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Global warming/correction

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Global warming/correction
Message de vaiana posté le 29-10-2018 à 00:27:05 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone.
Here is some are a few little improvised sentences I've written, could you help me to correct them please?
I'm not very good at making writing sentences as I'm not used to do it. If you have any tricks to help me to improve my language skills, feel free to tell me. I also love reading people experiences, so don't hesitate to tell me how you did when you were learning English.

GLOBAL WARMING : The global warming is an actual topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a processus which started some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Some people notwithstanding like Donald Trump, the actual president of the United States, don't consider the global warming as alarming. These people say the global warming doesn't occur because of human activities and don't do anything to try to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the accord that has been made during the COP 21 don't respect their commitments. But I guess everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there is some climatic negationists. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too many water when you are showering. You can also don't pollute the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity.

Thanks. Vaiana.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2018 07:42

Réponse : Global warming/correction de gerold, postée le 31-10-2018 à 15:03:25 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

GLOBAL WARMING : The à enlever, ainsi que dans la suite du texte global warming is an actual si vous voulez dire actuel, ce n'est pas le bon mot topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a processus plus courant "process" which started some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Some people notwithstanding placer en début de phrase like Donald Trump, the actual autre mot president of the United States,don't consider the global warming as alarming. These people say the global warming doesn't occur because of human activities and don't do anything to try to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the accord that has been made during the COP 21 don't respect their commitments. But I guess everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there is erreur de conjugaison some climatic negationists. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too many water vous ne pouvez pas "compter" l'eau when you are showering. You can also don'tutilisez "avoid" pollute the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de vaiana, postée le 31-10-2018 à 15:55:48 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci pour votre réponse.

Global warming (pourquoi faut-il enlever le "the" ? Le réchauffement climatique est pourtant un fait unique ) is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which started some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming as alarming. These people say global warming doesn't occur because of human activities and don't do anything to try to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the accord that has been made during the COP 21 don't respect their commitments. But I guess everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there are some climatic negationists. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid pollute the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de gerold, postée le 01-11-2018 à 13:39:44 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

Global warming (pourquoi faut-il enlever le "the" ? Le réchauffement climatique est pourtant un fait unique oui, mais c'est une notion abstraite (même si elle a des effets concrets), en général on n'emploie pas "the" dans ce cas, sauf si une précision est apportée, par "that" par ex. (The global warming that is already underway)) is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which started some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming as alarming. These people plus simple : they say global warming doesn't occurle present perfect conviendrait mieux (fait qui a commencé dans le passé et se poursuit dans le présent) because of human activities and don't do essayez de traduire "... ne sont pas disposés à ..." anything to try to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the accord bien que ce mot existe, il est rare, employez plutôt agreement that has been made during the COP 21 don't respect their commitments. But I guess everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there are some climatic negationists. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid pollute the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de vaiana, postée le 01-11-2018 à 14:27:47 (S | E)
Hello, thanks.

Global warming (ok ) is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which started some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming as alarming. They say global warming has not occured because of human activities and are unwilling to try anything to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the agreement that has been made during the COP 21 don't respect their commitments. But I guess everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there are some climatic negationists. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid polluting the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de gerold, postée le 02-11-2018 à 21:06:16 (S | E)
Bonsoir vaiana

Global warming is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which started un autre verbe pour éviter la répétition ? some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming (as inutile) alarming. They say global warming has not occured because of human activities and are unwilling to try to do anything to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the agreement that has been made le prétérit conviendrait mieux car "during" introduit un complément de temps équivalant à une date (voir votre sujet sur prétérit/present perfect) during the COP 21 don't respect là ce serait plutôt un present perfect (situation qui a commencé dans le passé et qui continue) their commitments. But I guess cela fait très américain everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there are some climateic negationists cherchez un mot plus "anglais", formé sur to deny. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid polluting the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need luminosity ce n'est pas le mot le plus approprié, mais il faudrait répéter light.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de lucile83, postée le 02-11-2018 à 22:32:36 (S | E)
Luminosity = brightness. It's no use to repeat light then.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de vaiana, postée le 03-11-2018 à 00:32:38 (S | E)

Global warming is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which began some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming alarming. They say global warming has not occured because of human activities and are unwilling to try to do anything to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the agreement made during the COP 21 have not respected their commitments. But I guess/think everyone can contribute to the health of the world, even if there are some climatic deniers. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid polluting the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need brightness.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de gerold, postée le 03-11-2018 à 12:30:22 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

Global warming is a current topic which starts to make people ponder but this is a process which began some decades ago in reality, and is increasing as time goes by. Notwithstanding some people like Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, don't consider global warming alarming. They say global warming has not occured vérifiez l'orthographe because of human activities and are unwilling to try to do anything to correct it. A lot of countries which ratified the agreement made during the COP 21 have not respected their commitments. But I guess/think everyone can contribute to the health of the world apparemment, cela ne se dit pas, dites "la santé de notre planète", even if there are some climatic climatedeniers. There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt. To begin with, you can avoid using too much water when you are showering. You can also avoid polluting the environment by throwing what you don't need in a bin, or even switching your lights off when you don't need brightness.

Réponse : Global warming/correction de lucile83, postée le 03-11-2018 à 14:20:45 (S | E)
Here are 2 things that should be checked:
health of the world ..= bien-être en français
There is a lot of little gestures you can adopt.


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