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commentaire (correction) (1)

<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


commentaire (correction)
Message de oop posté le 25-10-2007 à 19:34:21 (S | E | F | I)


Je dois faire le commentaire d'un forum d'anglais du lycée.

Merci de m'aider à corriger mes fautes.

As for me, it was a very good experience to manage a forum. Indeed, I learnt many things in computer especially in PHP Programming. On the one hand, some of my classmates have a good level in English so they can explain their opinion about each topic without any problem. On the other hand, some of them have difficulties to write a good English sentence. Moreover, It’s very hard to keep a forum alive indeed so many people prefer to play video games or to spend time surfing on the web rather than posting messages on an English forum in order to improve their English. Fortunately, my English Teacher had the genius idea to put a mark for writing on the forum since everybody come to speak on the forum.


Modifié par oop le 25-10-2007 20:08

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de jean31, postée le 25-10-2007 à 20:46:23 (S | E)

As for me, it was a very good experience to manage a forum. Indeed, I learnt many things in about computing<=(l'informatique) especially in PHP programming. On the one hand, some of my classmates have a good level in English so they can explain their opinions about each topic without any problem. On the other hand, some of them have difficulties to write a good English sentence. Moreover, it’s very hard to keep a forum alive indeed so many people prefer to play video games or to spend time surfing on the web rather than posting messages on an English forum in order to improve their English. Fortunately, my English teacher had the genius inspired/great idea to put a mark for writing on the forum since everybody can come to and speak on the forum.

Good job!

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de oop, postée le 25-10-2007 à 21:10:42 (S | E)
Thank you very much Jean31. You are so gentle.

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de oop, postée le 25-10-2007 à 21:12:58 (S | E)
Fortunately, my English teacher had the great idea to put a mark for writing on the forum since everybody come and speak on the forum.

Can I remove "can" ?

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de willy, postée le 25-10-2007 à 21:14:11 (S | E)
Hello !

NB : to have difficulty (in) + -ing.

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de alken, postée le 25-10-2007 à 21:32:23 (S | E)

what I saw is also:

I learnt is actually written "I learned"

Réponse: commentaire (correction) de bluebutterfly, postée le 25-10-2007 à 21:44:07 (S | E)
Permettez moi de rajouter ces quelques remarques:

Learnt =>learned
On the one hand=>on one hand

D'autre part, je pense que la dernière phrase voulait dire qu'en raison de la décision qu'a prise le professeur , les élèves viennent discuter sur le forum.
Dans ce cas, la traduction sera:
Since then, everybody comes and speaks on the forum.
Ca repond aussi à ta seconde question concernant la suppression de can.

Modifié par willy le 26-10-2007 09:56
On the one hand, on the other hand : ces formes sont correctes. Learnt (British English) = learned.
J'ai ajouté les accents en français.




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