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Expression écrite/vacuum (1)

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Expression écrite/vacuum
Message de nnrs95 posté le 04-11-2008 à 18:09:50 (S | E | F)

Alors voila, j'ai une expression ecrite (300 mots environs) sur le sujet suivant : "Real men don't vacuum" etes-vous d'accord avec cette citation?

J'aimerais que vous me disez ce que vous pensez de mon devoir, toutes les critiques sont bonne a prendre. De plus, pouvez-vous me dire si il y a des fautes? Merci beaucoup.


It is often saw that real men don't vacuum. I will first try to show that this statement is a prejudice against men. In a second part, I will then attempt to demonstrate that this statement is false. Last, but not least, we will examine what be “a real man”. ( j’aimerai dire : ce qu’est un homme rèel).

First and foremost, when we say that real men don't vacuum cleaner this is a prejudice which makes men out to be macho men. Indeed nowadays men have to change. In this day and age men share in household duties almost as much as women. Moreover we may take the example of my father who often does vacuum, he does the housework every Saturday with my mother. Furthermore many men did said to me too that they vacuum. It is for it that when they contend that men don't vacuum is running counter to the idea of vacuum cleaner of what I think. That's why, as far as I'm concerned, I opposed to this quotation.

Moreover, this quotation isn’t right. Indeed we can't judge somebody on his actions as to do housework. When we say that real men don't vacuum means saying that real women don't do odd job. However, many women do simple household repairs thus it shows very well that this quotation is false. Besides, time have to change. A man who do vacuum cleaner isn't a jewel but just somebody normal. Even on the T.V., we can see men did the housework while her woman working ( example : “desperate housewives”). What’s more, to do vacuum can have a manly aspect. Indeed, it is a little manly activity that could be even maybe reserve for men.

Finally sa for me, a “real man” is a man who take care of his family and share in household duties. Besides, the “real man” can clear the table, do the vacuum and even do the ironing. What I mean is that the equality of the sexes have it that there aren’t job reserved only to the men or to women.

As a conclusion, I'm disagree with this statement because it is a well-known fact that mentalities have changed and that henceforth, men do vacuum. Furthemore, this statement is a prejudice that questions the equality of the sexes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2008 18:11

Réponse: Expression écrite/vacuum de nnrs95, postée le 04-11-2008 à 22:48:54 (S | E)
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