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Passé simple/imparfait

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Passé simple/imparfait
Message de poulpouille posté le 12-11-2017 à 17:13:13 (S | E | F)
je dois traduire un texte où le passé simple et l'imparfait sont utilisés. Je me demandais s'il devait aussi y avoir un changement dans les temps en anglais.
Le texte relate l'évolution d'un enfant qui grandit. Voici des exemples de phrases et comment je les ai traduites:
"Quand Daniel naquit, j'avais dix-huit ans." -> When Daniel was born, I was eigtheen.
"J'achetai une quantité d'objets perfectionnés. Je ne sus jamais très bien m'en servir." -> I bought a lot of sophisticated objects. I have never known how to use them.
"A huit ans il faisait des courses et son dîner tout seul. A neuf ans nous eûmes quelques conflits" -> "At the age of eight, he went shopping and made the dinner on his own. When he was nine, we had some conflicts.
"Un jour je le plongeai dans la baignoire, un autre jour Jacques le porta sur son dos à l'école: il hurla tout le long du chemin" -> One day, I plunged him in a bath, an other day, Jacques carried him on his back to school, he screamed all along the way.
Qu'en pensez vous? Merci pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2017 18:02

Réponse : Passé simple/imparfait de laure95, postée le 12-11-2017 à 17:49:13 (S | E)
Quand Daniel naquit, j'avais dix-huit ans." -> When Daniel was born, I was eigtheen (orthographe). Bon temps.
"J'achetai une quantité d'objets perfectionnés. Je ne sus jamais très bien m'en servir." -> I bought a lot of sophisticated objects. I have (concordance des temps, mettre au passé) never known how to use them.
"A huit ans il faisait des courses et son dîner tout seul. A neuf ans nous eûmes quelques conflits" -> "At the age of eight, he went shopping and made the dinner on his own. When he was nine, we had some conflicts. OK.
"Un jour je le plongeai dans la baignoire, un autre jour Jacques le porta sur son dos à l'école: il hurla tout le long du chemin" -> One day, I plunged him in a bath, an other day, Jacques carried him on his back to (go to or on the way)school, he screamed all along the way OK

Réponse : Passé simple/imparfait de poulpouille, postée le 12-11-2017 à 18:09:21 (S | E)
Merci beaaaauuucoup laure95!!! "I have (concordance des temps, mettre au passé) never known how to use them." Donc je dois mettre "I had never known?

Réponse : Passé simple/imparfait de gerondif, postée le 12-11-2017 à 18:18:10 (S | E)
Non, un prétérit traduira ce passé simple français Je ne sus jamais...

Réponse : Passé simple/imparfait de poulpouille, postée le 12-11-2017 à 18:37:39 (S | E)
Bonjour, j'aurai besoin de vous pour m'aider et voir s'il n'y a pas de faute de grammaire/temps dans ma traduction.

Quand Daniel naquit, j'avais dix-huit ans. J'achetai une quantité d'objets perfectionnés, baignoire pliante, chauffe-biberon à thermostat, stérilisateur. Je ne sus jamais très bien m'en servir. Je l'emmenais parfois dans les cafés; on l'y regardait avec surprise: ce n'était pas encore la mode. Il fut un bébé précurseur, un bébé hippie avant la lettre. Quand j'allais danser il dormait dans la pièce qui servait de vestiaire.
When Daniel was born, I was eighteen years old. I bought a lot of sophisticated objects : folding bath, bottle warmer, sterilizer. I never know how to use them very well... I sometimes brought Daniel in cafés ; where he was looked on with surprise : it was not yet in fashion/it was not the custom yet. He was a baby forerunner, a hippie baby ahead of his time. When I went dancing/danced , he was sleeping/slept in the room used as a locker room.

À cinq ans il manifesta un précoce instinct de protection en criant dans le métro: «Laissez passer ma maman.» À huit ans, il faisait des courses et son dîner tout seul, quand il estimait que je rentrais trop tard le soir. À neuf ans, nous eûmes quelques conflits. Il refusa d'aller à l'école, de se laver, et de manger du poisson. Un jour je le plongeai tout habillé dans une baignoire, un autre jour Jacques le porta sur son dos à l'école: il hurla tout le long du chemin. Ces essais éducatifs n'eurent aucun succès. Du reste, il se corrigea tout seul. Nous décidâmes de ne plus intervenir.
When he was five, he expressed a precocious protective instinct by screaming in the underground in a shrill voice : Let my mom pass. At the age of eight, he went shopping and made the dinner on his own when he judged that I got home too late... When he was nine, we had some conflicts. He refused to go to school, to wash, and to eat fish. One day, I plunged him in a bath with all his clothes on, another day, Jacques carried him on his back to go to school, he screamed all along the way. These educational trials didn’t have any success. Besides, he cured himself by his own. We decided not to intervene anymore.

À dix ans, au lycée, ayant reçu pour sujet de rédaction: «Un beau souvenir», il écrivit ingénument: «Le plus beau souvenir de ma vie, c'est le mariage de mes parents.» À quinze ans il eut une période yé-yé. Nous collectionnâmes les 45 tours. Il joua de la clarinette. Il but un peu. À dix-sept ans il fut bouddhiste. Il joua du tuba. Ses cheveux allongèrent. À dix-huit ans il passa son bac. Un peu avant, il avait été couvert de bijoux comme un prince hindou ou un figurant de cinéma, une bague à chaque doigt.
At the age of ten, in high school, having received as essay topic « a beautiful memory », he wrote ingenuously « the greatest memory of my life is my parents’ wedding.»
When he was fifteen, he was fond of 60s pop singer. We collected 45 r.p.m records... He played clarinet. He drank a bit. At the age of seventeen, he was a buddhist. He played tuba. His hair grew longer. At 18, he took the baccalaureate. A little before, he has been covered with jewels as a Hindu prince or a movie extra, a ring on/in every/each finger...

Les bijoux disparurent. Il se mit à jouer du saxophone, de la guitare. Il fit 4 000 kilomètres en auto-stop, connut les tribus du désert en Mauritanie, vit un éléphant en liberté, voyagea couché à plat ventre sur un wagon, à demi asphyxié par la poussière.
Jewels disappeared. He played saxophone and guitar. He hitchhiked 4000 kilometres (2500 miles), he knew desert tribes in Mauritania, saw a wild/free elephant, travelled on a wagon lain on his stomach, half asphyxiated by the dust. He noticed that Dakar surprinsigly looked like Knokke-le-Zoute [Belgium].

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2017 21:43
Suite du topic fusionné.

Réponse : Passé simple/imparfait de gerold, postée le 13-11-2017 à 11:40:24 (S | E)

When Daniel was born, I was eighteen years old. I bought a lot of sophisticated objects : folding bath, bottle warmer, sterilizer. I never know (je ne sus=prétérit) how to use them very well... I sometimes brought (plutôt to take) Daniel in (autre préposition) cafés, where he was looked on with surprise : it was not yet in fashion/it was not the custom yet. He was a baby forerunner, a hippie baby ahead of his time. When I went dancing/danced , he was sleeping/slept in the room used as a locker room.

When he was five, he expressed a precocious protective instinct by screaming in the underground in a shrill voice : Let my mom pass. At the age of eight, he went shopping and made the (son dîner) dinner on his own when he judged that I got home too late... When he was nine, we had some conflicts. He refused to go to school, to wash, and to eat fish. One day, I plunged him in a bath with all his clothes on, another day, Jacques carried him on his back to go to school, he screamed all along the way. These educational trials didn't have any success. Besides, he cured himself by his own. We decided not to intervene anymore.

At the age of ten, in high school, having received as essay topic « a beautiful memory », he wrote ingenuously (faux ami = ingénieusement, ingenument=naïvement))« the greatest memory of my life is my parents' wedding.»
When he was fifteen, he was fond of 60s pop singer (pluriel). We collected 45 r.p.m records... He played clarinet. He drank a bit. At the age of seventeen, he was a buddhist. He played tuba. His hair grew longer. At 18, he took the baccalaureate. A little before, he has been covered with jewels as a Hindu prince or a movie extra, a ring on/in every/each finger...

(il faut un article, ce ne sont pas n'importe quels bijoux, mais ceux dont il a été question avant) Jewels disappeared. He played saxophone and guitar. He hitchhiked 4000 kilometres (2500 miles), he knew desert tribes in Mauritania, saw a wild/free elephant, travelled on a wagon lain on his stomach, half asphyxiated by the dust. He noticed that Dakar surprinsigly (orth.) looked like Knokke-le-Zoute [Belgium].


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