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Présentation d'une photo (1)

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Présentation d'une photo
Message de estefania22 posté le 06-11-2008 à 18:35:32 (S | E | F)

j'ai une photo à décrire où il y a une mère et sa fille qui sont assises sur les marches d'un bâtiments qui semble officiel et la mère tient un journal "The News" avec le titre de "Hight courts bans segregation in public school".
Nous avons étudié précédemment Rosa Parks avec les lois de ségrégation.
Voici mon travail, si vous pouviez corriger mes fautes et pourquoi pas me donner des conseils pour mon oral qui doit durer 5 minutes(oui je dois présenter cette photo à l'oral, malheureusement XD).

"To begin, the document is a photo among whom the author, the year when it was taken and the origin are unknown.
In the foreground, in the middle, there are a young lady and his daughter who are, to my opinion, half-bloods and they are sitting on stairs. They are looking each other. The mother has the left hand around the shoulders of her daughter. She is wearing a clear jacket and a black skirt. Her daughter is wearing a jacket bored with a clear dress. The mother keeps a newspaper in the right hand. We can see the headlines of this newspaper "High courts banssegregation in public schools". It means that the segregation disappears, it is banished from the public schools.
In the background, we can see white columns, building which we can suppose as official.
Consequently we can suppose that the mother and the girl are looking each other with hope, mixed by surprise and by reassurance. The mother can finally hope for a better, more promising, new future for her child. Indeed, she can go back to school, learning and make a success.
All this boils down to the conlusion, this photo shows finally for the children of people of color a hope with the banishment of the segregation to the private school. They can grow, learning and the respect."

Devrais-je rajouter un lien avec Rosa Parks ? Quelque chose d'autres ?
Merci pour vos suggestions et votre patience.
Bonne soirée.

Réponse: Présentation d'une photo de laure95, postée le 07-11-2008 à 10:47:24 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois revoir:
- among whom: ?
- in the middle: in the middle of the photo.
- his daughter: HIS pour un possesseur masculin!
- they are looking each other: they are looking at each other.
- the mother has a left hand: the mother has her left hand.
- in the right hand: faire la même chose (utiliser un possessif).
- keeps: holds.
- disappears: utiliser le présent progressif.
- we can see white colums, buiding.
- which: that.
- as official: it is an official building.
- suppose: remplace par un synonyme (tu viens de l'utiliser).
- mixed by surprise and by reassurance: it is a mix of surprise and reassurance.
- hope: wish.
- she can go back to school: she will be able to go back to school.
- learning: mettre l'infinitif avec to.
- the children of people of color: faire un cas possessif.
- learning: infinitif.

Devrais-je rajouter un lien avec Rosa Parks ?: oui.
Quelque chose d'autres ? : analyse plus la photo et donne ton opinion.

Bon courage!




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