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Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction (1)

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Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction
Message de biohazard31 posté le 04-05-2008 à 14:15:35 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pouvez m'aider à corriger mes fautes et vérifier que ma traduction est juste, aider moi à tout corriger svp.

Ma traduction en Anglais:

I liked well the play, because the intrigue is pulled by a true story.
The story is interesting because it shows the diffences of each, and the feat that people are not generally accepted when they are not as the others.
The comedians played well what returned the more interesting an especially easier story has to understand.

Voici mon texte de base en Français:

J'ai bien aimé la pièce de théâtre, car l'intrigue est tiré d'une histoire vrai.
Cette histoire est intéressante car elle montre les différences de chacun, et le fait que les gens ne sont généralement pas accepté quand ils ne sont pas comme les autres.
Les comédiens ont bien joué ce qui rendait l'histoire plus intéressante et surtout plus facile a comprendre.

Réponse: Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction de lucile83, postée le 04-05-2008 à 14:47:45 (S | E)
I liked well the play, because the intrigue is pulled by a true story.
The story is interesting because it shows the diffences of each, and the feat that people are not generally accepted when they are not as the others.
The comedians played well what returned the more interesting an especially easier story has to understand.

utilisez-vous un traducteur en ligne?
See you

Réponse: Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction de biohazard31, postée le 04-05-2008 à 15:23:36 (S | E)
Et comme ça c'est bon?

I well liked this play, because the intrigue is tired in a true story.
The story is interesting because it shows the difference of everybody, and generally the people are not accepted by the others.
The comedians well played what return the more interesting and especially easier to understand the story.

Réponse: Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction de lucile83, postée le 04-05-2008 à 15:28:34 (S | E)
I well liked this play, because the intrigue is tired in a true story.
The story is interesting because it shows the difference of everybody, and ........generally the people are not accepted by the others.
The comedians well played what return the more interesting and especially easier to understand the story.

J'ai barré ce qui n'allait pas;il faut refaire ce texte.
See you

Réponse: Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction de biohazard31, postée le 04-05-2008 à 15:40:27 (S | E)
Nouvelle correction:

I liked this play, because the intrigue which was taken on a true story.
The stroy is interesting because it shows the difference of everybody, and ...? generally the people are not accepted by others.
The comedians are very good, they played very well, therefor the play is more interesting and especially easier to understand.

Réponse: Commentaire pièce de théâtre (Correction de lucile83, postée le 04-05-2008 à 15:58:03 (S | E)
I liked this play, because the intrigue was taken from a true story.
The story is interesting because it shows the difference of everybody, and the fact that people are generally not accepted by others when they are different.
The comedians are very good, they performed the play very well, therefore the play is more interesting and especially easier to understand.

J'ai corrigé, avant de... devoir y passer la nuit




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