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A lot of courage (1)

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A lot of courage
Message de totalinlove21 posté le 02-04-2008 à 15:24:56 (S | E | F)

Hello together I have an article to make about ROSA PARKS here is the plan:
I have choose like headline " a rosa parks a woman with a lot of courage"

(il serait très gentil de m'indiquer les erreurs , et de m'indiquer s'il manque certaine grande idées)
thank you

1§ development of the headline
2§ Presentation of ROSA PARKS
3§ the beginnig of the bus incident
4§ Rosa Parks's arrest
5§ How Rosa parks reacted and the reaction of the other travellers
6§ Your opinion on the incident and what this event is a symbol of
7§ What might happen


December 1st, 1955 n°1778
Rosa Parks is a woman with a lot of courage.

Rosa Parks was born in February 4, 1913 and was dead in October 24, 2005. This young was an Afro American was a black dressmaker. She is at the origin of the fight against the racial segregation.

While there is in Alabama a racial segregation a young lady had courage yesterday.

Yesterday, it was late Rosa Parks comes back to work, she takes a Montgomery’s Bus, Rosa Parks seated in “Wing” hinge reserved to blacks but if a white people was wanted to seat, a black people was must to leave her seat at whites people.
It was 6 o’clock Rosa Parks has bought her ticket, and she seated in a seat, but at 3th bus stop four white people were got on the bus, so four black people have must to leave her seat, but only three people leave her seat, the 4th person it’s Rosa Park, she refused to leave her place, the tone rose between Rosa and white. The angry bus driver puts on the emergency brake, gets out of his seat and marches over to Mrs. Parks. He demands that she move to the back of the bus. When she doesn't, he leaves the bus and returns with a policeman. Mrs. Parks is promptly arrested for violating segregation laws.
Rosa Parks was arrested and did to bring to the law court.
During her arrest she did not struggle. Then the trial where Rosa Parks had a fine of $10 , black travelers had decided to do a boycott bus during 381, they went to work on foot.

I think, Rosa Park is a woman with courage because during years she has sudden all this laws. So Rosa Park is an example for the future generation, she is strong. She knows fight against the biggest.

It might that there are, speeches, marchs, demonstrations, in fact it might to have a rebellion the black population for to find equality , freedom.

Réponse: A lot of courage de joey93, postée le 02-04-2008 à 21:18:03 (S | E)
"the beginning of the bus incident"
"reaction of other travellers", pas d'article "the" à moins qu'il y ait des noms bien précis de ces autres voyageurs.
"your opinion on this event and the symbol of it"
"this young woman was an Afro American WHO was..."
vu que tu as écris "yesterday" terme qui se réfère au passé, il serait plus subtile de mettre les verbes qui suivent "yesterday" au passé, donc "came back..."
"but if a white people wanted to sit where a black person was, this latter had to leave his/her seat to him/her.
"she sat" au lieu de "seated"
"at THE third bus stop", il faudrait mettre une virgule après "stop","four white people came into the bus, got into the bus,so four people have to leave their seat",on ne peut pas mettre "have" suivi de "must", car les deux expriment l'obligation, donc il faut faire un choix!!!
"but only three of them did so", ça évite la répétition de "people" et de "seat"
"the one who didn't was Rosa Parks"
"the angry...put" pas de "s" à "put" car on est au passé!!!donc "got out of his seat and marched, he demanded her to move, AS she didn't, he left the bus and came back with a policeman, Mrs Parks was promptly arrested..."
J'avoue ne pas comprendre la phrase "Rosa P. was arrested and did to bring to the law court".
"black travelers decided to.."
je ne comprend pas la phrase " I think...." que voulais tu dire?
"she knows how to fight against the biggest"
"It might happen that there're people might rebel in order to stand on an equal footing ( = être sur un pied d'égalité) with whites.
En espérant t'avoir aidé, Joey.




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