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Message from timshel posted on 28-06-2016 at 23:36:35 (D | E | F)
Hi everyone!
It will be really great if anyone could help me to correct my text.
Thank you very much for any help ))

I just came back in Switzerland last week-end, after 10 days in Finland. I was there to visit my boyfriend, and also enjoying beautiful Lapland. First of all I would say a huge thank you to everyone for the welcome and the kindness. My stay here was short but it was such a great experience, meeting people, hike to the mountain, …
And after this great trip I have a question
I really loved the place and the way you take care of the dogs, the respect you have for them. I could see and help Anton in his work and I really like to do that. Anton is going to come this winter to do the formation to be a guide. I would know if it’s possible for me too to do the formation (and of course if it’s works, then being a guide for the winter season)
The beauty of the nature here really touched me and I love animals. I ride horses for 15 years, have one for 6 years so I could know how many animals can give to humans but also how hard and demanding is to take care of them. I had worked in a horse center for a few years so I have some experience with customers and animals. I’m indepandant and I like work in team, learn new things and meet people. I know winters are hard in Lapland and being a guide is not a peaceful and easy job but I like adventure and I will give my best to do well.

If you have any question don’t hesitate to ask me! :-)

Edited by lucile83 on 29-06-2016 06:46

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