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Test tomorrow/St Tropez (1)

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Test tomorrow/St Tropez
Message de lyly1962 posté le 23-06-2008 à 12:01:36 (S | E | F)

Could you help me please ? I'm going to have a test tomorrow and I prepared a text about my favorite town. Someone can he help me ? Thanks a lot for your help.

My favorite town
Saint Tropez in south-east of France is my favorite town.
When I’m going to holiday, I like going to Saint Tropez. The only problem it’s the traffic jam. A lot of tourists go to visit this town. The road is very congested. If you should visit it, it’s better to leave early. If you don’t care you can stuck in traffic during hours.
It is famous because several films had been shot over there and stars of movies have got an house in the smart areas.
Movies like “Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez” or the series “In the sun”.
I like this town and I would like to settle me there. All my family would like move there.
In the center, there are a lot of small streets where autos are forbidden.
The town has a large cultural heritage. It’s well-known for its yellow church and the Citadelle that towers the town. There are many cultural attractions like museums, art galleries …
In summer, le port of Saint Tropez is very pleasant, especially the evening. There are a lot of painters along of port. They show their painting. We can see too musicians and some play jazz. Walking along of port is very pleasant.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-06-2008 12:05

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de nick27, postée le 23-06-2008 à 13:33:58 (S | E)
My favorite town
Saint Tropez in south-east of France is my favorite town.
When I’m going to holiday, I like going to Saint Tropez. The only problem it’s the traffic jam. A lot of tourists go to visit this town. The road is very congested. If you should visit it, it’s better to leave early. If you don’t care you can get stuck in traffic jams during hours.
It is famous because several films had been shot over there and stars of movies (=> movie stars) have got an house in the smart areas. (do you mean the area is intelligent? "smart" in american English means "intelligent". In the title you used "favorite" which is the american spelling. So you'd better stick to it and not use british english. Maybe you're mixing up the two which is a big mistake
Movies like “Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez” or the series “In the sun”.
I like this town and I would like to settle down me there. All my family would like XX move there.
In the center, there are a lot of small streets where autos are forbidden.
The town has a large cultural heritage. It’s well-known for its yellow churches and the Citadelle that towers the town. There are many cultural attractions like museums, art galleries …
In summer, le port of Saint Tropez is very pleasant, especially in the evening. There are a lot of painters along of the port. They show their paintings. We can see too musicians and some play jazz too. Walking along the port is very pleasant.

OK I noticed you wrote "center" as well so you definitely should stick to the american spelling and find the right word to say "clean, attractive" (smart in British English).
Good luck

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de lucile83, postée le 23-06-2008 à 14:12:39 (S | E)
nick is right; you mix British and American English.
You write all together:
favorite/holiday/movies/ careful
See you

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de lyly1962, postée le 24-06-2008 à 13:25:12 (S | E)
Hello nick 27,
I thank you a lot for your help.
I have to use only british english. I made mistakes I have to write 'favourite' and 'centre'.
By "smart areas" I want to say "beau quartier".
How do you say that in brithish english, please ?
Thanks a lot too to lucile83 ... have a good day

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de nick27, postée le 24-06-2008 à 13:27:05 (S | E)
Well I think "trendy" would be OK here
By the way, we say "have got a house". There's no "n" at the end. It escaped my attention when I first read your text.

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de lucile83, postée le 24-06-2008 à 13:40:07 (S | E)
"beau quartier" ...residential areas
See you

Réponse: Test tomorrow/St Tropez de lyly1962, postée le 24-06-2008 à 14:37:54 (S | E)
Thank a lot ... Lucile and Nick.
have a good day




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