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expression orale (correction) (1)

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expression orale (correction)
Message de gere posté le 09-06-2008 à 20:22:59 (S | E | F)

Bonjour sauriez-vous me corriger mes fautes ou élaborer. Un grand merci...
My name is xxx . I am fourteen. My address is ...... I tall 1m60. I go to school by car. I live in Anvaing. My phone number is ...... My school is Centre Educatif Saint Pierre . I was born on may the first in nineteen ninety-three. I have short and chesnut brown hair. I like computing . I have go one sister. I practise football three times a week.

I go to school in xxx. My favourite subjects are Deutsch and English! My favourite day is Tuesday because I have gymnastics. This is super. My hobby is football. I practise football three times a week. I wear jeans, a jacket and a T-shirt.
Every morning I wake up at 6.30am . After I had breakfast, I have breakfast. I have a shower. Every Monday I have 2 hours of French, 2 hours of science, one our of maths. I have one hour of Deutsch, one hour of religion. After I go one hours to the study hall . At 7:50 am I go to school by car. I have eight subjects. At 4:20 pm I come back home. I study until up to 7 o’clock. Afterwards I watch to the TV or I play football. I go to my bed at 9 pm .
I drink to volontier some water. As dessert I eat to volontier an ice cream. In a restaurant I drink of the coca. I eat chips with a beefsteak and salad.
My house is spacious and very comfortable. On the groundfloor there are a kitchen next to the office, a bathroom with a toilet and then a beautiful livingroom with a sofa and Tv.
On the second floor there are two bedrooms.
My best friend is Julian. He live in Leuze and he is 15 years as me. He go at school in Leuze. He is in my klas. In my weekend I plaied football, I studied and I help my ouders.
My favourite sport are football en tennis.
To go to my grandmother. I have to take the first one right, to go straight on and on the roundabout , to take the second right.
To me the weather is beautiful. The sun shines.

Modifié par bridg le 09-06-2008 20:25

Réponse: expression orale (correction) de hoger, postée le 09-06-2008 à 21:27:41 (S | E)
I am fourteen years old [pas nécessaire, mais mieux].
I tall 1m60 [= "Moi grand de 1m60" – Ce n'est pas vraiment une phrase, non ? – D'ailleurs, "1m60" est une notation qui ne s'utilise pas en anglais —> "1.60 m" ou bien « 5'3" » = 5 pieds et 3 pouces].
I was born on may the first in nineteen ninety-three [C'est correcte, mais on l'écrit d'habitude "May 1st, 1993" (surtout version américaine) ou bien "1st May, 1993" (surtout version européenne, à lire "first of May, nineteen ninety-three"].
I have short and chestnut brown [Ça a l'air un peu "traduit" – peut-être "auburn" ?]hair.
I have go [mot à vérifier] one sister.

I go to school in xxx. My favourite subjects are Deutsch [Das ist nicht Englisch! ] and English!
I practise football three times a week. [déjà dit !]
I wear jeans, a jacket and a T-shirt. [Tout le temps ? Faudra peut-être bientôt changer …]
Every morning I wake [À vérifier : "wake up" / "get up"] up at 6.30am.
After I had breakfast, I have breakfast. [Le goinfre !] I have a shower.
Every Monday I have 2 hours of French, 2 hours of science, one our of maths. I have one hour of Deutsch, one hour of religion.
After I go one hours to the study hall [= "Après avoir allé à la salle d'étude, …" – alors quoi ? C.-à-d. "after" tout court ne marche pas, c'est toujours "after" quelque chose.]. At 7:50 am I go to school by car. I have eight subjects. At 4:20 pm I come back home.
Afterwards [Voilà !] I watch to the TV or I play football. I go to my [Vraiment le tien ? S'il n'y a pas de doute, pas besoin de le spécifier …] bed at 9 pm.
I drink to volontier [Serait-ce un "gern" allemand qui s'introduit ici dans la phrase anglaise ? En anglais, on utiliserait plutôt l'expression "to like to".] some water.
As dessert I eat to volontier an ice cream. In a restaurant I drink of the coca [Si c'est le tien, tu peux la boire entièrement, s'il appartient à quelqu'un d'autre, ce n'est pas gentil du tout d'en boire.].
On the second floor [Attention : en Europe "ground floor = rdc, 1st floor = 1ère ét." etc., en Amérique "1st floor = rdc, 2nd floor = 1ère ét. etc."] there are two bedrooms.
My best friend is Julian. He live in Leuze and he is 15 years soit "15 years old", soit "15" tout court as [pas la bonne traduction de "comme"] me.
He go [conjugaison !] at school in Leuze.
He is in my klas [orthographe !].

À suivre …

Réponse: expression orale (correction) de hoger, postée le 09-06-2008 à 21:43:41 (S | E)
Suite et fin :

In my ["Pendant ma fin de semaine ?" – Et celle des autres ? Peut-être "last weekend" ?] weekend I plaied football, I studied and I help [temps !] my ouders [C'est du néerlandais ça ?].
My favourite sport [pluriel ?] are football en tennis.
To go to my grandmother. [ponctuation !] I have to take the first one ["street" !] right, to go straight on and on the roundabout, to take the second right. [La répétition de "to" est possible, mais pas nécessaire.]
To me the weather is beautiful. The sun shines [forme du verbe ! – C'est en train de se passer juste maintenant !].




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