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Conclusion sur le commentaire (1)

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Conclusion sur le commentaire
Message de rowenna posté le 20-10-2008 à 16:50:22 (S | E | F)

Voici ma conclusion sur le commentaire que j'ai fait sur l'histoire de Pi (plus exactement la note)

This note will allow to the writer to explain to the readers how he was brought to write this book, that it is an authentic story and that with the chance he had to meet this old Indian and the hero of the story he had the elements to write this marvellous book.
Merci d'avance de votre aide
Modifié par bridg le 20-10-2008 16:55

Réponse: Conclusion sur le commentaire de cecilward, postée le 20-10-2008 à 17:33:00 (S | E)
*"will allow to the writer to" -> "will allow the writer to"

?"how he was brought to write this book" - is very odd, and I suspect that you need the English idiom
"how I came to write this book"

The idiom "how x came to" means the background, the story of what caused the author to write the book, or "what sequence of events/situation lead (up) to the author writing the book".

"Two years ago I tried to pick a fight with four large crocodiles. And that's how I came to have only one leg!"
"I put alcohol into the petrol tank of my car. That's how it came to look all black, and it doesn't work any more."

Réponse: Conclusion sur le commentaire de cecilward, postée le 20-10-2008 à 17:57:29 (S | E)
*"and that with the chance" -> "by chance" meaning something improbable just simply happened

I met him quite/completely by chance. Imagine that, me and Tom Cruise both being in Peru in the same village at the same time!

Perhaps thinking of based "avoir de la chance" ? Be careful, because English "chance" is a false friend.

so "and that by chance he met" or "and that by chance he came to meet" ("came to" not meaning "travelled/arrived", but "things happened, causing/leading to a situation where he met x".

The section "this old Indian and the hero" is dangerous because it could be read as "there were two people (1) the indian, (2) a second man, the hero". It is not wrong, but it's just that the "and" is ambiguous and the two-persons sense tends to win out.

So you could make it safe by writing "this old Indian, the hero of the story, ..." or "this old Indian who is the hero..."

This is Duke William of Normandy, my husband and future King of England.
This is Duke William of Normandy, my husband and the future King of England.
Winston Churchill, politician, author and war-leader.
Winston Churchill, politician, author and a great war-leader.
Winston Churchill, a politician, an author and a great war-leader.
In many these examples if it is possible to have the indefinite article you can also leave it out.
He was the prime minister during the war and a Nobel-prize winner.
He was the prime minister during the war and (a) winner of the Nobel prize for literature.
He was the prime minister during the war and (the) winner of the 1953 Nobel prize for literature.




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