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Like/ alike

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Like/ alike
Message from milasha posted on 02-11-2015 at 07:38:16 (D | E | F)
Good morning.
Please help me .
There are many explanations of like and alike , however I can't use them properly in these following sentences.
A. They grew up into strong little bulls but they remained much.....each other.
B. They look ...and that's why they are called horseshoe.

This is a passage from twin bulls and there are a lot of blank places where I must put like or alike, so I'm confused.
Thank you for helping me.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-11-2015 08:52

Re: Like/ alike from lucile83, posted on 02-11-2015 at 09:06:46 (D | E)

A. They grew up into strong little bulls but they remained much.....each other. >>> they were babies, and as babies they were the same. Then they grew up and they remained the same, they are both similar.
B. They look ...and that's why they are called horseshoe. >>> they seem to be horseshoes but they are not.
Hope this helps

Re: Like/ alike from gerondif, posted on 02-11-2015 at 21:16:12 (D | E)
Notice the difference in use:
John looks like Jim.
John and Jim look alike.

Re: Like/ alike from zilazila, posted on 08-11-2015 at 08:08:35 (D | E)
Alike as an adjective means "the same" or "similar", but as an adverb means "in the same way".
As an adjective: My daughter and her friend went to the party last night. Their clothes were alike.
As an adverb: I always try to treat all my children alike.
Like as a preposition meaning "similar to".
EX: my daughter is like my sister.

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