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Correction de phrases (1)

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Correction de phrases
Message de alexii posté le 04-07-2008 à 15:30:48 (S | E | F)

Je suis en train de travailler sur un devoir et je souhaite savoir si j'ai pas fait des erreurs dans mes phrases? Pouvez vous m'aider svp?


1/ How long ago was this article published?

This article is very recent. It has been published on the 27 June 2008, just three days ago.

2/ What do the letters BBC stand for?

The letters BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation

3/ What did Bill Gates want everybody to have?

Bill Gates wanted every home to be furnished with a computer.

4/ How long and where did Bill Gates study?
He studied at Harvard University for a period of two years.

5/ Did he gra duate from Harvard? Justify.

Bill Gate didn’t graduate from Harvard, when he was still a teenager, because he spent only two years in this university. But recently, the Harvard University gave him an honorific title.

6/ Who is Warren Buffet? How does he compare to Bill Gates?

Warren Buffet is a business man who made a lot of money investing in the different world bourses and buying businesses. The author compares Bill Gates regarding his wealth, saying Warren Buffet is now the richest man in the world. He overtook Bill Gates place.

7/ Bill, Warren, Carlos : who comes first and why?

The wealthiest is Warren Buffet, then comes Carlos Slim. They both overtook the place of Bill Gate. It seems that Bill Gate is not anyway in this race and want to use his money helping people by concentrating on his charitable organisation

8/ How long has Bill Gates been in the computer industry?

Well, We could say he began at the age of thirteen, but the real computer industry story began in 1980 when he first sign an agreement with IBM to build the operating system that became known as MS-DOS.

9/ Had his competitors been as wise as Bill, they....

His competitors didn’t run correctly their business and they didn’t had Bill Gates view of the market that consisted in linking technologies and business needs.

10/ Do you approve of Bill's retirement's plans? Justify.

Bill Gates is now one of the richest men on the planet, so helping people seems to make sense and furthermore he is not going to close Microsoft, he will also help them on special technology projects

Réponse: Correction de phrases de laure95, postée le 05-07-2008 à 14:26:35 (S | E)
1) Le temps de la phrase doit être le même que le temps de la question. Tu dois donc utiliser le prétérit dans ta 2ème phrase.
4) for two years suffit.
6) Bill Gates's place.
7) wants to use his money to help
8) when he first signed
9) they didn't have Bill Gates's point of vie
10) one of the richest man in the world

Réponse: Correction de phrases de sarah2008, postée le 05-07-2008 à 16:43:19 (S | E)
Salut Alex,

1- When has this article been published?
2- What means BBC?
3- What did Bill Gates want in every home?

Réponse: Correction de phrases de laure95, postée le 05-07-2008 à 18:10:28 (S | E)
Sarah, alex demandait la correction de ses réponses. Les questions sont justes. La première question doit bien être au prétérit car on demande une date.




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