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Job vocabulary (1)

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Job vocabulary
Message de hobbes007 posté le 23-05-2008 à 13:59:29 (S | E | F)

Hello everyone,

I've been stuggling to find the vocabulary I need for my next class (on Monday).

I need to find:

1. "chargé d'affaire accessoiriste", could it be business development poperty master manager or something like that?
2. "assistante technico-commerciale" I have no idea for this one but i'd say technico-commercial assistant
3. "chef de produit filtration mobile" I'd say mobile filtration product manager

Thanks for your help I'm really lost here!

Réponse: Job vocabulary de stephenh, postée le 23-05-2008 à 17:41:49 (S | E)
Hi Hobbes07

I think your job titles are as follows:

1) Props manager (works in a theatre or for a film company)
2) After sales sevice assistant (someone who has some technical knowledge and can advise customers on how to use the equipment sold if they have difficulty operating it)
3) Head of mobile filtration products ( not sure if this relates to sales or production - it could be both.)

These are not "standard" job titles and quite honestly could relate to anything. This is good news as you cannot be wrong!

Réponse: Job vocabulary de stephenh, postée le 23-05-2008 à 17:43:17 (S | E)
Sorry No 2 should read "After Sales Service Assistant"

Réponse: Job vocabulary de hobbes007, postée le 24-05-2008 à 11:39:00 (S | E)
Thanks very much good try but the jobs I'm looking for are to do with a fluid technology company.
N°3 is good but in this context I think N°1/2 won't do.

Réponse: Job vocabulary de stephenh, postée le 24-05-2008 à 12:49:48 (S | E)
Hi Hobbes007,

I note what you have said, I would still go with 2) as someone who would deal with the customers over technical problems (with for example the mobile filtration products) and liaise with the specialist engineers by translating the non technical language of the customer to a more technical specification.

With No1 I can see a couple of alternatives
a)Office manager - the person who would look after costs which do not relate to the actual production. I think that this could include the rent, stationery, electricity, telephone and similar expenses.
b) Accessories Store Manager or Accessories Purchasing Manager- responsible for maintaining the supply of accessories for production, nuts and bolts and other consumeables used in production, perhaps also spare parts for the manufacturing machinery.

I hope this helps

Réponse: Job vocabulary de hobbes007, postée le 24-05-2008 à 18:18:39 (S | E)
Thank you sooooo much, that's great, complete and clear.




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