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Consommation (correction) (1)

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Consommation (correction)
Message de p0ulpe posté le 24-10-2007 à 23:14:24 (S | E | F | I)

Je suis nouveau ici, j'ai un devoir à faire pour demain en anglais sur la consommation, un paragraphe en 12 lignes, j'ai fait ça, si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider et me dire s'il y a des erreurs..

At the moment, the consumption is very important for people, particularly among young people who like fashion. I think it isn't parents who influence theirs children to be consumer, but above all friends, because to belong to a friend groupe, it must to release the image of the groupe with clothers. The media are playing a big role too, advertising is everywhere, in newspapers, television, radio, Internet, in the street... All the ways are good to influence people to do purchases.There is development of means for payment, to make easier purchases, quickly and with security. For example "paypal", with one "click" you can buy that you want. In the end, I'm not a big consumer, I buy sometimes on the web but that's all.

Modifié par bridg le 25-10-2007 00:17
Pour les nouveaux membres qui répondront, merci de ne pas donner de corrections toutes faites mais de signaler les améliorations à apporter. Merci.

Réponse: Consommation (correction) de jcr33, postée le 25-10-2007 à 00:26:43 (S | E)

Je ne parlerai pas de la forme des phrases car je n'ai pas un niveau assez élevé

At the moment, the consuption is very important for people, particularly among young people who like fashion. I think it isn't parents who influence theirs childs (Children)to be consumer, but above all friends.
To belong to a friend groupe, it must to release the image of the groupe with clothers. The media are playing (play)a big role too, advertising is everywhere, in newspapers, television, radio, Internet, in the street... All the ways are good to influence people to do purchases.There is development of means for(of ?) payment, to make easier purchases, quickly and with security. For example "paypal", with one "click" you can buy that you want. In (at )the end, I'm not a big consumer, I buy sometimes on the web but that's all.

Réponse: Consommation (correction) de fella, postée le 25-10-2007 à 14:01:49 (S | E)
Good morning
I'll try to give another version, I hope it's correct and will help you!!!

Nowadays, consumption is important for people, particularly for young people who like fashion. I think it's parents who influence the most their children to be consumers, but above all friends, because if they want to belong to a group, they must support its image with modern edgy clothes.
The massmedia play a major role too: advertisments are everywhere; newspapers, television, radio, internet, in the street... All the ways are good to influence people to do purchases.
Means of payment have also developed in a way that help people to make easier, quicker and safer purchases. In this context, "paypal" is a great example, with one "click" you can buy what you want.
Finally, I don't think I'm a big consumer, I just sometimes buy products or services on the net, it's enough for me.




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