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correction d'un sujet d'anglais (1)

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correction d'un sujet d'anglais
Message de chaachaa posté le 29-03-2008 à 20:30:08 (S | E | F)

pouvez-vous corriger mon sujet .
merci d'avance.

These high rises call peace tower because his building shape is the peace symbol: it is constituted by four buildings. This four buildings have 60 stories, Towers will construct with ecologic materials to respect the environment. Around this four buildings there is big park where we can practiced various leisure
In the first, in the bottom left corner one of less small, there is a memorial and museum to people who died in 09/11 terrorist attack.
In the second less small there are antiterrorist association head (siège) because twin towers are destroyed by a Terrorist attack in 2001 and lot of associations to peace, liberty, to help people in need, orphans etc.
On facade/front there would be all countries flags to symbolize world union
In third and fourth we decide to put offices and banks to replace those which were destroyed because it’s represent American power and it’s very important to New York (States) to proud they have manage to get up. There are also in these buildings restaurants to visitors and employed.

In fourth there are chic and expensive accommodations to wealthy people because in these accommodations we will see all the city but there is also flats for middle class and eventually people in need to show the equality between class

All the building would give a message for the world. No accident would be reproduced because a lot of people died and several persons suffered. Equality and liberty are the most important words. The peace must be reign over the world

Réponse: correction d'un sujet d'anglais de sitelle, postée le 01-04-2008 à 17:38:12 (S | E)
These high rises call peace tower because his building shape is the peace symbol: it is constituted by four buildings. This four buildings have 60 stories, Towers will construct with ecologic materials to respect the environment. Around this four buildings there is big park where we can practiced various leisureIn the first, in the bottom left corner one of less small, there is a memorial and museum to people who died in 09/11 terrorist attack.
In the second less small there are antiterrorist association head (siège) because twin towers are destroyed by a Terrorist attack in 2001 and lot of associations to peace, liberty, to help people in need, orphans etc.
On facade/front there would be all countries flags to symbolize world union
In third and fourth we decide to put offices and banks to replace those which were destroyed because it’s represent American power and it’s very important to New York (States) to proud they have manage to get up. There are also in these buildings restaurants to visitors and employed.

In fourth there are chic and expensive accommodations to wealthy people because in these accommodations we will see all the city but there is also flats for middle class and eventually people in need to show the equality between class
All the building would give a message for the world. No accident would be reproduced because a lot of people died and several persons suffered. Equality and liberty are the most important words. The peace must be reign over the world

Modifié par sitelle le 01-04-2008 17:38

Réponse: correction d'un sujet d'anglais de guillaume-, postée le 02-04-2008 à 17:35:08 (S | E)
Revoyez vos comparatifs de supériorité.
"less small"

Extrait Exercice d'anglais = Comparatifs: cours de grammaire pour débutants (test n°91 - merci de citer ce numéro dans toute correspondance)


-> 1 syllabe => il est court. Exemples: TALL, BIG, SMALL, FAT

-> 2 syllabes => ça dépend!
Si l'adjectif se termine par -Y, il est court: funny, pretty, friendly, happy
Les autres sont longs: famous, boring...

-> 3 syllabes et plus => il est long: expensive, fabulous, interesting





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