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Notion/ Idea of Progress

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Notion/ Idea of Progress
Message de nora63 posté le 26-11-2017 à 21:03:39 (S | E | F)
je suis en Terminale S et en vue de mon expression orale du bac je commence à préparer les notions. Ma présentation doit être composée de cette manière :
Introduction :
Définition de la notion
Problématique/ Fil conducteur
Développement (2 ou 3 documents au choix) :
Présenter le document
Décrire le document
Faire le lien avec la notion

I’m going to deals with the notion idea of progress. First I will explain what I understand by this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change by way of discovery, innovation, breakthrough social, economic, scientific and technological. All of that contributes to making the world a better place, they are usually as having a positive effect on society however they are some cases where change can have a negative effect. The main theme is the Swinging Sixties, they are the decade who depict the best this notion because a lot of changes happened. In order to illustrate this notion, I will try to answer the question : What does effect have progress on the society of England in the 60’s ? I will base my presentation on two documents:
-The first document is a drawing on a cover of Time Magazine, an American Magazine, it was published in 1966 and called London : The Swinging City. The page is divided into two parts diagonally. The right hand-side reflects the more traditional aspects of society with Big Ben Tower, the Union Jack or a double-decker bus. This could be called the 《traditional》London. The left hand-side illustrates the rapid changes that were happening around that time as is shown by colourful clothes or rock music. All the traditional aspects of society seem to have been relegated to the background as if to leave room for change,fun,movement and music in the foreground. This decade was ruled by the younger generation, many were born after WWII. They enjoyed their newly found freedom by parting hard, experimenting with wild clothing styles. Indeed, we are given the impression that the author draws the viewer’s attention to the new appearance of the sixties by means of numerous progress. The swinging city is the label used to refer to the decade in which the capital of England was at the center of the cultural universe : London was the place to be.
-The second document is an advertising about a food processor which call Kenwood Chef, it’s form of a photography, a slogan and a coupon. We can see a couple in their late 20s or early 30s. The men is wearing a suit and the woman a smart black dress and a chef’s hat because she’s been cooking. They must belong to the middle class : he must be a white collar worker and she must be a housewife. We can see on the counter in front of them the fruits of her labour various drinks and dishes she has prepared for her husband. The women is very elegant with her red lipstick, red nail polish, stylish blond hair : preparing all this dishes must have been very easy. They are both smiling and happy because they have a Kenwood Chef. This ad represent the technogical progress and point out the fact that modern technology makes life easy, allow of make good cook moreover they can afford it, which give a kind of pride. In my opinion, even nowadays, more than 50 years later, a kitchen machine have the same design but also it can be very expensive.
To conclude, I would like to say that the progress in the 60’s have a positive effect to the society in England. The advances of technology help improve daily lives and give a better quality of live : a middle class could afford more and more things. This period was also characterized by fashion, baby boomers, emergence of brands and new style of music with a lots of famous bands. That’s why optimistic this decade was.

Voilà où j’en suis dans mon devoir; j’aimerais savoir ce que vous en pensez et si possible corriger que vous m'indiquiez mes fautes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-11-2017 21:37

Réponse : Notion/ Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 27-11-2017 à 16:08:28 (S | E)
- I’m going to deals (to + infinitif)with the notion idea of progress.
- a development or a change by way of discovery, innovation, breakthrough social, economic, scientific and technological (ordre des mots).
- they are usually as having: ?
- a positive effect on (article)society
- they are some cases (vous confondez they are et there are) where change can have a negative effect.
- the decade who (pas le bon relatif)depict (faute de conjugaison)the best
- What does effect have progress on the society of England in the 60’s ? : question mal construite)

- the more traditional aspects of (article)society
- as (sujet)is shown by colourful clothes or rock music.

- a food processor which call (pas la bonne forme du verbe)Kenwood Chef, it’s form (mal conjugué)of a photography,
- The men (singulier) is wearing a suit
- The women (singulier)is very elegant
- preparing all this (pluriel) dishes must have been very easy.
- This ad represent (faute de conjugaison)the technogical progress and point out (même remarque) the fact
- modern technology makes life easy, allow (faute de conjugaison)of (pas la bonne préposition) make good cook (mettre un point) moreover they can afford it, which (pas le bon relatif)give (faute de conjugaison) a kind of pride.
- a kitchen machine have (faute de conjugaison)

-To conclude, I would like to say that the progress in the 60’s have (pas le bon temps) a positive effect to (pas la bonne préposition)the society in England.
- The advances of technology help (préposition)improve daily lives and give a better quality of live (c'est le verbe, pas le nom!)
- (article)emergence of brands and (article)new style of music with a (pas de a)lots of famous bands.

Good job!


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