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Économie (correction) (1)

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Économie (correction)

Message de gea63 posté le 04-10-2008 à 13:18:41 (S | E | F)

bonjour a tous, j'ai besoin de votre aide svp pour un texte noté a l'oral coefficient 2. cest tres important pourriez vous y jeter un coup d'aide et m'aider svp. merci davance
voila le texte
The crisis of the financial sector affects the market of the free newspapers, noted the participants of a conference opened Tuesday in Madrid in reason of this fact is the fall of advertising revenus.

The New York Sun, alternative conservativeto NewYork Times, have published its last edition Tuesday on account of financial problems. The editor of the New York Sun, Seth Lipsky, pointed out in a message to the employees of the newspaper that the efforts to guarantee the financing of the daily newspaper had failed.

In Washington, a free weekly magazine, City Paper, as also announced that it was placed under the protection of chapter 11 of the law on the bankruptcies, which gives him time to reorganize.

The difficulties encountered by these two publications didn’t surprised the participants in the first World congress of the free press which is currently held in Madrid and which aims at helping a sector affected by the financial crisis.

The sector, which represents 230 titles in 58 countries and a daily total diffusion of 43 million specimens, “is extremely vulnerable to the recession” declared with the opening of this three days meeting professor Piet Bakker, specialist in the media at the University of Amsterdam, which is quoted by AFP.

Appeared as of the years 1980, the free newspapers made their great strides following the expansion of Internet and the free explosion of media on the Web. They had as an economic model of the starting investments compensated then by advertising revenues. Generally of small size, they easily handy and are snuffed by the young people.

But the crisis of the financial sector, by reducing publicities, struck the sector of full whip, the more so as according to certain observers, it had arrived at a phase of saturation.

Modifié par bridg le 04-10-2008 15:22

Réponse: Économie (correction) de laure95, postée le 05-10-2008 à 12:36:12 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
- The New York Sun have published: sujet au singulier - verbe au singulier.
- edition Tuesday: inverser l'ordre des 2 mots.
- as also announced: ne pas confondre AS et HAS.
- it was placed: changer de verbe.
- to reorganize: what?
- didn’t surprised: négation au prétérit simple: DIDN'T + INFINITIF DU VERBE.
- declared with the opening of this three days meeting professor Piet Bakker: sujet puis verbe + "for the opening".
- specialist: a specialist.
- Appeared as of the years 1980?
- the free newspapers made: present perfect.
- They had as an economic model?
- they easily handy: il manque un verbe.-
- the more so?
- it had arrived: pourquoi le past perfect?
- at a phase of saturation.
Bon courage. Commence par corriger ça. Car il y a aussi beaucoup de traduction mot à mot.

Réponse: Économie (correction) de gea63, postée le 05-10-2008 à 16:30:09 (S | E)
merci beaucoup dapporter tant de genersoite.merci et bonne continuation




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