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Ex 100/ Time flies

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Ex 100/ Time flies
Message de here4u posté le 14-01-2017 à 20:46:01 (S | E | F)

Hello, Dearest Friends,
Here is number 100. It will be an "extra-ordinary" one... a different one, longer, as difficult, more varied. Do not forget that you may do what you fancy and leave out what you don't! It's a and the correction will be online on Monday, January 30th.

I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.

Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !

Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please. (Those in green can have several meanings!)


Cet exercice sera "à volonté" ... Vous pourrez vous arrêter lorsque vous le désirerez ... Nous pouvons remercier Lucile pour ce texte (facile et amusant ) qu'elle m'a suggéré et qui remplace une version difficile (que je vous mets de côté pour une autre fois! ) Lucile n'est pas responsable des pièges que vous pourriez ressentir dans la partie remise en ordre ... J'assume totalement.
"It is the only cooking which a "true" man will make.
When a man goes volunteer to make this type of cooking, the chain of the following events is then :"

Hum hum.... Unfortunately, the "chain of events" has been mixed up=> You'll first have to find the right order of the events.
=> Then, if you choose to, you may translate this easy text ( or not!)
( Il s'agit d'un re-ordering : remettez les phrases dans l'ordre en les numérotant de 1. à 10. afin que l'histoire soit cohérente.
Une fois la logique du texte reconstituée, vous pouvez, ou non, choisir de le traduire en français.

. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
. The woman goes to the grocer's.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.
Good Luck!

I nearly forgot to post an exercise...

IV) We're going to write a story together... I will start with the first two sentences and the following Lover of English will write a sequel to my sentences, whatever he or she wants, ( BUT NOT MORE THAN 20 WORDS). You can choose the tone, the type of the story, make it surrealistic, serious, funny, absurd, add characters, etc. You MUST follow what was given to you (correcting it if necessary,) and create from there... The story … and its ending will depend on each of you.

"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...(to be continued...)

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)

1) prods and bends: ------------------- 2) Draw and hoarder: -------------------- 3) Proud and sheer: -------------------

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:

M - N I - U - -
B - - Z Z - - D
E - - P T - O -
P E - S - A - -

I had lots of others... but I save them for N° 200! Have fun! and Good Luck!

Last, but not least, I want to thank you All, and CONGRATULATE you ALL on this N°100, for all the work you've given me and the constancy you've shown for all those weeks and months. You've been my incentive to go on in this sometimes tiring, often technically exasperating process., but which was always so rewarding humanely and linguistically speaking.
As excellent and terribly motivating Students, you've known how to trigger the desire to go on, respecting deadlines and letting me respect them because I knew quite a great number of you were champing at the bit... As my "laborious student" told you in N°99, YOU'RE GREAT! (I wish I could have bigger font here, but I can't ) Thanks a lot to all of you; you've given me really much!

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-01-2017 21:06

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de lucile83, postée le 14-01-2017 à 21:11:25 (S | E)
Hello and congrats on your 100th exercise !!!!
It's a great event

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 14-01-2017 à 21:51:14 (S | E)
Hello Lucile !

for your appreciation and your help! Thanks to you, fun and humour will be present here...
Our friends will hate me for some passages, for sure... but I wanted to keep the standard!

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de maxwell, postée le 15-01-2017 à 16:14:49 (S | E)
Hello Here4U.
What an extraordinary one ! This one was no work at all, only pleasure ! Thanks a lot Lucile for your realistic story
I've found the 5th exercise so useful (we really have to know the idiomatic expression) and the 4th exercise so funny that I'd love to see them more often in the future !
Sorry to be the first one to post but I've been missing your exercises for too long and I couldn't wait to have fun with it !
Have a great fortnight !

I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.

A proverb says you will spend the New Year the way you greet it.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
I cannot make New Year's resolutions because I cannot keep them. It's always the same old story.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You didn't want to start this New Year in a bitter and resentful mood. You could have sorted it out your way, but you always want to do everything too fast and that's why you have failed.

4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
The bottom line is that I wouldn't put it past her to pester me out of doing it !

5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !
Are you doing anything special this weekend ? How about if you came to our house? You'll see how our children have grown and how I've done that "shack" up as you used to name it. Come on, I won't take no for an answer !

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.

Business As Usual : affaires courantes
Emergency Room : Salle d'urgence
Please Turn Over : Tournez la page SVP
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People : Association nationale pour l'avancement des gens de couleur
Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique
As soon as possible : Dès que possible
Missing In Action : Disparu au combat
Miss You Always : Tu me manqueras toujours
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals : Société royale pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux (= SPA)
Driving Under the Influence : conduite sous l'emprise d'alcool ou de stupéfiants
Prisoner of War : Prisonnier de guerre
Maternal Mortality Rate : Taux de mortalité maternelle
Away From Keyboard : Loin du clavier
Absent Without Leave : Absence irrégulière
Young Women's Christian Association : Association des femmes chrétiennes
Year 2000 : l'an 2000 / You're Too Kind : Vous êtes trop gentil / Yet to Know : reste à savoir
American Stock Exchange : bourse américaine (à New York)
Deoxyribonucleic Acid : ADN / Does Not Apply : ne s'applique pas / Data Not Available : donnée non disponible
Polyethylene Tephtalate : Ploytéréphtalate d'éthylène (plastique) / Preliminary English Test (test d'évaluation en anglais de Cambridge)
Intensive Care Unit : unité de soins intensifs / I See You

" It is the only cooking which a "true" man will make.
When a man goes volunteer to make this type of cooking, the chain of the following events is then :"

. The woman goes to the grocer's.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman."
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.

C'est la seule cuisine qu'un homme authentique est prêt à faire.
Quand un homme se porte volontaire pour faire ce type de cuisine, l'enchaînement des événements est alors :
- la femme va chez le marchand de fruits et légumes
- la femme prépare les assiettes et les apporte sur la table
- la femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert
- la femme prépare la viande pour la cuisson, la place sur le plateau avec les ustensiles nécessaires et les apporte à l'homme qui est près du barbecue en train de boire une bière
- L'homme dépose la viande sur le gril
- La femme est à l'intérieur en train de dresser la table et de vérifier la cuisson des légumes
- la femme retourne dehors pour dire à son mari que la viande est en train de brûler
- l'homme retire la viande du gril et l'apporte à la femme
- Après le repas, la femme débarrasse la table et fait la vaisselle
- L'homme demande à la femme si elle a apprécié de ne pas cuisiner
- Et devant son air agacé, il en déduit que les femmes ne sont jamais contentes.

I think there's another genuine recipe that "true" men know how to cook : the turkey with whiskey

IV) write a sequel to my sentences :
"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder.
Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear.

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)

1) prods and bends: pros and cons 2) Draw and hoarder: Law and order 3) Proud and sheer: Loud and clear

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:


Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 16-01-2017 à 11:58:31 (S | E)
Hello Maxwell! Hello dear Friends,
You were really feeling withdrawal symptoms, weren't you? What a rush! you're killing me!
Glad to notice that men admit and appreciate Lucile's story... Does that mean that they're lazy and happy to be?
For the "acronyms" 5 ou 6 (may be right but) are not mine! Of course, there are several possibilities, but I'd like the most frequent ones!
I won't start correcting before 2 or 3 days ...
Oh! By the way: don't forget that if you notice/suspect some mistakes in the text we're writing together, you should indicate them in blue... before adding your words. (20 is a maximum, but you may add fewer is you feel like it!)

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de taiji43, postée le 17-01-2017 à 17:19:06 (S | E)
Thank you for this fireworks of sentences

In I, sentence 1 I dind’t find this proverb in English .I translated it word for word
The number II is very useful but really boring for me
And the V , despite a certain amount of time spent on it, I give up for the second one (sorry)


I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
A proverb says the way you spent New Year’s Eve will be the way you spend all-year-round.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
I can’t make New Year's resolutions because I cannot keep them. It's always the same old story.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You didn't feel like starting this New Year in a such state of bitter ness and grudge. You could have settled it your own way, but you always want to do everything too fast and that's why you have failed.

4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
All this in order to say that she would really capable of pestering me out of doing it

5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !

Are you doing anything special this weekend ? What about coming to our house? You'll see how our children have grown and how I've done up that shack as you used to describing it . Come on, I do not take no for an answer !

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.

1.Business As Usual : affaires courantes
2.Energy Research: Recherch en Energie
3. Parent Teacher Organisation : Organisation Parents Enseignants
5. Meteorological Research Institute : Institut de recherche météorologique
6 Aviation Safety Action Program : programme sur la sécurité d’aviation civile
7. Minneapolis Institute of Arts l’Institut des Arts deMinneapolis
8. Multi-Year Agreement. : Accord Puriannuel
9.Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals : Société royale pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux
10.Dial Up Internet : Internet par connexion
11.Prisoner of War : Prisonnier de guerre
12.Maternal Mortality Rate : Taux de mortalité maternelle
13A way From Keyboard : Loin du clavier
14. A Way of Life : Une façon de vivre
15.Young Women's Christian Association : Association des Jeunes Femmes Chrétiennes
16.Year 2000 : l'an 2000
17.American Stock Exchange : Bourse Americanize (à New York)
18. Department(al) Network Administrator : Administrateur du réseau Départemental
19. Polyethylene Terephthalate : Téréphthalate de polyéthylène
20.Intensive Care Unit : Unité de soins intensifs


. The woman goes to the grocer's.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman."
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.

C'est la seule cuisine qu'un homme authentique est prêt à faire.
Quand un homme se porte volontaire pour faire ce type de cuisine, l'enchaînement des événements est le suivant
1- la femme va chez l’épicier
2- la femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert
3- la femme prépare la viande pour la cuisson, la place sur le plateau avec les ustensiles nécessaires et les apporte à l'homme qui est près du barbecue en train de boire une bière
4- - la femme prépare les assiettes et les apporte sur la table
5- L'homme place la viande sur le gril
6- La femme est à l'intérieur en train de mettre la table et de vérifier la cuisson des légumes
7- la femme retourne dehors pour dire à son mari que la viande est en train de brûler
8- l'homme retire la viande du gril et l'apporte à la femme
9- Après le repas, la femme débarrasse la table et fait la vaisselle
10- L'homme demande à la femme si elle a apprécié de ne pas cuisiner
11- Et devant son air agacé, il en déduit que les femmes ne sont jamais contentes.

IV) write a sequel to my sentences :
"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder.

Comme j’avançais dans la neige plus près de la forme qui semblait immobile je pris conscience de ma confusion un ski sur son épaule droite .En réalité c’était un petit sapin où était adossé un ski sur une de ses branches située la droite du tronc

As I moved forward in the snow, nearer the green shape which seemed keep still , I realized my confusion. In reality, it was a little green fir where a ski was leant against a branch located on the right of his trunk …What a pity it was not a dwarf…

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)

1) prods and bends: Odds and????… 2) Draw and hoarder :Law en boarder 3) Proud and sheer : Round and Here
VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:


Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 17-01-2017 à 17:47:43 (S | E)
Hello !
un peu casse-têtes!

Attention! Il vous faut reprendre (et éventuellement corriger) la phrase de votre prédécesseur ET ne pas terminer votre histoire, mais laisser une porte ouverte pour que le suivant puisse rebondir !
Le premier (qui avait la tâche un peu plus facile que les suivants aura le devoir de trouver un moyen habile de trouver une fin dans la journée du 30 ! )

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de taiji43, postée le 17-01-2017 à 18:17:33 (S | E)
Au sujet de l'histoire...Je n'avais pas compris qu'il fallait continuer ce que Maxwell avait déjà écrit .Je suis désolée

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de jo06, postée le 17-01-2017 à 20:06:09 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Hope you feel well
Hello everybody
Ready to be corrected
I)Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
-There is a proverb that says the way you spend New year’s Eve is the way you are going to spend all year long.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
-I am unable to take New Year’s resolutions because I never get to keep them. It’s always the same story.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
-You didn’t feel like to start this year in being bitter and resentful. You could have handled this your way but you always want to do everything too quickly and that is why you fail.

Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
-All of this to say she could be able to harass me to not do(make) it!

Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !
-You don’t do anything this weekend ? And what if you came? You will see how children grow up and how I did up this “old shack” as you said. Come on, I don’t take no for an answer!

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.


BAU -Business as usual :La routine, affaire courante.
ER-Emergency room : Salle des urgences
PTO-Parent teacher organization: Association de Parents d’éléves.
-Paid Time Off: Congés payés
-Patent and Trademark Office: Bureau des marques et brevets déposés
NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored people
MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging : IRM
ASAP-AS soon as possible: Dés que possible
MIA- Missing In Action: Porté disparu
MYA-Million years ago: Il y a des millions d’années
-Miss You Always : Tu me manques toujours
-Miss you Already: Tu me manques déjà
RSPCA-Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals: Société royale pour la protection des animaux
DUI-Driving under influence: Conduite sous influence
POW-Prisoner of war: Prisonier de guerre
MMR- Mumps, Measles, Rubella (vaccine) :Vaccin Rougeole Oreillons Rubéole
AFK-Away from Keyboard:Etre absent ou n’est pas devant son ordinateur
AWOL- : Absence illégale
YWCA-Young Women’s Chritian: Union Chrétienne feminine
Y2K-You are Too Kind: Tu es trop gentil
AMEX- American Express Company(Canada)
American Stock Exchange : Bourse américaine
DNA-Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Derniere nouvelle d’Alsace…
PET- Preliminary English Test : Test d’anglais préliminaire
ICU-Intensive care unit : Service de soins intensifs



. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
. The woman goes to the grocer's.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.

1- The woman goes to the grocer's
2- The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer (indeed!)
3- The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook
4- The man places the meat on the grill
5- The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables
6- The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert
7- The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table
8- The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning
9-The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied
10-After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

1-La femme se rend chez l’épicier
2-La femme prépare la viande pour la cuisiner, la place sur le plateau avec les couverts nécessaires et les apporte à l’homme prés du barbecue sirotant une bière.
3-L’homme demande à la femme si elle apprécie de ne pas faire la cuisine
4- L’homme place la viande sur le grill
5-La femme est à l’intérieur, allant mettre la table et verifier la cuisson des légumes
6-La femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert
7-La femme prépare les assiettes et les posent sur la table
8-La femme sort pour dire à son mari que la viande est en train de bruler
9-L’homme enlève la viande du grill et l’apporte à la femme. Et devant son air fâché, il conclut que les femmes ne sont jamais satisfaites.
10-Après le repas, la femme déblaye la table et fait la vaisselle.

IV) We're going to write a story together...
"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...(to be continued...)

"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder.
Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear. In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him…

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)
1) prods and bends: ----Pokes and Bench--------------- 2) Draw and hoarder: ---Drawl and Order----------------- 3) Proud and sheer: --Prove and sheep-----------------

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:


Thank you very much for this exercise and for your energy to make us work

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de ouvea, postée le 18-01-2017 à 08:41:56 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Hello everybody,
Here4u, Lucile and Maxwell
I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
We have a saying: The way you spend New Year's Eve is the same way you'll spend the rest of the year.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
I can't make any résolutions for the new year, because I'm not able to stick to it. It's the same old story.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You didn't feel like beginning this year being resentful and vindictive. You could have settled that in your own way, but you always want to do everything too fast so that's why you fail then.

Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
Which is to say that she would be able to stalk me not to do it!

Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !
You don't do anything next weekend? What about coming? You'll see how the children have grown up and how I've done up this "old shack" as you said. Come on, I won't take NO for an answer!

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.


BAU Business As Usual / Affaires courantes
Behavorial Analysis Unit (FBI) / Bureau d'investigations
ER Emergency Room / Urgences
Extend Release / Fréquence d'administration d'un médicament
PTO Please Turn Over / Tournez la page s'il vous plaît
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People / It's a civil rights organization against racial discrimination, created in 1909.
MRI Medium Resolution Instrument / Scanning procedure / IRM : Image par Résonnance Magnétique
ASAP As Soon As Possible / Dès que possible
MIA Missing In Action / Disparu au combat
MYA Miss You Always / Tu me manques toujours
Miss You Already / Tu me manques déjà
Model Yachting Association / Association anglaise modèles réduits de bateaux à voile pour faire des courses
Million Years Ago / Il y a des millions d'années
RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals / SPA : Société Protectrice des Animaux
DUI Driving Under the Influence / Conduite en état d'ivresse ou stupéfiants divers
POW Prisoner Of War / Prisonnier de guerre
MMR Vaccine against Measles, Mumps, Rubella / ROR : Vaccin contre Rougeole, Oreillons, Rubéole
MisMatch Repear / Réparation des mésappariements
AFK Away From Keyboard / Loin de son clavier
AWOL Absent Without Leave / Absent sans permission / Déserter
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association / Association Union Chrétienne de jeunes filles
Y2K Year 2 thousand / An 2000
AMEX AMerican EXpress Company
AMerican Stock EXchange / Bourse américaine
DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid / ADN : Acide DésoxyriboNucléique
PET PolyEthylene Terephthalate / Polyterephtalate d'éthylène / parfois contenus dans certains emballages de nos aliments
PETer / Pierre (nouveau testament)
Positron Emission Tomography / Tomographie par émission de positons / Imagerie médicale en trois dimensions
ICU Intensive Care Unit / USI Unité de soins intensifs
I See You
Imperial College Union (England)



. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
. The woman goes to the grocer's.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.

. The woman goes to the grocer's.
La femme va chez l'épicier
. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
La femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert
. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
La femme prépare la viande pour la cuisson, dispose le tout sur le plateau avec les ustensiles de cuisine et les apporte à l'homme, qui se trouve près du barbecue, en train de boire une petite bière.
. The man places the meat on the grill.
L'homme dépose la viande sur le grill.
. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
La femme prépare les assiettes et les dépose sur la table.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
La femme est à l'intérieur, s'apprête à mettre la table tout en surveillant la cuisson des légumes.
. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
La femme ressort pour dire à son mari que la viande est en train de brûler.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.
L'homme enlève la viande du feu et l'apporte à la femme.
. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
Après le repas, la femme débarasse la table et fait la vaisselle.
. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
L'homme demande à la femme si elle a apprécié de ne pas cuisiner.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
Et devant cette apparence contrariée, l'homme de conclure que les femmes ne sont jamais satisfaites.

IV) We're going to write a story together... I will start with the first two sentences and the following Lover of English will write a sequel to my sentences, whatever he or she wants, ( BUT NOT MORE THAN 20 WORDS). You can choose the tone, the type of the story, make it surrealistic, serious, funny, absurd, add characters, etc. You MUST follow what was given to you (correcting it if necessary,) and create from there... The story … and its ending will depend on each of you.

"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear. In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him… wondering how long the dwarf would stay there hidden!

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)

1) prods and bends: Odds and ends
2) Draw and hoarder: Draw and quarter
3) Proud and sheer: Loud and clear

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:

M a N I c U re (acre)
B l i Z Z a r D (liar)
E r u P T i O n (ruin)
P E r S u A d e (rude)

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 18-01-2017 à 14:02:47 (S | E)
Hello !
Donc, nouvelles explications :
Pour le N°4, il s'agit bien de FAIRE une seule histoire ensemble où il y aura autant de rajouts que de participants. C'est un "travail" de fantaisie, d'improvisation, d'imagination, de cohérence aussi ... et quand je le fais avec des élèves, de mémoire en plus, puisque rien n'est noté au début et chacun doit se souvenir de la phrase complète ... Nous l'écrivons à la fin !
Au théâtre, c'est pareil, sauf qu'en plus, il faut ajouter un geste, ce qui complique encore les choses (mais est bien plus drôle!)... En direct, c'est très amusant. Ici, on retire l'aspect spontanéité et je rajoute celui de la correction de la phrase (des phrases) donnée(s) précédemment ...
Taiji, si tu le souhaites, tu peux reposter cet exercice 4 en mettant ta phrase après celle d'ouvéa (ou du dernier qui aura posté lorsque tu reviendras sur le Forum) ! Fais comme tu le sens !
Bon courage à tous.

RAPPEL !L'ajout individuel maximal est de 20 mots !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de taiji43, postée le 18-01-2017 à 14:38:34 (S | E)
Alright Here

Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear. In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him wondering how long the dwarf would stay there hidden!
Because It was very hungry but afraid of climbing into the fir where a wonderful fine cone could be a nice midday meal

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de djim21, postée le 18-01-2017 à 15:29:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
How funny these various activities were ! Thanks for them. Me too, my wife doesn’t want me to cook meat on the barbecue. I don’t know why. May be Lucile has a response ?
Ready for marking
I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
As the saying goes, the way you spend New Year, the way you’ll spend the whole year.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
I can’t take New Year’s resolutions because I can never fulfill them. It never seems to fail.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You didn’t want to begin this year as a bitter person. You could resolve that by your way, but always you want to do everything too fast and so you fail.

Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
All this to say that she could hassle me in order that I don’t do it !

Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !
Do you do nothing this week-end ? Would you come ? You’ll see how grown the children are and how I did up this « old shack » as you said. Come on, don’t take no for an answer !

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.
BAU : Business As Usual = les affaires courantes
ER : Emergency Room = salle des urgences
PTO : power take-off = un interrupteur
NAACP : National Association for the Advancement of Colored People = Association nationale pour l’évolution de carrière des gens de couleur
MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging = Imagerie par résonance magnétique
asap : As Soon As Possible = Dès que possible
MIA : Made In America = fabriqué en Amérique
MYA : Missing You Already = tu nous manques déjà
RSPCA : Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals = Société royale pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux
DUI : Driving Under Influence = conduite sous l’emprise de substances
POW : Play On Words = jeu de mots
MMR : Meet Me Room = point d’interconnexion pour une séance de vidéo/audio conférence
AFK : Away From Keyboard = absent du clavier
AWOL : A Way Of Live = un style de vie
YWCA : Young Women's Christian Association = Association chrétienne de jeunes filles
Y2K : you’re too kind (slang internet) = t’es trop sympa
AMEX : American Express Company = compagnie américaine de transport
DNA : Does Not Apply= ne pas mettre en œuvre
PET : Physical Education Teacher (various schools) = professeur d’éducation physique
ICU : I See You = je te vois

8. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
4. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
3. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
11. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
6. The man places the meat on the grill.
7. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
10And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
5. The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
2. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
1. The woman goes to the grocer's.
9. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.

IV) We're going to write a story together...
Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder…
Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear.
In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him wondering how long the dwarf would stay there hidden!
Because It was very hungry but afraid of climbing into the fir where a wonderful fine cone could be a nice midday meal
The dwarf saw the squirrel looking at the cone. He flung up one of his skis toward it.

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase.
1) prods and bends: crowds and sands 2) Draw and hoarder: braw and boarder 3) Proud and sheer: sound and cheer

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:

M - N I - U - - MaNIcUre
B - - Z Z - - D BliZZarD
E - - P T - O - EruPTiOn
P E - S - A - - PerSuAde

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 18-01-2017 à 23:25:55 (S | E)
Hello !
Ouh là! Je commence les corrections dès demain, sinon, je vais être dépassée par les événements !
Bravo à vous !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de maya92, postée le 19-01-2017 à 17:34:13 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

I – Into English
1 – As the saying goes, the way you got through the New Year’s Eve is the way you’ll get through the whole year
2 – I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I can’t fulfill them. It’s always the same stuff
3 – You didn’t not want to start this year rancorous and ill-tempered. You could have settled that your way but you always want to do everything too quickly and that’s why you are failing
4 – Are you doing something this week-end ? Why don’t you come round and see us you’ll see how the children have grown and how I have done up this old place as you used to say. Come on, don’t fail me !

III – Le Barbecue
C’est la seule cuisine qu’un ‘vrai mec’ accepte de faire. Lorsqu’un un homme se porte volontaire pour faire ce genre de cuisine, voici comment les évènements vont se dérouler :
- La femme va à l’épicerie
- La femme prépare les assiettes et les pose sur la table
- La femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert
- La femme prépare la viande à cuire et met sur le plateau tous les ustensiles nécessaires et les apporte à l’Homme qui, près du barbecue, boit une bière
- L’Homme met la viande sur le grill
- La femme rentre à l’intérieur pour mettre le couvert et vérifier la cuisson des légumes
- La femme ressort pour dire à son mari que la viande est en train de bruler
- L’Homme enlève la viande du grill et l’apporte à la femme
- L’Homme demande à la femme si elle a apprécié de ne pas avoir à faire la cuisine
- devant son air ennuyé, il conclut que les femmes ne sont jamais contentes
- Après le repas, la femme débarrasse la table et fait la vaisselle…

- IV –
Strolling in the mountain, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder which were green too because at springtime he was going to ski on the grass and he always used to match his skis with the colour of the ground

I hope everything is ok for you - Thank you for the exercise (

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de tereda, postée le 20-01-2017 à 11:34:43 (S | E)
bonjour à tous, Bonjour dear HERE4U;
super exercice que ce "centième", j'ai bien apprécié aussi le N°4 où l'on doit continuer une histoire; le 5 par contre me laisse sans voix, et sans issue.... Désolée.
This is my try ready to be corrected.

I) Translate into English:
1) As the saying goes, the way you spent time for the New year's eve will be the way you are going to live during all the coming year.

2) I don't manage to take good resolution at this beginning of new year, because I can't ever hold them. It's always the same story..

3) You didn't mind to begin this year, being bitter and bear grudges ; you could have managed that as you wanted, but you want always do things in a hurry and then you fail.

Maxwell 4) All that to tell that she should be able to harass me to PREVENT me no do what I want. so that I do not do it!

Maxwell 5) You do nothing this week-end ? what about coming ? You'll see how children have grown up and how I have renovated this 'old shack" as you called it. well, there is no reason you say NO !

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.
Asap : as soon as possible aussi vite que possible
Bau : business as usual
ER : Educational Research recherche en éducation
PTO : PAID TIME OFF congés payés
NAACP : National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Baltimore, MD, USA) En 1910 Du Bois devient membre en 1910 de l'Association nationale pour l'avancement des gens de couleurs (NAACP l'acronyme anglais de The National ...
MRI : magnetic resonance imaging (sequences) IRM
MIA : MOBILE INTERNET ACCESS accès Internet Mobile
MYA : MYANMAR - missing you always ........ tu me manques toujours
RSPCA : Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SPA
DUI : DRIVING UNDER the INFLUENCE - Agir sous influence.
POW : Prisoner of War. Prisonnier de guerre
MMR : Maternal Mortality Rate. Taux de mortalité maternelle.
AFK : away from the keyboard loin du clavier
AWOL : Absent Without Official Leave - A World of Learning
Y2K : année 2000 - year 2 kilo Passage informatique à l'an 2000 Y2K
AMEX : American Stock Exchange
DNA : ADN deoxyribonucleic acid
PET : Preliminary English Test
ICU : Intensive Care Unit. ICU, International Components for Unicode. ICU,

1.. The woman goes to the grocer's.
2.. The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
3.. The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
4.The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
5. The man places the meat on the grill..
6. The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
7. The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning...
8 . The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.
9. After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

Madame fait les courses chez l'épicier, le boucher et autres commerçants. Elle prépare ensuite la salade, les légumes et le dessert. (en tout cas, c'est comme ça que je procède !! )
Madame prépare les assiettes et met la table. Puis ensuite, elle prépare la viande pour la cuisson, la place sur le plateau avec les ustensiles nécessaires et les apporte à l'homme qui est près du barbecue en train de prendre une bière.
Monsieur dépose la viande sur le grill, et interroge sa femme :tu es contente aujourd'hui de ne pas avoir à faire la cuisine, hein !!!
Mais devant son air agacé, il en conclut que les femmes ne sont jamais satisfaites.
L'épouse retourne à l'extérieur pour avertir son mari que la viande est en train de brûler !
L'homme retourne la viande et l'apporte à la femme.
Après le repas, madame débarrasse la table et fait la vaisselle.

All is said,

IV) We're going to write a story together
" Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder... and walked at a brisk pace; I knew immediately he was "LUCKY", and probably he was returning to Snow White's house, if I followed him, maybe then, I could see his brothers !!"

VI) Four-Fit
M a N I c U re
B li Z Z ar D
E ru P T i O n
P E r S u A d E e

It will be all for me.... Thank you very much for this pleasant exercise.
aND THANK YOU in advance for the correction.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 20-01-2017 à 22:24:53 (S | E)
Hello !
MERCI DE BIEN LIRE MON POST DU 18/01 ... Pour l'histoire, c'est une histoire COLLECTIVE où chacun rajoute sa petite contribution ...Merci à vous!

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de lucile83, postée le 20-01-2017 à 23:09:50 (S | E)
Je reprends à partir du texte de djim21 du 18/01....
IV) We're going to write a story together...
Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder…
Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear.
In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him wondering how long the dwarf would stay there hidden!
Because It was very hungry but afraid of climbing into the fir where a wonderful fine cone could be a nice midday meal
The dwarf saw the squirrel looking at the cone. He flung up one of his skis toward it.
The squirrel noticed it was rather dangerous to stay there, and it ran away, frightening a rabbit with the noise.The rabbit jumped over the ski and into the dwarf's arms, which made all the birds fly around.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de tereda, postée le 21-01-2017 à 09:15:46 (S | E)
OK OK je n'avais pas compris, en effet, je pensais que chacun devait inventer une histoire ... Je verrais ça lundi au plus tard pour reprendre le texte.
Merci de cette précision
bon week end à tous.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 21-01-2017 à 10:11:20 (S | E)
Merci à tous !
Une chose encore pour l'histoire collective ...PAS PLUS DE 20 MOTS !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de lucile83, postée le 21-01-2017 à 10:23:33 (S | E)
oui j'ai lu, mais ....bon, sorry, I am talkative.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de maya92, postée le 21-01-2017 à 11:06:24 (S | E)
Sorry, I didn't understand what we had to do..!

Strolling in the mountains I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder. Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back tearing his ski suit.
In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree but a squirrel was watching him wondering how long the dwarf could stay there hidden, because he wa hungry but afraid of climbing into the tree where a wonderful fine cone could be a nice midday meal. The dwarf saw the squirrel looking at the cone. He flung one of his skis toward it.
The squirrel noticed it was rather dangerous to stay there, and it ran away, frightening a rabbit with the noise. The rabbit jumped over the ski into the dwarf's arms, which made all the birds fly around.
The dwarf went back home with the rabbit into his arms thinking of the good 'lapin chasseur' he was going to cook for himself and his six brothers.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de tereda, postée le 22-01-2017 à 18:39:19 (S | E)
The dwarf went back home with the rabbit into his arms thinking of the good 'lapin chasseur' he was going to cook for himself and his six brothers.......

Hardly he arrived in the house, the rabbit jumped from his arms and goes right away to Snow White who were cooking a dish of carrots !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de alpiem, postée le 22-01-2017 à 19:10:20 (S | E)
hello, here we go for the 100 next years) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
I know a proverb saying that the way you spend new year's eve will always match the way you will spend the rest of the year.

2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d'année, parce que je n'arrive jamais à les tenir. C'est toujours la même histoire .
I can't manage to take new year's good resolutions because I will never succeed in fulfilling them. It's always been the same story.

3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You weren't really interested in starting this year beeing bitter and resentfull were you?. You could have settled this matter your way, but you always want to do it too rapidly, that's why you are unsuccessful!

Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
All this to say that she could well be able to hassle me out of doing it!

Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne!
Are you through this week end? What about comming at home! You'll see the children, how they have grown up
and how my "old wreck" as you used to say, has been restored . Come on,I don't take no for an answer!

II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please. (Those in green can have several meanings!)


Cet exercice sera "à volonté" ... Vous pourrez vous arrêter lorsque vous le désirerez ... Nous pouvons remercier Lucile pour ce texte (facile et amusant ) qu'elle m'a suggéré et qui remplace une version difficile (que je vous mets de côté pour une autre fois! ) Lucile n'est pas responsable des pièges que vous pourriez ressentir dans la partie remise en ordre ... J'assume totalement.

IV) We're going to write a story together... I will start with the first two sentences and the following Lover of English will write a sequel to my sentences, whatever he or she wants, ( BUT NOT MORE THAN 20 WORDS). You can choose the tone, the type of the story, make it surrealistic, serious, funny, absurd, add characters, etc. You MUST follow what was given to you (correcting it if necessary,) and create from there... The story … and its ending will depend on each of you.

"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...(to be continued...)
sequel to tereda::The rabbit,at the same time made three times all the kitchen around and disapeared into a nearby cupboard atop
of a stack of dishes...

"It is the only cooking which a "true" man will make.
When a man goes volunteer to make this type of cooking, the chain of the following events is then :"

Hum hum.... Unfortunately, the "chain of events" has been mixed up=> You'll first have to find the right order of the events.
=> Then, if you choose to, you may translate this easy text ( or not!)
( Il s'agit d'un re-ordering : remettez les phrases dans l'ordre en les numérotant de 1. à 10. afin que l'histoire soit cohérente.
Une fois la logique du texte reconstituée, vous pouvez, ou non, choisir de le traduire en français.
The woman goes to the grocer's.
. the woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
the woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.

.The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, places it on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.
The man places the meat on the grill.
. The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
.The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
. The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman.
.After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
.Conclusion: The woman has made the most of the work and the man has falled short of the unique work he had been assigned to......

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 22-01-2017 à 22:32:24 (S | E)
Hello all of You!
It's sure that the later you post, the more difficult it is to find a suitable sequel to our story... It's also obvious that some of you are such fast workers that I was almost certain others of you would be tempted to "take a ticket!"
( we'd better take a ticket) Je sens quelque chose comme de la frustration, ici ... et suis sincèrement désolée ... MAIS, il serait souhaitable de ne pas bloquer le processus (au moins de l'exercice concerné) trop longtemps ...
Don't forget that the first to post will have to find the punchline... have a good week!

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de joe39, postée le 23-01-2017 à 10:46:46 (S | E)
Dear here4u,
Here is my try, ready to be corrected.

I) Translate into English:
1) Il y a un proverbe qui dit que la manière dont vous passez la Saint Sylvestre est la façon dont vous allez passer toute l'année.
There is a proverb that says that the way you spend New Year’s Eve is the same you’re going to spend all year round.
2) Je ne parviens pas à prendre des résolutions de début d’année, parce que je n’arrive jamais à les tenir. C’est toujours la même histoire.
I can’t take decisions at the beginning of the year, because I never succeed in keeping them. It’s always the same story.
3) Tu n'avais pas envie de commencer cette année en étant amer et rancunier. Tu aurais pu régler cela à ta façon, mais tu veux toujours tout faire trop vite et voilà pourquoi tu échoues.
You didn’t want to start this year feeling malice and grudge. You could have settled the matter in your own way, but you always want to do everything too quickly and this is why you fail.
Maxwell 4)Tout ça pour dire qu'elle serait bien capable de me harceler pour que je ne le fasse pas !
All this to say that she would be able to harrass me, only to prevent me from doing it!/in order to pester me out of doing it!
Maxwell 5) Tu ne fais rien ce week-end ? Et si tu venais ? Tu verras comme les enfants ont grandi et comme j'ai retapé cette "vieille bicoque" comme tu disais. Allez, il n'y a pas de non qui tienne !
Don't you do anything this weekend? What about if you come here?
You'll see how much the children are grown and how this "old dump", as you nicknamed it, was done up! Come on, I don't take a no as an answer!
II) Write these acronyms in full letters and then translate these expressions, please.

Business As Usual- Affaire courante,
Emergency Room, emergency room,
Please turn over, tourner SVP
National Association for the Advancement of Colored people, Association nationale pour l'avancement des personnes de couleur
Magnetic Resonance, Résonance Magnétique
as soon as possible, dés que possible
missing in action, porté disparu
manage your account, gérer votre compte
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelly to animals, Société royale pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux,
Duration of Untreated Illness, Durée de maladie non traitée
Prisoner of War, Prisonnier de guerre
Maternal mortality rate, taux de mortalité maternelle
Away From Keyboard, loin du clavier
Absence without Official Leave, absence sans congé officiel
Young Women’s Christian Association, Association des jeunes femmes chrétiennes
The Year 2000, l’année 2000
American Express, American Express
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, Acide désoxyribonucléique ADN
Preliminary English Test, Essai préliminaire d’anglais
Intensive Care Unit, Unité de soins intensifs
" It is the only cooking which a "true" man will make.
When a man goes volunteer to make this type of cooking, the chain of the following events is then :"

The woman goes to the grocer's.
The woman prepares the meat for the cooking, the place on the tray with the necessary utensils and brings them to the man who is near the barbecue taking a beer.
The man places the meat on the grill.
The woman is inside going to lay the table and verify the cooking of the vegetables.
The woman prepares the salad, the vegetables and the dessert.
The woman returns outside to say to her husband that the meat is burning.
The man removes the meat off the grill and brings it to the woman. .
The woman prepares plates and brings them on the table.
After the meal, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
The man asks the woman if she appreciated not to cook.
And in front of her annoyed air, he concludes that women are never satisfied.

La femme va chez l'épicier.
La femme prépare la viande pour la cuisson, la place sur le plateau avec les ustensiles nécessaires et les apporte à l'homme qui est près du barbecue en buvant une bière.
L'homme place la viande sur le gril.
La femme est à l'intérieur en train de dresser la table et vérifier la cuisson des légumes.
La femme sort pour dire à son mari que la viande brûle.
L'homme enlève la viande du gril et l’apporte à la femme.
La femme prépare la salade, les légumes et le dessert.
La femme prépare les assiettes et les apporte sur la table.
Après le repas, la femme débarrasse la table et fait la vaisselle.
L'homme demande à la femme si elle a apprécié de ne pas cuisiner.
Et devant son air ennuyé, il conclut que les femmes ne sont jamais satisfaits.

IV) We're going to write a story together"Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder...I asked him where he was going and he answered proudly: I’m going to participate in the Giant Slalom. (this is in addition of Maxwell's first sentence).

V) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)

1) Prods and bends: odds and ends------------------- 2) Draw and hoarder: blow and blower-------------------- 3) Proud and sheer: crowd and cheers-------------------

VI) Four-Fit: Without changing the order of the letters, place the 4-letter words on the dashes to form 8-letter words:
It’s always a pleasure working on your exercises and I thank you very much for strengthening our motivation of being eager to go ahead.
I hope you have a great week and….take care, dear friend.
So long

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 23-01-2017 à 21:03:54 (S | E)
Hello dear Joe, Hello all of You, dear Friends,

I've sent an mp to Alpiem to repeat the explanation and ask him to finish his N°4 immediately, (if not sooner) . Even if you post an exercise which is "not completed", you MUST finish n°4 as soon as you take a rank...
As I said from the beginning, the other members are expecting the latest part of the story to be able to go on... and if you don't write your 20 words (or fewer ...) you're jamming the whole process... If a Learner wants to post and can't, please, ignore the unfinished N°4 and take the last but one as the cue...
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 23-01-2017 à 23:28:47 (S | E)
Thanks a lot, alpiem ...

Qui est volontaire pour reprendre l'exercice 4 en entier (en corrigeant les quelques fautes si possible... ) ?

Je suis noyée dans vos corrections (le re-ordering est très long à corriger ... !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 24-01-2017 à 09:19:08 (S | E)
QUI ???? QUI ???? WHO ... ?? sera le MILLIONNIEME utilisateur des tests que je vous propose ?

Ce sera pour aujourd'hui, c'est sûr, mais je ne sais pas si notre "Machine" et/ou notre Master est capable de le "single out"...
Si oui, je lui consacrerai un test spécial pour vous remercier tous !

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de alpiem, postée le 24-01-2017 à 22:50:58 (S | E)
Strolling in the mountains, I saw a dwarf wearing light green clothes. He was carrying skis on his right shoulder…
Suddenly, one of his skis slipped down his back, tearing his ski suit. Anyone could see his underwear.
In a hurry he rushed behind a fir tree, but a squirrel was watching him wondering how long the dwarf would stay there hidden!
Because It was very hungry but afraid of climbing into the fir where a wonderful fine cone could be a nice midday meal
The dwarf saw the squirrel looking at the cone. He flung up one of his skis towards it.The squirrel noticed it was rather dangerous to stay there, and it ran away, frightening a rabbit with the noise.The rabbit jumped over the ski and into the dwarf's arms, which made all the birds fly around.
The dwarf went back home with the rabbit into his arms thinking of the good 'lapin chasseur' he was going to cook for himself and his six brothers. Hardly had he arrived in the house that the rabbit jumped from his arms and went right away to Snow White who was cooking a dish of carrots ! :The rabbit,at the same time sped three times all the kitchen around and disappeared into a nearby cupboard at the top of a stack of dishes..(.If I were to finish the tale,as the last one, here is the fall)The dwarf sent a message to all the animals
in the forest to muster up in the dwelling of Snow White and the dwarfs in order to get the rabbit out of it, and the animals as well as dwarfs and Snow White alike took to dancing and singing, swearing one another eternal love and never ever eating"lapin chasseur"!!

Modifié par alpiem le 27-01-2017 16:52

Réponse : Ex 100/ Time flies de here4u, postée le 25-01-2017 à 16:25:05 (S | E)
Alpiem ... pas beaucoup de temps ... Sorry !


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