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Give me your opinion (1)

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Give me your opinion
Message de jmarcel posté le 06-08-2008 à 21:01:16 (S | E | F)

This is an exercise. Would you help me and correct it.
Tell me really what you think about it.

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, qualities of almost all sorts of advertisement seem to be higher than before due to the development of science, technology, art etc. Sometimes people purchase the goods merely for the interesting and motivated advertisement. In my view, however, no matter how excellent the advertisement is, the essential demand of the goods reigns supreme all the time.

Will an attractive advertisement have a crucial effect on people watching it? The answer should be yes, however it is just temporary. Imagine that when people saw a fresh product that they had never seen before through a fascinating and attractive advertisement, maybe they would go to buy it on the following day, however would they buy it again? I suppose not unless they needed it. They purchased it just to satisfy their curiosity. The consequence was that the product wouldn't have high sales when people only bought it once. This is not a demanded goods but only a piece of wonderful advertisement or an excellent so called art program.

Most of the demand merchandise has long-term market share in spite of few sorts of advertisement, on the other hand. Economically, the essential demand of a product consequents the high level and long-term market share. For instance, we barely see any advertisement about oil on TV, radio or other sorts of media. The oil, nonetheless, definitely has the numerous market globally. Furthemore, it is a long-term market.

A survey from Forbes reveals that 75% of the goods in the supermarkets are the commodities which people most need but not the goods which have the best advertisement. The advertisement is just a subsidiary method to sell the products whereas the demand of the products is the significant factor to the high-level market share.

Réponse: Give me your opinion de kerio654, postée le 07-08-2008 à 00:06:11 (S | E)
I think the type of goods should be examined. A new and innovative product will need advertisement to present itself, create the desire and meet its futures clients.




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