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Message de lily4 posté le 16-10-2007 à 20:15:52 (S | E | F | I)

je dois rédiger une rédaction sur un sport que l'on pratique.
Pour moi, j'ai choisi le cirque même si ce n'est pas le sport le plus évident.
J'aimerais s'il vous plait que vous y jettiez un coup d'oeil et que vous me disiez ce que vous en pensez (si vous pouviez corriger quelques fautes au passage ce serait bien aussi)
La voila:

Generally, I am not very keen on sports, whereas most of there activities are interested.
Circus for example, it is very diverse, juggler, tightrope walkers, acrobats, trapeze artists, clowns...It is funny !
When I was younger, I went to the circus with my family, it was wonderful, lots of songs, zoot suit, clever animals, I loved it.
So decided to practice circus arts .
In jugglery, I was the worst in my group and my teacher was deseperate, as for the poise I was not very talented too.
But, I feel quite good in trapeze,I prefer it.
To become a trapeze artist, you have to be graceful, agile, supple, it is difficult but you have to be able to keep the smile even if you hurt yourself.
With my teacher, I learn lots of bautiful freestyles, on the barre and on the ropes.
Later, I would like practice silk ( aerial tissu) but it is more difficult than the trapeze because you have to be stronger and tougher.

merci d'avance !

Modifié par lily4 le 16-10-2007 20:23

Modifié par mariebru le 16-10-2007 20:27

Réponse: pouvez vous m'aider ? de bluebutterfly, postée le 16-10-2007 à 23:07:57 (S | E)
Generally, I am not very keen on sports, whereas although most of there their activities are interested interesting.
Circus for example, it is very diverse,: (its an enumeration) juggler, tightrope walkers, acrobats, trapeze artists, clowns...It is funny !
When I was younger, I went to the circus with my family,(better start a new sentence) .It was wonderful, lots of songs, zoot suit, clever animals, I loved it. So, I decided to practice circus arts .
In jugglery, I was the worst in my group and my teacher was deseperate desperate, . As for the poise Moreover, when it comes to poise , I was not very talented too.
But In the other hand, I feel felt quite good in trapeze,I prefer preferred it. In order to become a trapeze artist, you have to be graceful, agile, and supple, . It is difficult but you have to be able to keep the smile even if you hurt yourself.
With the help of my teacher, I learn learned lots of bautiful beautiful freestyles, on the barre and on the ropes.
Later, I would like to practice silk ( aerial tissu) but it is more difficult than the trapeze because you have to be stronger and tougher.

A part les erreurs c pas mal comme redaction

Réponse: pouvez vous m'aider ? de lily4, postée le 17-10-2007 à 12:38:56 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de ton aide




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