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devoir sur centres fitness en anglais (1)

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devoir sur centres fitness en anglais
Message de dellycat posté le 23-05-2008 à 09:40:46 (S | E | F)


Je suis en 1ère année de diététique. Je viens de finir le brouillon d'un devoir que je dois rendre en anglais , il porte sur une publicité sur un centre de fitness et de "santé" américain. j'ai 3 questions à répondre, je vous mets sous les questions ce que j'ai écrit j'aimerai avoir vos avis si c'est correct ou pas

1-Who can be interested by such a leaflet ? (sur 4 points)

This leaflet called "The good samaritan" can interested everyone who wants to have a good health, people who needs to lose weight, who wants to tone up and who wishes to feel good and lives better ("a better mind on a better body").
This document is intended for beginners in fitness and also people who are advanced in fitness exercices.
As we can see in the pictures, people mostly concerned are persons after 50 years old, they want to live longer in good health.

2- After you have carefully read it, do you think all the necessary details are given by the leaflet? (sur 8)

After a carefully reading, in my mind, this leaflet doesn't give all the necessary details. I think it could be normal to know the prices (at less the prices basis) by such a leaflet and to have some details of exercices practiced. It seems to be an individual program but there are also exercices in classes and we doesn't know how many persons there are by group. It could be also dangerous because we can think it is a medical structure but it is only a fitness and wellness center, persons in very bad health could believe that it could be a treatment but it isn't enough. I add that all looks very simple on the text and pictures but it isn't so easy to keep smiling and desire to continue practicing, we don't know if the team support each one to give the better of himself. there aren't also the details of their equipment. It could be interesting to know what contains exactly an individual program (at less per week) and what is in options to pay.

3- Do you think health and fitness centers are usefull to people's helath and may even be considered as part of health prevention policy? (sur 8)

I think health and fitness centers can be usefull to people's health but you can also make fitness exercices at home. it could be more motivating to go in such a center because the team can help you, others persons practice the same exercices (efforts seem to be easier when you are numerous) and also you have paid (when you pay you want some results !).
The problem is this last reason, not everybody have enough money to pay a subscription in a fitness center. Yes, it could be a part of health prenvention policy but we can considered is like every physical activities, you are not obligated to practice fitness and cardiovascular training, it is sure that is a good way to keep in good health but you can also have physical activities (cheaper!) in your daily life as walking, take your dog for a walk, take the stairs...
We have also to remind that to have and keep health and wellness, we must feed ourself healthily and to have physical activities. I add that is not so simple to lose weight when you nedd or want it, it is a daily work to eat equilibrated, to move more yourself and to keep the will to continue. Everyone hears each day about cardiovascular riskes and that we have to make attention to have a good hygienne of life to avoid this riskes.
A fitness center can be an helps, as a dietitian, as a doctor, as a psychologist, as your circle of family and friend, everyone can be a "good samaritan" (as in the Bible) for you. Live healthier is a mix of a lot of healthy habits to have.
To finish, i just want to say you can also live better and longer even if you don't have time and enough money to pay a personal trainer or a fitness center, respect yourself, body and mind, follow the rules of good and healthy feeding and have a minimum of physical activities.

Voilà ce que j'ai écrit, je vous remercie pour vos conseils!


Réponse: devoir sur centres fitness en anglais de laure95, postée le 23-05-2008 à 14:55:46 (S | E)
Bonjour Catherine. Voici mes corrections grammaticales:
1) " can interest", "people who need (le sujet est people, donc pluriel), pas besoin de répéter "who", "want", "wish", "live", "in a better body", "exercises", "the people who are mostly concerned are people who are 50.
2) "the basis prices" (toujours l'adjectif avant le nom), "practised exercises", "seems" (et non "look"), "what an individual program contains exactly".
3) "everybody doesn't have enough money", "we can consider", "you are not obliged to"," it is not easy", "risks", "to pay attention".
D'autres corrections sont à peut-être à faire. Je t'ai corrigé comme j'ai pu.

Réponse: devoir sur centres fitness en anglais de dellycat, postée le 23-05-2008 à 15:18:28 (S | E)
Merci c'est très gentil!

Réponse: devoir sur centres fitness en anglais de egmonde, postée le 23-05-2008 à 18:54:26 (S | E)
This leaflet called "The good samaritan" can interested (infinitif pas participe) everyone (anyone) who wants to have a good health (on mettra plutôt au passif : to be healthy), people who needs (attention people demande le pluriel : corriger tous les verbes qui suivent) to lose weight, who wants to tone up (c'est quoi tone up ? tune up maybe ?)and who wishes to feel good and lives better ("a better mind on a better body").
This document is intended for beginners in fitness and also people who are advanced in fitness exercices. (c'est très lourd comme structure, on dirait plutôt fitness beginners...)
As we can see in the pictures, people mostly concerned are persons after 50 years old, (people aged 50 and over) they want to live longer in good health.

Réponse: devoir sur centres fitness en anglais de dellycat, postée le 23-05-2008 à 22:29:33 (S | E)
merci pour les conseils et les corrections! Pour le tone up il se trouve dans la pub donnée à étudier sur le fitness center

Réponse: devoir sur centres fitness en anglais de dellycat, postée le 24-05-2008 à 09:32:45 (S | E)
Je vais mettre mon devoir au propre...




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