tu as bien fait avancer le 'teapot' ... )
Bonne soirée à tous!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 06-08-2015 à 10:01:35 (S | E)
For those of you who need a bigger hint... (and I think that you all do...) the theme of the abacus is at the beach! Easy, wasn't it?

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de icare29, postée le 06-08-2015 à 10:33:52 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , here is my work

A)Translate from French to English:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
just as the little Marc was falling down , an awful yell shook the whole house and the cat's fur bristled on its back.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
it's high time you understood you have to stand up for yourself in the life , you've become a grown-up now
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d'août est reposant et amusant surtout si l'on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l'on en aperçoit une !
Staring the shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and funny ,in particular if we make a wish each time we can see one moving in the beautiful vault of heaven
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
Hardly had she finished her work than her boyfriend rang at the door so that to take her to see the film , the one she has been craving for since she was 12
5) J'ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l'hôpital à toute vitesse.
I had heard the sirens of the fire engine and the emergency medical service vehicle and ten minutes later the wounded persons were taken to hospital at top speed

She was so sad ;she could not help crying her eyes out.
Elle était si triste qu' elle ne put s'empêcher de verser toutes les larmes de son corps

we can see the straw in the eyes of others ,but not the beam in our own eyes.
Nous voyons la paille qui se trouve dans l'oeïl de notre prochain mais pas la poutre qui se trouve dans le nôtre

the last straw that breaks the camel's back
la goutte qui fait déborder le vase

it's the pot that calls the kettle black
l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité

ABACUS ; Sorry, I haven't enough time for discovering the words
for this new exercise

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de tereda, postée le 07-08-2015 à 16:19:53 (S | E)
hello everyone and here4u,
It's my turn to give my work,

A)Translate from French to English:
1. When Little Marc fell down, a terrible howl shook the whole house, and the cat bristled its coat.
2. It's high time you understood that you must fight for yourself, we are alone in the life, and you are an adult now.
3. Watching the shooting stars in the sky of August is restful and funny, above all if we make a wish each time we see one !
4. Hardly had she finished her work, that her boyfriend rang to the door to take her to watch the movie she wanted to see since she was 12.
5. I have heard the fire siren and Emergency, then 10 minutes later, the wounded were driven to the hospital in great haste.

She was so sad, she could not help crying her eyes out
Elle était si triste, elle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps

We can see the STRAW in the eyes of the others, but not THE BEAN in our own eye.
Nous pouvons voir la paille dans les yeux des autres, mais pas la "poutre" dans le sien. Ou bien :
voir la paille dans l’œil du voisin et ne pas voir la poutre dans le sien

That's the (last)straw that breaks the camel's back - C'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.

That is the pot that calls the kettle black
c'est le poêle qui se moque du chaudron.

I have found only some words, not all,
swimming - spark - novel - shade - towel - sand
I continue to search other words, in case of.... So, Here4u, please give me 2 more days

Modifié par tereda le 07-08-2015 17:34

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 07-08-2015 à 23:04:01 (S | E)
Hello tereda!
Don't worry... you still have a lot of time... (till the 13th! )
Now that I gave the theme, you should see that some words don't fit in... and make the necessary adjustments ...
Have a great weekend!

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de joe39, postée le 10-08-2015 à 19:07:28 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Here is my try.

A)Translate from French to English:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
As soon as little Marc fell, a terrible shriek shook the whole house/echoed through the house, making bristle the cat’s hairs on his back.

2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's time you understand you have to defend yourself on your own in the life , now that you're an adult.

3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une !
Watching the shooting stars in the August sky is relaxing and amusing, especially if you make a wish whenever you spot one.
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
Hardly had she finished her work that the doorbell rang.
It was her young boy friend who had come to take her to watch the movie he had been wanting to, since she was 12 years old.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I heard the sirens of firefighters and EMS and 10 minutes later, the wounded were taken to hospital at top speed.

B) Here, you’ll have to work to find idioms or proverbs. Please, give their translations : (One only per line… I didn’t want to trouble anyone … again! )
She was crying her eyes out; so sad she could not help.
Elle pleurait à chaude larmes, si triste qu’on ne pourrait l’aider
We can see the straw in the eyes of others, but not the beam in our own eyes.
Nous pouvons voir la paille qui est dans l’œil du voisin et ne pas voir la poutre qui est dans notre./Voir la paille qui est dans l’œil du voisin et ne pas voir la poutre dans le sien.
It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
C’est la dernière goutte qui fait déborder le vase.
It is the pot that calls the kettle black.
Il est le pot qu’appelle la bouilloire noire.
Voyez en peu qui nous fait la morale!

I didn’t lose my patience, but, this time, the force wasn’t enough to make me able to find other words than:
park, swimming, snorkel, towel, sand, waves, which could fit the grid in accordance with the theme. Not everything turns out as it should.

Notwithstanding this, your exercise was, as usual, an excellent one and I thank you very much for your professionalism.
I wish you a great week and remain,
Yours friendly

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de here4u, postée le 10-08-2015 à 22:40:01 (S | E)
Hello ! ARGHHHHHHHH I've done it again ...
On the seventh line, third letter, you must read B instead of M . SORRY! How could I do that and not see it before, in spite of my many proofreadings?
I'm awfully sorry, even though I fear it might not change much... (but it might...) Will you ever forgive me?
I must (also) admit it was extremely difficult... worth more than
I'll start sending the individual corrections tomorrow and N°50, which should be less irritating, will be online on the 13th in the morning ...

Réponse : Exercice 49/Eager to work and play de ronald1955, postée le 11-08-2015 à 09:15:59 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Here is my work, un Grand à vous pour la création de ce test fort attractif ! Dès que vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez le corriger!

A)Translate from French to English:
1) Lorsque le petit Marc est tombé, un hurlement terrible secoua toute la maison et les poils du chat se hérissèrent sur son dos.
When little Marc fell down, the whole house was shaken by a terrible yell and the cat's fur bristled on its back.
2) Il est grand temps que tu comprennes que tu dois te défendre seul dans la vie, maintenant que tu es adulte.
It's high time you understood that you must defend yourselve alone in life, now that you are an adult.
3) Regarder les étoiles filantes dans le ciel d’août est reposant et amusant surtout si l’on fait un voeu à chaque fois que l’on en aperçoit une!
Staring at shooting stars in the sky in August, is restful and entertaining particularly if we make a wish each time we can see one!
4) A peine avait-elle terminé son travail que son petit ami sonna à la porte pour l'emmener voir le film qu'elle voulait voir depuis qu'elle avait 12 ans.
No sooner had she finished her work than her boyfriend rang at the door in order to take her out to watch the movie she had wanted to see since she was twelve.
5) J’ai entendu les sirènes des pompiers et du SAMU et 10 minutes plus tard, les blessés étaient transportés à l’hôpital à toute vitesse.
I've heard the sirens of the fire brigade and of the emergency services, and ten minutes later, the injured were rushed to hospital.

B) Here, you’ll have to work to find idioms or proverbs. Please, give their translations : (One only per line… I didn’t want to trouble anyone … again!)
a)/CRYING/HELP/SAD/COULD/WAS/SHE/SHE/SO/NOT/OUT/HER/EYES/; /./ She was so sad ; she could not help crying her eyes out. - Elle était tellement triste qu'elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.

We can see the straw in the eyes of others, but not the beam in our own eyes. - Nous voyons la paille dans l'oeil de notre voisin, mais pas la poutre qui se trouve dans le nôtre.

c) /STRAW/CAMEL/IT/THE/THE/BREAKS/’S/’S/THAT/LAST/BACK/ It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back - C'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase!

It is the pot that calls the kettle black - C'est l'hôpital qui se moque/fout de la charité.


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