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This week-end (correction) (1)

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This week-end (correction)
Message de choclair posté le 13-01-2008 à 22:59:58 (S | E | F | I)

Dear friends,
I wish you all the best for the new year 2008.
Presently, I’m trying to write in English so I would like for someone to correct my paragraph so that I can improve my English. Thank you! Cicine

During the weekend, my husband and I took the train to Philadelphia. We wanted to discover the heritage sites of the city. We made our first stop at the city hall. This landmark in the center of the city is beautiful and the architecture is stunning. I was told that it was the largest municipal building in the nation. I remember when I first came to Philadelphia, I kept asking myself what is that big building in the center of the city? I thought that it was the parliament, just like in Canada where politics meet to discuss matters. I think that the city of Philadelphia is beautiful, so far we loved it, the people are very welcoming. The weather is great, it’s the first time that I visit a country in the winter and there is absolutely no snow. It’s amazing!
In the afternoon, we went to eat Malaysian food at Penang. Penang is the first restaurant that we tried since we have been here, the food is excellent and the staff who works there are polite and friendly.
Modifié par bridg le 13-01-2008 23:16
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Réponse: This week-end (correction) de hedwige, postée le 17-01-2008 à 18:18:02 (S | E)
Je réponds timidement car je ne suis pas très douée. Il y a une phrase qui me pose un problème "the staff who works there are polite and friendly". Je crois qu'il faut choisir entre singulier et pluriel ! soit "the staff who work .... are ...", soit "who works.... is ..."

Bien amicalement,

Réponse: This week-end (correction) de ndege, postée le 17-01-2008 à 19:33:22 (S | E)
1) "Staff" is a collective noun so it can be either singular, if it is considered as an ensemble/unit, or plural if you consider the individuals (members of the staff).
2) check out the difference between politics and politicians.
Hope it will help.

Réponse: This week-end (correction) de ndege, postée le 17-01-2008 à 23:41:34 (S | E)
Hi, me again .
I 'm no expert but I think you should pay attention to the use of tenses in the following:
- the city of Philadelphia is beautiful, so far we loved it, the people are very welcoming
- Penang is the first restaurant that we tried since we have been here, the food is excellent etc.




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