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texte, inde (1)

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texte, inde
Message de hasnacha posté le 24-09-2007 à 22:07:51 (S | E | F | I)

Je pense avoir fait des erreurs sur ce petit texte, pouvez vous me dire si j'en ai fait, merci beaucoup!

That there is (ce qu'il y a?) strange one this image it is that this cow carries around its horn a Indian jewel (like a collar), Indian object. This cow can be perceived like the symbol of India.
In all the Mc donald's of each country one eats of Big Mac containing of beef, well as India venerates (vénère) the beef, they one not the right to eat some. Thats is why Mc donald' S produced for India of food without beef and notably without pig.

merci encore!

Réponse: texte, inde de aud18, postée le 25-09-2007 à 11:50:50 (S | E)
Bonjour!Je t'ai mis en rouge ce qu'il faut que tu changes.

That there is (ce qu'il y a?)utilse un pronom strange one(une préposition ici) this image it is that this cow carries around its horn a (a devant une voyelle devient...) Indian jewel (like(pas like mais...) a collar), Indian object. This cow can be perceived like the symbol of India.
In all the Mc donald's of each country one eats of(pas une préposition mais un article) Big Mac containing of beef, well as (whereas) India venerates the beef, they one not the right to eat some (à remanier !). That is why Mc donald' S produce for India of food without beef and notably without pig.

A toi de jouer ! Courage

Réponse: texte, inde de hasnacha, postée le 25-09-2007 à 12:20:37 (S | E)
Merci, voila ce que ça me donne:

what strange on this image it is that this cow carries around its horn an Indian jewel (as a collar), Indian object. This cow can be perceived like the symbol of India.
In all the Mc donald's of each country one eats a Big Mac containing whereas India venerates the beef, they one not the right of in eaten. That is why Mc donald' S produce for India food without beef and notably without pig.

Est ce mieux??

Réponse: texte, inde de hasnacha, postée le 25-09-2007 à 12:23:27 (S | E)
C'est plutot AT this picture

Réponse: texte, inde de aud18, postée le 25-09-2007 à 14:21:49 (S | E)
what is strange on this picture it is that this cow carries around its horn an Indian jewel (as a collar), Indian object * . This cow can be perceived like the symbol of India.
In all the Mc donald's of each country one eats a Big Mac containing beef (tu as oublié de le remettre) whereas India venerates the beef, they one not the right of in eaten **. That is why Mc donald' S produce for India food without beef and notably without pig.

* à quoi ça sert ce "indian object" ? que veux-tu dire ?

** que veux-tu dire? qu'ils n'ont pas le droit d'en manger c'est bien ça ?
Avoir le droit de faire = to be allowed to...

Revois comment on traduit "on" en anglais, comme ici par exemple : Lien Internet

Après ces quelques modifications, ce sera mieux !

Modifié par aud18 le 25-09-2007 14:22




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