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Message de poulpouille posté le 26-10-2017 à 12:10:04 (S | E | F)
je dois traduire un texte en français mais je n'arrive tout simplement pas à comprendre le texte; est-il possible de m'aider?
C'est un texte sur Paris dans l'entre-deux-guerres.

Le titre: "L'Oasis was the Brilliant Gala Sport for Paris Fêtes"
Passage: In pre-war Paris there were certain dreadry hot weeks which occurred after the fourteenth of July, when any one who was any one felt mortified to be found in the city. But if chance willed it that they were discovered there, hastily they would explain that their appearance in Paris was twenty-for-hour affair, a bridge from one summery delight to another. Then came the great catastrophe to upset all social customs, so that until "Big Bertha" and the air-raids drove them out, devoted men and women remained through the heqt of August at their posts in hospital, canteens, and all the other good works into which Parisian society threw itself with the same vigorous energy formerly lavished upon frivolity."

Merci pour votre aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2017 12:52

Réponse : Aide /traduction de gerondif, postée le 27-10-2017 à 12:27:17 (S | E)
1) Vous avez dû recopier de travers:
Le titre: "L'Oasis was the Brilliant Gala Sport (Spot?) for Paris Fêtes"
Passage: In pre-war Paris there were certain dreadry(dreary ? ennuyeux) hot weeks which occurred after the fourteenth of July, when any one who was any one felt mortified to be found in the city. But if chance willed it that they were discovered there, hastily they would explain that their appearance in Paris was a twenty-four-hour affair, a bridge from one summery delight to another. Then came the great catastrophe to upset all social customs, so that until "Big Bertha" and the air-raids drove them out, devoted men and women remained through the heqt (heat) of August at their posts in hospital, canteens, and all the other good works into which Parisian society threw itself with the same vigorous energy formerly lavished upon frivolity."

Proposez une traduction !
Pour paraphraser le texte:
L'auteur nous explique que, avant la guerre, toute personne qui avait un nom, une réputation, toute personne importante considérait que se trouver à Paris après le 14 juillet était une disgrâce, une honte. Ils prétendaient alors être en transit pour 24 heures, entre deux périodes de vacances d'été. Mais la guerre va tout changer et les parisiens, d'habitude si frivoles, vont rester à Paris et se concentrer sur des tâches utiles jusqu'à ce que la Grosse Bertha (un canon longue portée allemand) et les bombardements les chassent de Paris.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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