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Books and cultures (correction) (1)

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Books and cultures (correction)
Message de lizie posté le 19-09-2007 à 18:25:25 (S | E | F | I)


Pourriez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plaît?

J'ai une expression écrite à rendre et je voudrais savoir si vous pourriez m'indiquer mes incohérences et mes fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire?!!!

Je vous en remercie d'avance.

Sujets :
a/ For some people, books are the only possible form of culture. Do you agree with them?

b/ "To know a man's library is to know his mind" Discuss!

Mon expression:

A/ There is certain that we all have been taught trought books at school.
Books are well known to be a shape of culture.
Furthermore, for many books remain THE means of learning.
However, we may wonder whether books are the only source of culture.
As for me, books were my main source of knowledge.
Indeed, the school learning this fact by means of manual workers school.
There is I think of a very strong dominance of books.
What does not mean that the cinema and the music for example are not factors of knowledge.
In a nutshell, the cinema; the music and the museums constitute a strong source of knowledge because they allow us to grow rich culturally but in a less school way.
Or rather in a more autonomous way.
There are various forms of cultures; as the music, the cinema; the travels.
Indeed, the music allows to certain persons to travel; the music is also a shape of acquisition of knowledge because through the music we can listen to from English.
The cinema does not mean necessarily war film; there are also reports.
The travels also enrich us very culturally because they allow us to know new lands; of new horizon and of new cultures … However, not everybody has the luck to travel.
But there is also a work of the technological progress with Internet.
As for me, books were a long time my only one source of knowledge.
But for some time the music and Internet as well as the journeys contributes to it more strongly.

One is thus led to conclude that books are not the only possible form of culture.
In time, there is of news technology and thus again means of broadcasting and learning.
This says not everybody has the luck to be able to reach it.
After books there was Internet; who will it have after this?

B/ We tend to judge people by their clothing style; by their associates ..
And in that case there by their library but a library is reflected t-elle really a culture and one truth personality?
It is necessary it to distrust because appearances are misleading and you should not judge on the appearance.
As we say "You can't judge a book by its cover".
Certain persons are going to buy to themselves certain clothes by taste while the others by simple mode.
Certain teenagers want only certain things to show off or for the brand and indeed for the library it can be of the same order.
Indeed, certain persons can buy bookswithout liking them, but by simple aspect.
In our society everything is only superficiality.

By way of conclusion,I will say that I do not agree with the expression " to know library was to know this mind of man ".
You should not trust appearances.

Modifié par bridg le 19-09-2007 18:31




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