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Composition about money
Message de nefertari7 posté le 02-05-2007 à 16:10:57 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai écrit une composition sur le thème "Money", mais je ne suis pas sûre du tout qu'elle soit correcte. Pourriez-vous m'aider ?

Since money had stood in for barter, all the people need it to survive. Money had spreaded to the end of the world. The Tuaregs need even money. Only same tribes, generally very poor, don't use money. Money, money ! this concept becomes in a way a god for many people. Money rhymes with power, and often tyranny or dictatory, with poverty, with marginalization, with death... How can it be so contradictory ? How can it generate so much tragedy ?

It's so much ways to earn money : work, pocket mmoney, heritage, sport,... There are so much ways to earn badly money, too : blackmail, swindle, questionable traffic, ... And finally, there are so much ways to lost money : gambling, unemployement, ... More you have money, more you will to have it and less you have money, less you have it.

First, the people use money to survive, for example to buy food. Then they use it to buy clothes, gadgets,... The rich men have two attitudes : some invest all in a bank or in a safe, others use their money to help people in need. this last attitude is very well !

Réponse: Composition about money de sdtriton, postée le 02-05-2007 à 18:32:25 (S | E)
Since money had stood in for barter, all the people need (concordance des temps) it to survive. Money had spreaded (conjugaison) to the end of the world. The Tuaregs need even (concordance des temps, et aussi l'ordres des mots) money. Only same (orthographe) tribes, generally very poor, don't use money. Money, money ! this concept becomes in a way a god for many people. Money rhymes with power, and often tyranny or dictatory (choix des mots), with poverty, with marginalization, with death... How can it be so contradictory ? How can it generate (choix des mots) so much tragedy ?

It's so much ways to earn money : work, pocket mmoney, heritage (le héritage = "inheritance"), sport,... There are so much ways to earn badly money (ordes des mots), too : blackmail, swindle, questionable traffic, ... And finally, there are so much ways to lost money : gambling, unemployement, ... More you have money, more you will to have it and less you have money, less you have it.

First, the (on spécifie pas un groupe particulier, donc on doit pas mettre l'article) people use money to survive, for example to buy food. Then they use it to buy clothes, gadgets,... The rich men have two attitudes : some invest all in a bank or in a safe, others use their money to help people in need. this last attitude is very well ! (well = adverbe, good = adjectif)




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