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Prepare tea/dialogue

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Prepare tea/dialogue
Message de jane37 posté le 27-11-2017 à 08:33:13 (S | E | F)
Hello !
J'ai écrit un dialogue pour présenter la façon de faire une tasse de thé (à faire "jouer "à mon équipe seniorale des "speak spoke spoken". Ayant des incertitudes au niveau vocabulaire,grammaire et conjugaison, Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me corriger ?
Jane and Kate‘s tutors
How to prepare a cup of tea with a teabag:

“Welcome to the Jane and Kate’s tutors
Today, we are going to show you how to make a good cup of tea with a teabag.”
“Oh it’s a good idea Jane, we do love tea and our guests too, don’t you?
So, Jane what do we need to make a good cup of tea with a teabag?”
You need a kettle, (electric kettle, cast iron kettle, or your regular kettle)
A cup with saucer it’s classier, in ceramic or in china to retain heat well.
A cosy, to cover the cup.
Water, and of course a teabag of your choice and taste.
To serve with, you can prepare lemon, milk, sugar and honey.
Thank you Jane, now can you explain to us how to boil the water,
Because it seems it is quite an art!
Indeed Kate, listen to me:
First use preferably mineral or filtered water.
If you using tape water, let it run for ten seconds before.
Bring the water to a boil.
Be careful; make sure you only boil the water one time.
What happens if we boil the water twice?

It’s a good question Kate:
If you boil the water more than once,
the oxygen levels in the water will be reduced and make the taste flat.
Thank you Jane it’s very interesting.
Now, I have heard that it was well to heat the cup before, is that right?
Absoluty Kate,
Preheat your cup is better to retain the good temperature.
So, pour little boiling water in the individual cup.
Let the water stand until the cup is warm.
Then pour out the water and proceed immediately to the next step.

What is the next step Jane?

Immediately you put your teabag in the bottom of the cup.
Generally it’s one teabag per cup.
Make sure that the teabag is fresh and of good quality
Otherwise, Small pieces of leaves are susceptible to give a stale taste.

Now, Jane what are you going to do?
Now, I add hot water:
I pour water over the teabag; the water must be hot, but not boiling!
Use slightly less hot water.

What happens if I pour boiling water on the teabag?
Teabags are often include tea dust and fanning,
So, maybe the smallest tea particles appear, and it is not very nice
So, make a good choice about teabags.
All right Jane. What have you to do now?
Now, we have to let the tea step
I cover with a cosy to retain warmth.
In general, loose-tea should be steeped longer than teabag
Check the box for guidance. If there no instructions, steep for one minute or two.
Then taste frequently until flavourful but not bitter.
All right Jane, during this two minutes, can you say us what tea have you selected?
Today, I have selected three kinds of tea:
Firstly, here you are the earl Grey; it is a blend of black tea flavoured with bergamot.
Secondly: Here you are Lady Grey, it is also a blend of black tea, but flavoured with bergamot,
And also zest of lemon and orange.
Thirdly, here you are Darjeeling; this tea is the most coveted of all black teas, considered the best!
Also nicknamed tea Champagne! This tea is very tasty, we find a savour slightly flowery, woody, and subtly spicy. Like all black tea, Darjeeling is somewhat bitter.
Thank you Jane, the two minutes have passed.
It’s time to taste.
How do you serve this tea?
Depending on your taste, you may want to serve black tea with milk, sugar, lemon or honey.
Don’t serve the tea with lemon and milk, because the milk will curdle.
Thank you very much Jane.
So, do you have some questions?
Do you need some additional informations ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2017 08:50

Réponse : Prepare tea/dialogue de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2017 à 12:05:52 (S | E)

Jane and Kate‘s tutors
How to prepare a cup of tea with a teabag:

“Welcome to the Jane and Kate’s tutors
Today, we are going to show you how to make a good cup of tea with a teabag.”
“Oh it’s a good idea Jane, we do love tea and our guests too, don’t you?
So, Jane what do we need to make a good cup of tea with a teabag?”
You need a kettle, ( an electric kettle, a cast iron kettle, or your regular kettle)
A cup with its saucer it’s classier, in (made out of)ceramic or in china to retain(français traduit, to keep) heat well.
A cosy, to cover the cup.(le cosy recouvre le plus souvent la théière)
Water, and of course a teabag of your choice and taste.
To serve with, you can prepare lemon, milk, sugar and honey.
Thank you Jane, now can you explain to us how to boil the water,
Because it seems it is quite an art!
Indeed Kate, listen to me:
First use preferably mineral or filtered water.
If you using(oh là!!) tape water, let it run for ten seconds before.(non, mettez first en début d'ordre)
Bring the water to a(the) boil.
Be careful; make sure you only boil the water one time(n'existe pas: once, twice, three times).
What happens if we boil the water twice?

It’s a good question Kate:
If you boil the water more than once,
the oxygen levels(singulier) in the water will be reduced and make the taste flat.
Thank you Jane, it’s very interesting.
Now, I have heard that it was well(français traduit: advisable, preferable, good) to heat the cup before, is that right?
Absolutely Kate,
Preheating your cup is better to retain the good temperature.(français traduit: to keep the right temperature)
So, pour a little (little seul signifierait peu de, une restriction) boiling water in the individual cup.
Let the water stand until the cup is warm.
Then pour out the water and proceed immediately to the next step.

What is the next step Jane?

Immediately you put your teabag in(in your cup mais on the bottom, le teabag ne rentre pas dans la céramique) the bottom of the cup.
Generally it’s one teabag per cup.(generally passerait mieux à la fin de la phrase, ou it's usually....)
Make sure that the teabag is fresh and of good quality
Otherwise, Small pieces of leaves are susceptible to give a stale taste.

Now, Jane what are you going to do?
Now, I add hot water:
I pour water over the teabag; the water must be hot, but not boiling!
Use slightly less hot water.

What happens if I pour boiling water on the teabag?
Teabags are often include (oh là !! conjugaison !)tea dust and fanning,
So, maybe the smallest tea particles appear, and it is not very nice
So, make a good choice about teabags.
(to include implique une action volontaire pour apporter de la qualité, il vaudrait mieux dire: teabags unfortunately also contain...)
All right Jane. What have you (oh là !! conjugaison! have ici n'est pas auxiliaire mais verbe lexical, soumis à do)to do now?
Now, we have to let the tea step(sens de ce verbe ??? ah to steep))
I cover (vous recouvrez quoi ?) with a cosy to retain warmth.
In general, loose-tea should be steeped longer than teabags
Check the box for guidance. If there are no instructions, steep for one minute or two.
Then taste frequently until flavourful but not bitter.
All right Jane, during this(during ne va pas, et this devrait être au pluriel. Je dirais: since we have two minutes to spare /to wait) two minutes, can you say(quand il y a une "oreille" derrière dire, c'est tell) us what tea have you pas d'inversion au style indirect) selected?
Today, I have selected three kinds of tea:
Firstly, here you are(Here you a re signifie, tenez, voici, sans le produit cité, sinon, c'est here is some tea, au sens de tenez, quand on offre. ici, ça ne va pas. Ne mettez rien, citez les trois produits directement) the earl Grey; it is a blend of black tea flavoured with bergamot.
Secondly: Here you are Lady Grey, it is also a blend of black tea, but flavoured with bergamot,
And also zest of (au pluriel, un nom composé irait mieux lemon and orange zests)lemon and orange.
Thirdly, here you are Darjeeling; this tea is the most coveted of all black teas, considered the best!
Also nicknamed tea Champagne! This tea is very tasty, we find a savour slightly flowery(ordre des mots à la française, les adjectifs épithètes viennent devant le nom), woody, and subtly spicy. Like all black tea, Darjeeling is somewhat bitter.
Thank you Jane, the two minutes have passed(maladroit).
It’s time to taste.
How do you serve this tea?
Depending on your taste, you may want to serve black tea with milk, sugar, lemon or honey.
Don’t serve the tea with lemon and milk, because the milk will curdle.
Thank you very much Jane.
So, do you have some questions? (some implique que vous savez qu'il y en aura, donc vous êtes sûre d'avoir mal expliqué ou d'avoir devant vous un public de casse-pieds. Any questions ? suffirait.)
Do you need some additional informations(mot collectif, sans pluriel) ?
Là, c'est pareil:
Would you like some more tea ? Vous en proposez, vous savez que vous en avez puisque vous en offrez.
Would you like any further information ? C'est le public qui décidera s'il lui en faut plus ou pas)
Would you like some more information ? si vous en avez gardé sous le coude pour ceux qui ne seraient pas exaspérés par l'heure de cours et ne seraient pas déja passés au Nespresso avec le divin George Clooney

Réponse : Prepare tea/dialogue de jane37, postée le 27-11-2017 à 14:10:26 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your corrections and explanations. Enjoy your afternoon with a nice cup of tea!
Jane 37


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