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Aide aux devoirs (1)

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Aide aux devoirs

Message de guillaume- posté le 05-10-2008 à 22:37:19 (S | E | F)

Bonjour tout le monde, je dois faire un dialogue en anglais, le voilà, un employeur qui reçoit un candidat^^
Comme d'habitude je vous demanderais de vos conseils, si vous voulez bien m'aider ;)
MERCI de votre aide précieuse.

GUILLAUME: Good evening, please take the chair and sit.

ROBIN: Good evening, thank you for receiving me and take into consideration my candidacy for the job.

GUILLAUME: This is normal! Here, you are a candidate for the post of head chef in our restaurant; I remind you that we are a large restaurant chain, which wants to expand. You'll have to control and lead a team in a new restaurant. You do not have the right to make mistakes!

ROBIN: I am here to give the best of myself and show my motivation and my determination.

GUILLAUME: Well, I see you have done good studies, how can you explain your choices?

ROBIN: I've passed a High-Level Technician Diploma specialized in restoration and hotel business, then I went in University of Lille 1 to specialize myself in management with a 3st year in management. I have ever been crazy about the idea to work in a restaurant as a team manager.

GUILLAUME: You've worked in restaurants before, what does that have brought you?

ROBIN: I worked as an assistant chef in a small restaurant campaign in the region, but of course I started my career in catering as a private chef. My job as an assistant chef allowed me to acquire human qualities on the one hand and become demanding with myself, but especially with my team. Besides the work of head chef, I discovered how to manage a team by setting targets and listening to the needs of everyone, which is according to me one of the primordial qualities of a manager.

GUILLAUME: I see. Your experience is excellent, but you must work harder here. We will be very demanding. Nevertheless, considering the people who have been successful doing this job in the past, what factors do you think contributed most to their success? And what can you give us more?

ROBIN: I think their success was very well when I see your restaurant chain today; they had to use their qualities of team manager to increase your image in the region. Personally I think I can do better for you than the others have done, I'm determinate and my studies permit me to be very ingenious.

GUILLAUME: Your studies and your profile matches the expectations of a chef. Moreover, your experiences, will I am sure, allow to increase the performance of our restaurant, and to do so well.

ROBIN: I thank you for having granted me this interview, whatever the answer; there will be a chance for me to have a great work. Do you know when will I be fixed?

GUILLAUME: Please, take an appointment by telephone with my assistant for our next interview, she knows my calendar. The choice will be made during this interview, and you will be fixed. But be aware that your profil is very interesting. So, we hope to see you for the next time, goodbye!


Modifié par guillaume- le 05-10-2008 22:40

Modifié par guillaume- le 05-10-2008 22:43

Réponse: Aide aux devoirs de laure95, postée le 06-10-2008 à 11:43:25 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
- take the chair and sit: have a sit.
- for receiving me: utiliser l'infinitif
- my candidacy: my application.
- for the post.
- a large restaurant chain
- restoration?
-I went in: I went to
- I have ever been crazy about the idea.
-what does that have brought you? : What has it brought to you?
- demanding with myself?
- the work of head chief.
- but you must work harder here: futur.
- what factors do you think contributed most to their success? According to you, what factors contribute the most to their success?
-their success was very well
-I'm determinate: i'm determined.
- and my studies permit me: present perfect.
- Your studies and your profile matches: 2 sujets = verbe au pluriel!
- will I am sure, allow to: will doit être juste devant allow.
- Do you know when will I be fixed? Do you know when i will be fixed? (interrogative indirecte)

Bon courage pour les corrections!

Réponse: Aide aux devoirs de guillaume-, postée le 06-10-2008 à 20:13:41 (S | E)
Merci, je m'y met




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