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une correction s'il vous plaît ! mer (1)

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une correction s'il vous plaît ! mer
Message de chacha1993 posté le 31-12-2007 à 16:51:22 (S | E | F | I)


Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît, corriger mes fautes d'anglais ? Merci d'avance !
En cas de problème de compréhension, je peux vous poster mon brouillon du texte en français ! Merci !

Very anxious about my professional future, but still very suspicious, I decided to make an appointment with a clairvoyant. A friend recommended me Mrs. Violet, who lives in Vichy. Go was taken Thursday at 14 hours. I arrived 10 minutes in advance to my appointment.

Hi can you please installed.
I m'installe at a small table in front of my clairvoyant in a small dark room and surrounded by owls.
That voullez-vous know asked me, Health? Love? Work?
- Especially regard to work I said.
Cut-pile of cards that of the left hand she then choississez-en 7. And so on, with 3 lots of different cards then, then 4 ...
She returned to the comforting me while saying that everything will be fine especially in my field, which is preferred art and my academic results were quite good.
- You are very lying in your field and you will go to the School of Fine Arts Boule me stating that celà was 4 years that I was drawing. What I was going to spend 3 examinations including one very important which is precisely the competition at the entrance to the School of Fine Arts. She also saw in the company of animals, which again are part of the things I like best but I was breathing low level, which is probably true according to the doctors of my birth.
And all that she can not know because it does not know me. It can not but see in the cards.
At first suspicious and then later with too many things personally distributed without him I said, I pay and I left absolutely convinced of his gift, but also pleased and reassured about my future. And I said I would return, because you are strong!

Merci de votre compréhension, à très bientôt !

Réponse: une correction s'il vous plaît ! mer de tomtom1001, postée le 02-01-2008 à 14:48:48 (S | E)

Je te dirais où son tes fautes et de quelles natures elles sont (de grammaire, conjugaison, fautes d'expression...), mais je ne te donnerais pas de correction toute faîte (sauf cas particulier où je ne pourrais expliquer ta faute avec juste quelques mots!), car je pense que ça ne te servirais pas, et tu peux me croire!!!

Very anxious about my professional future, but (isn't "and" more appropriate?) still very suspicious, I decided to make an appointment with a clairvoyant. A friend recommended me Mrs. Violet, who lives in Vichy. Go (What does it mean?) was taken Thursday at 14 hours (I'm not sure there is an "s" in hours???). I arrived 10 minutes in advance to my appointment.

Hi can you please installed.
I m'installeat a small table in front of my clairvoyant in a small dark room and (which was!) surrounded by owls.
That voullez-vous know asked me, Health? Love? Work? (Où est le sujet??? Ta phrase est mal tourné: fait plus simple!!!)
- Especially regard to work I said. (fait une phrase entière: "I just want to regard...)
Cut-pile (ce mot existe???) of cards that of the left hand (il n'y a aucun verbe est donc je ne vois pas ce que tu veux dire??) she thenchoississez-en 7. And so on, with 3 lots of different cards then, then 4 ... (je ne comprend pas!!)
She returned to the me, comforting me, while saying that everything will be fine especially in my field, which is preferred art, and my academic results were will be quite good.
- You are very lying in (que veux-tu dire???) your field and you will go to the School of Fine Arts Boule me stating that celà was 4 years that I was drawing (d'après ce que tu as écrit, j'ai compris que "je dessine depuis 4 ans", ce qui se traduit par: "that I've drawn for 4 years"). What I was going to spend 3 examinations including one very important which is precisely the competition at the entrance to the School of Fine Arts. She also saw in the company of animals, which again are part of the things I like best ("which is thing I like too) but I was breathing low level, which is probably true according to the doctors of my birth.
And all that she can not know because it does not know me. It She can not but see it in the her cards.
At first suspicious and then later with too many things personally distributed without him (tu parles de qui?)I said, I pay and I left absolutely convinced of his gift, but also pleased and reassured about my future. And I said I would return, because you are strong!

Ce que je te reproche c'est:
-de ne pas regarder dans un dictionnaire les mots que tu ne connais pas. C'est extrêmement mal vu dans une copie et lourdement sanctionner!!!
-de chercher des phrases compliquées! C'est tout à ton honneur de vouloir embellir ta copie par des procédés soutenues... mais si tu ne sais pas les maîtriser, évite de les employer!!!
-traduire mot à mot tes pensées!

Aussi le dialogue en anglais c'est:
'Blabla' she said.
'Blabla'he noticed

En espèrant t'avoir aider

Bye tomtom

Réponse: une correction s'il vous plaît ! mer de chacha1993, postée le 02-01-2008 à 15:13:58 (S | E)
merci beaucoup tomtom sa m'a vraiment beaucoup aider merci de votre aide !




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