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My dream job/aide

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My dream job/aide
Message de merci posté le 26-05-2018 à 14:01:52 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire un texte en anglais sur mon métier de rêve. Pouvez-vous corriger mon texte ou me dire les éventuelles erreurs.
Merci d'avance.

I want to become a doctor. Being one is not only my dream but also my parent's. I don't wish to be the wealthiest and most highly graduated doctor the world's ever seen but I want to be one who will serve her people and country in a true manner. Infact I don't want to be a doctor for only patients but for the needy too. Although I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea to be faithful, humane and achieve great degrees at the same time but it is worth a try. I always want to feel the pride of being loyal to my patients and my duty.

Well it's not always the same story from the beginning infact it was totally different. When I was a little girl, I didn't actually wanted to be a doctor and never was worried about it. All I used to think was being a singer. Ofcourse that was a dream for me which I wished to come true. It included of me always singing silly songs and even recording and playing them back. But soon circumstances changed, I grew up and came to know my real destiny. Although I showed interest in studies from the beginning but singing was something which I used to do everytime, whether I be studying or playing. Many may call it as craziness but this was me as a kid. But as I mentioned earlier, I grew up to know where I belong and concentrated on it.

For now, for real I have a different dream and that is I want to become a doctor.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2018 14:33

Réponse : My dream job/aide de gerondif, postée le 27-05-2018 à 18:12:36 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I want to become a doctor. Being one is not only my dream but also my parent's(pluriel). I don't wish to be the wealthiest and most highly graduated doctor the world's ever seen but I want to be one who will serve her people and country in a true manner. In fact I don't want to be a doctor for only(inverser l'ordre) patients but for the needy too. Although I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea to be faithful, humane and achieve great degrees at the same time but it is worth a try. I always want to feel the pride of being loyal to my patients and my duty.

Well it's(à mettre au preset perfect) not always the same story from the beginning. infact( en 2 mots) it was totally different. When I was a little girl, I didn't actually wanted to be a doctor and never was(inverser l'ordre) worried about it. All I used to think about was being a singer. Ofcourse(en deux mots) that was a dream for me which I wished to come true. It included of(supprimer) me always singing silly songs and even recording and playing them back. But soon circumstances changed, I grew up and came to know my real destiny. Although I showed interest in studies from the beginning but(supprimer, although donne déja le lien) singing was something which I used to do everytime (à chaque fois ou toujours??), whether I be studying or playing. Many may call it as(supprimer) craziness but this was me as a kid. But as I mentioned earlier, I grew up to know where I belong and concentrated on it.

For now, for real I have a different dream / and that is I want to become a doctor (un peu maladroit)/ which is becoming a doctor..


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