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petite redaction (1)

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petite redaction
Message de hasnacha posté le 13-09-2007 à 18:08:14 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai fais ce texte mais je ne suis pas sur que tout est juste.Pouvez vous me dire s'il vous plait si j'ai des fautes.

the toy in top on the left with on its head an ear in the shape of soccer ball and another ear in the shape of rugby ball.
moreover, one also sees on his face (or him head) a hand where there is above a heart and on with side soccer ball and rugby ball.
May be that this robot wants to show that football and Rugby are of very good fascinating sport. May be also that he wants to show that the two sports which he likes much are these two sports.

Merci beaucoup!

Réponse: petite redaction de hasnacha, postée le 13-09-2007 à 21:41:10 (S | E)
S'il vous plait aider moi!!
Je traduit trop mot à mot et je ne sais pas du tout si ce que j'ai fais est bon.

Réponse: petite redaction de hasnacha, postée le 14-09-2007 à 11:24:38 (S | E)
Je veux vraiment savoir si j'ai juste où si j'ai beaucoup de fautes!!
Comme je traduis mot à mot je pense que j'ai des erreurs!


Réponse: petite redaction de aud18, postée le 14-09-2007 à 11:33:56 (S | E)
Boujour !
En rouge, ce qu'il faut que tu changes
Il se peut que des erreurs me soient échappées

The toy in top on the left with on its head an ear in the shape of soccer ball and another ear in the shape of rugby ball.
Moreover, one also sees on his face (or him head) a hand where there is above a heart and on with side soccer ball and rugby ball.
May be that this robot wants to show that football and Rugby are of very good fascinating sport. May be also that he wants to show that the two sports which he likes much are these two sports.

A toi !

Modifié par aud18 le 14-09-2007 11:45

Réponse: petite redaction de hasnacha, postée le 15-09-2007 à 19:47:20 (S | E)
J'ai modifié ce qui n'était pas bon, est ce mieux?

The toy which is in the top left hand corner has an ear in the shape of A soccer ball and the other ear in the shape of A rugby ball.
Moreover, one also sees a hand and a heart on his face with to the right of this hand a soccer ball and to the left a rugby ball.
Maybe this robot wants to show that football and Rugby are quite fascinating sports. Maybe that it wants to show that the two sports he likes best are these two sports.


Réponse: petite redaction de jean31, postée le 15-09-2007 à 21:04:36 (S | E)

C'est mieux, mais...
Voici, en bleu, un petit coup de pouce.

J'ai modifié ce qui n'était pas bon, est ce mieux?

The toy which is in the top left hand corner has an ear in the shape of a soccer ball and the other ear in the shape of a rugby ball.
Moreover, one can also see a hand and a heart on his face with a soccer ball to the right of his hand and a rugby ball to the left.
Maybe this robot wants to show that football and rugby are quite fascinating sports. Maybe he wants to show that the two sports he likes best are these two ones.

Réponse: petite redaction de hasnacha, postée le 15-09-2007 à 21:29:35 (S | E)
merci beaucoup jean31!!

Réponse: petite redaction de hasnacha, postée le 15-09-2007 à 21:31:08 (S | E)
merci aussi à aud18!!

Voila donc le texte corrigé:

The toy which is in the top left hand corner has an ear in the shape of a soccer ball and the other ear in the shape of a rugby ball.
Moreover, one can also see a hand and a heart on his face with a soccer ball to the right of his hand and a rugby ball to the left.
Maybe this robot wants to show that football and rugby are quite fascinating sports. Maybe he wants to show that the two sports he likes best are these two ones.

merci encore!!




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