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Photo (correction) (1)

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Photo (correction)
Message de liylie posté le 03-11-2008 à 17:38:44 (S | E | F)


J'ai une rédaction à rédiger sur une photo que je dois décrire et je voudrais que vous m'aidiez pour corriger mes fautes,les tournures de phrase mais aussi mes verbes car j'ai vraiment du mal à les conjuguer.

The document is a photo that shows men,traders working I think on the Stock Exchange and more exactly in the Stock exchange in Wall Street since we can see a man wearing a badge with the American flag at the bottom of the photo.
On the photograph,the viewer's attention is drawn to two men in the middle of the photo. Indeed they have expressive faces: opened big mouth, eyes opened wide, gestures of the hand are blurred so I deduce that they are shouting
and this photo is a scene taken on the deep(prise sur le vif). We can notice that the man at the bottom of the photo look likes thoughtful, worried he frowns so I suppose that he is upset.
As we can see there are a phenomenon agitation, we can deduce that it's probably due to the collapse of the rates.
In the word, I think the photographer is very talented because he managed to cath the spirit of the place in an evocative photo of the Stock Exchange: stress,agitation,expressive faces...

Voila ma description, j'espere que vous pourrez m'aider car votre aide est très importante pour moi.N'hesitez pas à donner votre impression et pouvez vous me dire si le temps utilisé pour ma description est bonne car je sais qu'il faut utiliser un temps précis quand on décrit une photo mais je n'arrive pas à l'utiliser pour ma description. J'espère que ce n'est pas trop vous demander.

Merci de votre aide et a bientôt

Modifié par bridg le 03-11-2008 18:09
Titre distinctif.
Forum principal

Réponse: Photo (correction) de laure95, postée le 03-11-2008 à 18:23:27 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
- opened big mouth, eyes opened wide: they have their mouth opened and their eyes are wide opened.
-they are shouting: ?
- the man look likes thoughtful: the man looks thoughtful (LOOK LIKE: ressembler à)
- he frowns: conjuguer au présenht be + -ing (action en cours).
- there are a phenomenon agitation: THERE ARE + PLURIEL, THERE IS + SINGULIER ; a phenomenon agitation?
- he managed: pourquoi le prétérit?

Maintenatnt à toi de jouer! Mais, comme tu vois il n'y a pas tant de fautes que ça!

Réponse: Photo (correction) de liylie, postée le 03-11-2008 à 21:53:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Laura95!!

Merci pour votre aide, elle m'a été très necéssaire =)
Après que vous m'ayez aidé j'ai réecrit tout au propre pour que vous me corrigiez si ce n'est pas trop vous demandé les fautes que je n'aurais pas remarquer, voici le texte:

The document is a photo that shows men,traders working I think on the Stock Exchange and more exactly in the Stock Exchange in Wall Street since we can see a man wearing a badge with the American flag in the bottom lefthand corner of the photo.
On the photograph,the viewer's attention is drawn to two men in the middle of the photo. Indeed they have expressive faces: mouth open, eyes wide open, the movements of the hand are blurred so I deduce that they are shouting and the photo was taken on the spur of the moment. We can notice that the man at the bottom of the photo looks thoughful, anxious, he is frouwning so I suppose that he is worried.
As we can see there is a effervescent, we can deduce that it's probably due to the collapse ot the rates.
As a conclusion, I think the photographer is very talented because he managed to grasp the spirit of the place in an evocative photo of the Stock Exchange: stress, agitation, expressives faces...

PS: Si j'ai mis "managed" au preterit c'est parce que je voulais dire " il a reussi"

Pourriez vous me dire si le temps que j'ai utilise pour ma description est bonne et si ma description est de niveau lycee?

Merci de votre aide et a bientot

Réponse: Photo (correction) de azer3, postée le 04-11-2008 à 16:29:43 (S | E)
bon jour
The document is a photo that shows a men, working as a traders. I think in the Stock Exchange and more exactly in the Stock exchange in Wall Street since we can see a man wearing a badge with the American flag at the bottom of the photo.
On the photograph,the viewer's attention is drawn to two men in the middle of the photo. Indeed they have expressive faces: opened big mouth, wide opened eyes, the gestures of the hand are blurred so I deduce that they are shouting.
this photo is a live taken scene. We can notice that the man at the bottom of the photo look like thoughtful, worried and he frowns, so I suppose that he is upset.
As we can see there are a agitation phenomenon , we can deduce that it's probably due to the collapse of the rates.
By a word, I think that the photographer is very talented because he managed to cath the spirit of the place in an evocative photo of the Stock Exchange: stress,agitation,expressive faces...




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