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Pro/anti uniform

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Pro/anti uniform
Message de margott2 posté le 21-01-2021 à 16:37:03 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais avoir une correction de mon résumé sur un débat pro/anti uniforme s'il vous plait.

I'm anti-uniform because the uniform does not allow you to be free. I'm agree with … is true that there is not social class inequalities with the uniform but without this one you can choose your clothes and vary them. In addition, clothing helps to show a person's personality with their own style. In my opinion, ...... is wrong when she says that the uniform is a save money because this one expensive and it often has to be changed. In addition, i think the uniform has a form of sexism as girls are forced to wear a skirt while boys wear pants. I share …....'s point of view the uniform saves time to get dressed because you don't have to make choices but as thinks Axelle it's boring to always be dressed the same. I agree with Axelle the uniform allows you to not consume by buying more clothes than necessary however buying clothes can too be a pleasure.

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2021 17:45

Réponse : Pro/anti uniform de laure95, postée le 21-01-2021 à 18:12:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir Margot,
- I'm agree: être d'accord = to agree.
- there is not social class inequalities: there is + singulier.
- to show a (pas le bon article ici) person's personality
- the uniform is a save money: ?
- this one expensive: où est le verbe?
- and it often (pas à la bonne place)has to be changed.
- In addition (chercher un synonyme), i (majuscule) think
- the uniform saves time: mal dit.
- as thinks Axelle: ordre des mots.
- to always (pas à la bonne place) be dressed the same.
- to not (ordre des mots)consume
- buying clothes can too (pas à la bonne place)be a pleasure.

Réponse : Pro/anti uniform de margott2, postée le 21-01-2021 à 19:31:39 (S | E)
I'm anti-uniform because the uniform does not allow you to be free. I AGREE with … is true that there ISN'T SOCIAL CLASS INEQUALITY with the uniform but without this one you can choose your clothes and vary them. In addition, clothing helps to show THE person's personality with their own style. In my opinion, ...... is wrong when she says that the uniform is a save money because this one IS expensive and it has OFTEN to be changed. MOREOVER, I think the uniform has a form of sexism as girls are forced to wear a skirt while boys wear pants. I share …....'s point of view the uniform saves time to get dressed because you don't have to make choices but as thinks Axelle it's boring to be dressed ALWAYS the same. I agree with Axelle the uniform allows you NOT TO consume by buying more clothes than necessary however buying clothes can be a pleasure.

the uniform is a save money: ? // C'est l'idée qui n'est pas compris ou la phrase qui n'est pas correcte ?
the uniform saves time: mal dit. // Je ne sais pas comment changer
as thinks Axelle: ordre des mots. // Si j'échange thinks et Axelle ça change le sens de la phrase

merci pour votre réponse

Réponse : Pro/anti uniform de margott2, postée le 21-01-2021 à 21:20:32 (S | E)
I against wearing the uniform at school because it does not allow you to be free. I AGREE with Océane it is true that there ISN'T SOCIAL CLASS INEQUALITY with the uniform but without this one you can choose your clothes and vary them. In addition, clothing helps to show THE person's personality with their own style. In my opinion, Océane is wrong when she says that the uniform is a save money because this one IS expensive and it has to be often changed . MOREOVER, I think the uniform has a form of sexism as girls are forced to wear a skirt while boys wear pants. I share Oceane's point of view the uniform saves time to get dressed because you don't have to make choices but as thinks Axelle it's boring to be dressed ALWAYS the same. Finally, I agree with Axelle the uniform allows you NOT TO consume by buying more clothes than necessary however buying clothes can be a pleasure.

Réponse : Pro/anti uniform de laure95, postée le 22-01-2021 à 10:41:19 (S | E)
I (il manque un verbe)gainst wearing the uniform at school
- the uniform is a save money: je ne comprends pas.
- the uniform saves time: l'uniforme gagne du temps?
- as thinks Axelle: ordre des mots.
- to be dressed ALWAYS (pas à la bonne place)the same.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais



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