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Correction/cold case (1)

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Correction/cold case
Message de zarbie79 posté le 06-11-2008 à 20:17:25 (S | E | F)

Voilà j'ai fait de mon mieux pour traduire ce texte si quelqu'un pouvait me le corriger je lui en serai très reconnaissant merci d'avance.

The policemen received a phone call at about 9 pm by learning q' a rich man of affair had just been killed in his lounge.

Once arrived, the investigators deducted that there had been no intervention and that only the persons of the house could be the guilty: bobby the son of the victim, Tiana the chambermaid, Alfredo the domestic and Carla the woman of the victim. Furthermore, the forensic scientist asserted that the victim had died by constriction by means of a long and thick object.

The first one to be questioned was Bobby:

I- What did you make between 8 pm and 8:45 pm (the hour of the murder)?
B- I was in my room
I- Did you go out of this?
B- No
I- What did you love your father?
B- Why? Do you believe that I am the guilty?
I- You are one of 4 suspects and furthermore you go to be the main heir of the fortune of your father.
B- I swear you that I did not kill him, ask to my girlfriend I was in the telephone with her all evening long, it is Tiana who made knocks she quarrelled with my father just! But I do not know in which subject.

Bobby left the room in tear and it was in the tour of Tiana:

I- Where were you between 8 pm and 8:45 pm?
T- I prepared the room of my boss and his wife
I- What are you got along well with your boss?
I- Yes it was a good and generous man
I- Why you are just competed with him?
T- How???? I had just informed my boss that his wife deceived him with Alfredo, I have discovered them yesterday, he did not believe in me and he got excited.

Carla was the following one to be questioned:

I- Did you love your husband?
C- Yes
I- But why did you deceive him with Alfredo?
C- I … I don’t know … I regret
I- Where were you between 8 pm and 8:45 pm?
C- From 8 pm till 8:30 pm, I was with my husband in the same lounge? He was well, and then I rose to the floor to have a wash. I crossed Alfredo by rising, he wanted to leave this house and to take me with him but I answered him that it was impossible.

Finally it was in Alfredo's tour

I- Do you appreciate your boss?
A- Yes why?
I- But you preferred his wife not?
A- How? I …
I- Yes is when this one just grew again to you right now you thought that by killing her husband she would belong to you.
A- But I was in my room in the floor of 8 pm until we prevent me.
I- It is false Carla crossed you by coming down; in more the scarf than you carry around knocks is only one object “susceptible”(je n’ai aucunes idées pour ce mot) to have killed your boss.

Merci à ceux qui m'auront apporté des corrections
Modifié par bridg le 06-11-2008 21:09

Réponse: Correction/cold case de hughy, postée le 06-11-2008 à 20:26:52 (S | E)
Moi, j'ai l'impression que tu as utilisé un traducteur automatique. Si tu dis
" a man of affair ", on va bien rigoler !

Réponse: Correction/cold case de zarbie79, postée le 06-11-2008 à 20:53:04 (S | E)
non mais je ne savais pas quoi mettre sinon je mets tout simplement a rich man ça peut être mieux

Modifié par bridg le 06-11-2008 21:09

Réponse: Correction/cold case de hughy, postée le 06-11-2008 à 21:08:20 (S | E)
re- Bonjour,
Désolé, je ne voulais pas te vexer. N'as tu jamais entendu le mot " bizness "?
ça s'écrit "business" et ça veut dire les affaire donc " a business man " =
un homme d'affaire.
Un autre exemple : guilty est un adjectif. Pour "le coupable" , c'est un autre mot.

As tu un dictionnaire d'Anglais pour t'aider ? C'est vraiment nécessaire.
Bon courage.

Modifié par hughy le 06-11-2008 21:13

Réponse: Correction/cold case de ameloi, postée le 06-11-2008 à 21:20:12 (S | E)
bonjour a tous , c'est pas une correction que j'aimerais écrire mais plutot dire a hughy que etre modeste est une bonne chose j'apprends aussi l'anglais et lire des réponses pareilles n'encourage pas ; alors aidez les autres !

Réponse: Correction/cold case de zarbie79, postée le 06-11-2008 à 21:48:47 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour ton aide je t'en suis vraiment reconnaissant, bonne continuation à toi et encore une fois merci devant la longueur de ce texte qui aurait pu te faire choisir la facilité de le laisser tel quel

Réponse: Correction/cold case de azer3, postée le 06-11-2008 à 21:56:49 (S | E)
The policemen received a phone call at about 9 pm learning him that a rich businessman had just been killed in his lounge.

Once arrived, the investigators deducted that they had been no intervention and that only the inhabitants of the house could be the guilty: Dobby the son of the victim, Tiana the chambermaid, Alfredo the domestic and Carla the woman of the victim. Furthermore, the forensic scientist asserted that the victim died by constriction with a kind of a long and thick object.

The first one who had been questioned was Bobby:

I- What did you make between 8 pm and 8:45 pm (the hour of the murder)?
B- I was in my room
I- Did you got out from your room ?
B- No
I- Did you love your father?
B- Why? Do you believe that I am the guilty?
I- You are one of 4 suspects and but you are the mainest one hir who wants the fortune of your father.
B- I swear to you that I didn't kill him, you can ask my girlfriend I was calling her in the phone during all the evening , it is Tiana who made knocks she was just quarrelled with my father ! But I do not know the subject.

Bobby left the room in tear and it was the tour of Tiana:

I- Where are you been between 8 pm and 8:45 pm?
T- I prepared the room of my boss and his wife
I- During this time, what are you had otg well with your boss?
I- Yes it was a good and generous man
I- Why you was just competed with him?
T- How???? I had just informed my boss that his wife deceived him with Alfredo, I discovered them yesterday, he did not believe in me and he got excited.

Carla was the following one to be questioned:

I- Did you love your husband?
C- Yes
I- But why did you deceive him with Alfredo?
C- I … I don’t know … I regret
I- Where you had been between 8 pm and 8:45 pm?
C- From 8 pm till 8:30 pm, I was with my husband in the same lounge? He was well, and then I rose to the floor to have a wash. I crossed Alfredo by rising, he wanted to leave this house and to take me with him but I answered him that is impossible.

Finally it was in Alfredo's tour

I- Do you appreciate your boss?
A- Yes why?
I- But you preferred his wife aren't-you ?
A- How? I …
I- Yes, because when this just grew again to you right now!!!! you thought that by killing her husband she will belong to you.
A- But I was in my room in the floor from 8 pm until we prevent me.
I- It is false Carla crossed you by coming down; in more the scarf than you carry around knocks is only one object suspect to have killed your boss.!!!

Malheureusement j'ai n'ai pas arriver a trouver le text en francais c'pour ca j'ai de mal a comprendre qu est ce que tu vient de dire... le texte est trop chargé je croi que c'ton propre production.Pour la traduction il ya pas mal des faute au niveau syntaxique car il est claire que tu est entrais de fair une traduction automatique cette dernière qui reste inconvenable pour traduire un text je tein a te fair souvenir que traduire c' trahir sans oublier les fautes de conjugaison de point de veut concordance des temps.Bon c'etait mon approche,et je te passe un grand merci pour tan tentation.




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