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need help for a translation (1)

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need help for a translation
Message de postwarfunk posté le 15-05-2008 à 20:57:40 (S | E | F)

hello all!

could you help me please?

i just want ot know if my sentence is correct

"if I have chance, I will continue my school in one of the best art school of paris, then i want to go to London or New Yok, or Budapest.... .

don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and and to see new cultures....maybe, when I will be more old I would make a turn around the world.... that's my dreams, my desires"


Réponse: need help for a translation de hoger, postée le 15-05-2008 à 21:23:20 (S | E)
"If I have chance ["to have chance" is not an English expression -> "to be lucky"], I will continue my school ["the repetition of "school" does not sound very good—a hint: what do you receive in school?] in one of the best art school ["one of the" indicates that there is more than just one "school"] of paris, then i want to go to London or New Yok, or Budapest.... .

I don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and and to see new cultures....maybe, when I will be [present tense here after "when"] more old [comparative in English!!] I would [why conditional? why not future?] make [better: "go on"] a turn [a "turn" is a revolution around your own axis; here it is a "tour" or a "trip"] around the world.... that's ["that's" is singular, "dreams," "desires" are plurals] my dreams, my desires."

Réponse: need help for a translation de mariek123, postée le 15-05-2008 à 21:25:05 (S | E)
"If I have chance, I will continue my education in one of Paris's best art schools, then I want to go to London or New York, or Budapest.... .

I don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and and to see new cultures....maybe, when I'm older I would travel around the world.... that's my dream, my desire."

Your English is very good, just a few small mistakes!

Modifié par mariek123 le 15-05-2008 21:26

Réponse: need help for a translation de postwarfunk, postée le 15-05-2008 à 21:35:53 (S | E)
so...If I'm luky, i will continue my study in one of the best best art schools of Paris. Then, I want to go to New york, or London, or Budapest...

I don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and and to see new cultures....maybe, when I'm older, i'll go on a tip (or travel) around the World...(then, i dont know what to say)

comment puis-je dire "Ce sont mes rêves, mes désires"?

Réponse: need help for a translation de etoile2, postée le 16-05-2008 à 10:06:29 (S | E)
If I'm luky, I will continue my study (why not studying?)in one of the best best art schools of Paris (correct your possession form). Then, I want to go to New york, or London, or Budapest...

I don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and and to see new cultures....maybe, when I'm older, I'll go on a tip (or travel)(I suggest you "I'll travel") around the World...(then, I dont know what to say)

...That's my dream, my desire.

Réponse: need help for a translation de msjf1, postée le 16-05-2008 à 16:50:28 (S | E)
salut à tous, voici ma proposition.

" If I am lucky, I would continue my school in one of Paris best Schools, then I want to go to london or New York or Budapest.
I dont want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages an to see new cultures... may be. When I will be more old, I will go on around the world... there are my dreams, my desires".

Merci pour l'exercice
See we soon...

Réponse: need help for a translation de phileas17, postée le 16-05-2008 à 19:03:59 (S | E)
My proposal:

If I'm lucky, I will study in one of the best art schools of Paris. Then I want to go to NY, to London or to Budapest...
I don't want to stay here anymore. I need to meet new people, to learn new languages and to know new cultures...
May be when I'm older I would like to travel around the World. That's my dream, my desire ( my wish, my hope).
or: those are my dreams, my desires...
Read carefully the Hoger's answer. All is said.

Good luck




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