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Correction Texte roman culture (1)

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Correction Texte roman culture
Message de arpagiont posté le 13-10-2007 à 13:28:42 (S | E | F | I)


J'ai fait un texte sur la ville de Pompei. Si quelqu'un pouvait le regarder et me dire les améliorations que je pourrais y apporter.



I chose to speak about Pompei because I go to Pompei at two times during the holydays and I find that is a wonder of the roman culture .

Pompei was a wonderfull roman city .It located near a volcano : the vésuve .But in 79 AD the volcano exploded and the city is covered by the stones from the vesuve and by the lava during nearly 1800 years until a priest did excavations near the volcano and found the city .

I am very surprised of the good condition of conservation of the city .The lava has kept the city in a very good condition we can walk in the streets of the city like to walk in every modern city .A lot of house have their for walls some have even their roofs .If the lava didn’t have recover the city ,it would have been destroyed by the time .I am very surprised too by the size of the city she is very big .

The visit of pompei is before a wonderful travel in the thime .Walking in the street ,discover the organisation of public’s monuments (temples, theaters,public bath ,...)and the superb houses .In these misterious corners ,we lose the concept of times and we discover a other civilization .Pompei was a rich city .The rich romans of Rome had their country house in Pompei .Before the eruption Pompei was near the seaside.The houses have a garden inside with a lot of statues of the roman mythology and fountains .Each room gives on this garden .All the houses of the rich had mosaics and paintings and the lava protected them .But are into a museum an so we can’t see them when we go on the site .In Pompei like in every roman city ,there a lot of public baths and temples ,the biggest theater of pompei can recieve 20000 peoples .He was use for sports and fights with gladiators their were slaves or prisoners . The Forum, the center of life in the city , political and religious, was the theater of important ceremonies and shows .The public baths included warm and cold bath .The heating system was very ingenious ,the water heated in a oven an after it was distributed all around the bath .The religious was very importand and there were three big temples in the city .The temple of Jupiter ,the temple of Apolon and the temple of Isis in this temple the roman did sacrifices .

There is yet a lot of house under the lava but it cost a lot of money to fend to find the monument .

Modifié par mariebru le 13-10-2007 13:32

Réponse: Correction Texte roman culture de jean31, postée le 13-10-2007 à 18:00:36 (S | E)
Réponse donnée par mp...

Réponse: Correction Texte roman culture de pauline77, postée le 13-10-2007 à 18:12:12 (S | E)
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