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hasnacha/expression écrite(correction) (1)

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hasnacha/expression écrite(correction)
Message de hasnacha posté le 20-01-2008 à 21:24:59 (S | E | F)

Pouvez vous me dire si j'ai des fautes s'il vous plait, merci beaucoup!

In 1997, two scientists Scots announce publicly that they have succeeded in creating the first mammal cloned from an adult animal. This animal is a sheep named Dolly. There are deus types of cloning: First of all reproductive cloning to create a clone identical to the donor but in different age groups (type Dolly), and secondly that therapeutic cloning is to produce fabric perfectly compatible with the donor so to carry out transplants. These techniques they are not a danger to humans?

Human cloning should be reserved solely for therapeutic purposes to heal the sick who can then repair any organ invalid. Indeed develop techniques to treat seriously ill patients using embryos at an early stage to make cell cultures could be for human beings few things formidable. Many people will benefit from this technology and so many people can be cured of their disease (cancer, alzeihimer…).

However, the use of these techniques can be a danger to humans because despite various experiments always found anomalies. Even in the case of Dolly, where he appeared thereafter that there have been problems. So it is far from a safe outcome. In addition, this procedure even we remove our freedom. In fact, you can also use this technique to select certain people for certain trades
( "Welcome to Gattaca").

And to conclude I am rather for legalization but for the purpose of healing for the sick. People suffer from their illnesses and this technique will thus enable them to have a second chance and enjoy life like everyone else. But the use of cloning to create problems for people by selecting them according to their health is in my opinion something inhumane and will sadden many people who will be different in relation to the other: they are therefore more equality.

Modifié par bridg le 20-01-2008 21:50
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