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Singing and chanting (1)

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Singing and chanting
Message de ahd456 posté le 01-11-2008 à 14:30:01 (S | E | F)

Hello please could you help me?

What it the different if I said X hummed ' My hero' and X sing it or whistled? And what is the differnt between singing and chanting?

Réponse: Singing and chanting de ramorc, postée le 01-11-2008 à 14:40:32 (S | E)
hello i cant be more precise but i think that the word "chanting" do not exist

Réponse: Singing and chanting de ahd456, postée le 01-11-2008 à 14:52:21 (S | E)
I've just checked by my dictioanary it exists but i can's guess what is the diffirent between each of sing and chant?

Réponse: Singing and chanting de dolfin56, postée le 01-11-2008 à 14:53:00 (S | E)
Bonjour ahd,
to hum signifie fredonner, chanter tout bas.
to hum = to sing softy.
to whistle signifie siffler
to whistle = to blow, to swish, to hiss.
chanting does not exist in English.
un chant (français) = a song.

Réponse: Singing and chanting de lucile83, postée le 01-11-2008 à 14:54:01 (S | E)
to sing=chanter
to chant=psalmodier
'Chanting'existe, on peut dire : listen, they are chanting ! (verbe intransitif)

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New Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

(of crowd) chant m scandé;
(of devotees) mélopée f.
intransitive verb (crowd) scander des slogans;
(choir, monks) psalmodier.

Cherchez la définition dans un dictionnaire français maintenant.

Réponse: Singing and chanting de ahd456, postée le 01-11-2008 à 15:04:22 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for your help but I've just checked with my dictionary oxford and I found the word chant? But I can see no different?

Réponse: Singing and chanting de lucile83, postée le 01-11-2008 à 15:10:36 (S | E)

Définition du mot :

prononcer des sons harmonieux avec la voix
produire des sons mélodiques
(zoologie) crier pour certains oiseaux
raconter des choses sans importance mais surprenantes
célébrer les exploits, faire la louange
plaire (si ça me chante, il vient quand ça lui chante)

Définition du mot :

chanter des psaumes
chanter, réciter d'une voix monotone

Définition du mot :

prononcer en détachant et en appuyant chaque syllabe, chaque mot ou groupe de mot
déclamer des vers en tenant compte de la métrique


Réponse: Singing and chanting de raystare, postée le 01-11-2008 à 15:15:12 (S | E)

I think that ther is no difference between them .
and goodbye

Réponse: Singing and chanting de ahd456, postée le 01-11-2008 à 16:16:05 (S | E)
So as I understand if I said X sing that's mean he use some words in an harmony way using his feeling and all but if I said X chant tha's mean he say some words usually in a boring way is this right?

Réponse: Singing and chanting de lucile83, postée le 01-11-2008 à 17:27:08 (S | E)
You sing a song by Céline Dion or Lori or Elvis Presley.
You chant in a church,
You chant in the street when you are in a demonstration against pollution,education etc...
Hope it's clear now.
See you.

Réponse: Singing and chanting de TravisKidd, postée le 01-11-2008 à 17:51:54 (S | E)
Gregorian chant: A-a-a-a-a-a-a-aaaaa
Indian (Native American) chant: Hi-yi-yi-yi Hi-yi-yi-yi
Football chant: Go team go!! Go team go!!
Greenpeace chant: Save the whales!! Save the whales!!

PS: Who would demonstrate against education?!? I think I would rather do my homework than spend hours in the street chanting "No more homework!! No more homework!!"

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-11-2008 18:04

Réponse: Singing and chanting de ahd456, postée le 01-11-2008 à 18:57:58 (S | E)
Is that means when we say X sings that's mean he songs a song with a great voice full of emotions and has a great sonds.But when we say a person chants that's mean he say some songs but which are usually very noisy just for a goal? I'm really so sorry but I really can't see the real meaning please could you make it more clearer and thank in advance.




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