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Truman (correction) (1)

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Truman (correction)
Message de iris974 posté le 27-05-2008 à 14:27:53 (S | E | F)

Bonjour! Quelqu’un pourrait-il me corriger mes fautes d’orthographe(s), de grammaires, de vocabulaire(s),… SVP ? : (ces exercices sont pour le 28 mai 2008)

Truman resigns himself to living in a fake world.
- Wrong, because finally he left the studio.
Christof tries to persuade Truman because he thinks the actor won’t survive in the outside world.
-Really, because Truman has never lived in the “real world”. He pretends the outside world is threating.

Still, again, always?

Is this actor stills alive? No, he died three years ago.
She always walks to work.
Don’t do that again.

Reformuler les énoncés en employant may, may not, must, can’t

1-I’m almost sure that she’s disappointed
-She must be disappointed
2-Maybe they’ll win the match
-They may be win the match
3-I don’t believe that she is 33 years old
-She can’t have 33 years old
4-I’m almost certain that she ears a great deal of money
-She must ear great


I’ve thought about is carefully. I’ve made up my mind. I’m going.
-J’ai bien réfléchi. Je me suis decidé. Je m’en vais.
I’m afraid there’s nowhere else to go.
- J'ai peur, il y a nulle part où aller.

Imagine Truman’s first moments in the “real world”, his react to his mew environment and the people he meets.

When Truman crosses the door of the studio, the Sun immersed his face. It was the first time when he felt the waves of a " true Sun " on his skin. Indeed, this new sensation was new for him, never he had felt the heat of the Sun. He had always been under artificial lights since he had been born.
Then when heventured a little farther into the sinuous streets of the city, he realized that he be as transparent with the eyes of people. It was the first time when the attention was not concentrated on him. In the studio, everybody knew him and he knew all the persons. In this " real world " where he was at the moment he felt alive, far from this world of oppression in which he lived since his birth.
The fast past, and he had to see again a lot. He was disorientated by the time which challenged and dared to ask to a young lady for the hour when it was. It was the first time when he address for one person who was not an actress …
All his new sensations, got him an immense happiness: finally, he was as everybody!

Je vous remercie d’avance! A bientôt !
Modifié par bridg le 27-05-2008 14:28

Réponse: Truman (correction) de laure95, postée le 27-05-2008 à 14:54:12 (S | E)
Bonjour iris!
Il faut mettre "finally" avant "left". "they may win" (pas besoin de be."she can't be 33 years old"(be avec l'âge!!!). Tu n'as pas traduit "it" dans 'I've thought about it carefully". "j'ai bien peur qu'il n'y ait nul part où aller".
Pour le texte: tu dois conjuguer ton verb "cross" au prétérit.après "i was the first time", il faut mettre le pluperfect (had + participe passé du verbe). Ensuite, pas besoin de 2 "new". "never se place avant le verbe."persons" ne se dit pas. Après "in which" mets le pluperfect. Je ne comprends pas jusqu'à "when it was". "adress?". Enfin, "all his new feelings or senssations make him very happy".

Réponse: Truman (correction) de iris974, postée le 27-05-2008 à 16:10:33 (S | E)
Merci laure95, pour votre aide! A bientôt




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