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Prétérit simple et Be + -ing (1)

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Prétérit simple et Be + -ing
Message de tiotebouclette posté le 26-11-2008 à 21:10:05 (S | E | F)

Bonjour !
J'ai un dm pour demain et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me dise si ce que j'ai fait est correct et me corrige dans le cas contraire si possible. Merci d'avance

1)When James (arrive), I (prepare) dinner
--> When James arrived, I was preparing dinner

2)I (meet)an old friend of mine yesterday.
-->I met an old friend of mine yesterday.

3)What (you/do) when I (call) ?
--> What were you doing when I called ?

4)I (see) Amanda and John in town. They (do) theur Christmas shopping
-->I saw Amanda and John in town. They were doing theur Christmas shopping

5) I (walk)my dog when I (hear) a big crash.
-->I was walking my dog when I heard a big crash.

6) I (have) a great holidays First I (go) to London and then I (Fly) to Paris.
-->I had a great holidays First I was going to London and then I was flying to Paris.

7) Sorry, I can't tell you what (happen). I (sleep), so I (not/see) anything.
--> Sorry, I can't tell you what happened. I was sleeping, so I didn't see anything.

8) I (go) to bed at one. I (work) till late, then I (watch) television for a while.
--> I went to bed at one. I was working till late, then I watched television for a while.

9) I swear that I (tell) the truth when I (say) I (do) it myself.
-->I swear that I was telling the truth when I said I was doing it myself.

10) It (be) such a funny sight ! The dog (sleep) while the cat (put) its ear.
-->It was such a funny sight ! The dog was sleeping while the cat pulled its ear.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide =)

Réponse: Prétérit simple et Be + -ing de jean31, postée le 26-11-2008 à 21:28:19 (S | E)

Trois erreurs sur la fin de ton travail. Fatigue ou manque de vigilance

6 Les 2 derniers verbes doivent être au prétérit simple comme le premier.
8 Idem.
9 ...I did it myself. Encore le prétérit simple.

Tout le reste est bon.


Réponse: Prétérit simple et Be + -ing de lucile83, postée le 26-11-2008 à 21:29:30 (S | E)

4)I (see) Amanda and John in town. They (do) theur Christmas shopping
-->I saw Amanda and John in town. They were doing theur Christmas shopping...1 faute de frappe je suppose (theur);le reste est juste

6) I (have) a great holidays First I (go) to London and then I (Fly) to Paris.
-->I had a great holidays First I was going to London and then I flying to Paris.....2 fautes de temps + 's' à hoilidays alors que vous dites 'a'?

8) I (go) to bed at one. I (work) till late, then I (watch) television for a while.
--> I went to bed at one. I was working till late, then I watched television for a while....1 faute de temps

9) I swear that I (tell) the truth when I (say) I (do) it myself.
-->I swear that I was telling the truth when I said I was doing it myself....1 faute de temps

Tout le reste est ok; bon travail !
See you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-11-2008 21:31
oops, nous avons posté en même temps jean !

Réponse: Prétérit simple et Be + -ing de tiotebouclette, postée le 26-11-2008 à 21:36:31 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous deux ! En plus vous dites la même chose, j'en conclu que c'est bon ^^
Bonne soirée =)




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