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Cover letter/Lettre de motivation UK (1)

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Cover letter/Lettre de motivation UK
Message de quicky posté le 08-12-2008 à 19:50:04 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous,

L'année prochaine je suis censé partir à l'étranger et j'ai personnellement décidé de partir en université, en Angleterre. Le bureau des RI nous a demandé de faire un CV et une lettre de motivation en anglais (en fait c'est surtout pour les mecs qui partent en stage, puisque c'est une personne de mon école qui va les lire me concernant, m'enfin, c'est histoire de, et ça compte dans l'attribution des places, donc pas à négliger)

Donc voilà, je voudrais vous soumettre ma lettre de motivation, voir ce que vous en pensez et si vous avez des améliorations éventuelles à me soumettre (et des fautes à me faire remarquer, ce qui est malheureusement probable):

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,

I am curently student in the XXXX, and as next year is our year of mobility, I’m really interested in studying during one year in the University of Manchester, as part of an Erasmus program.

I think that this year is a real opportunity for us to diversify our studies and to experiment another system. Since a long time, I want to spend a while abroad, and especially in the United Kingdom. First of all, because it might be beneficial to improve my spoken English comprehension, and also my ability to communicate with English speakers. That may be essential for my integration into the professional life. But also because I’m really interested in the Anglo-Saxon culture in general, but mostly the English’s one, which seems similar, but in the same time so particular.

We have the choice between an internship and a year in university and I choose that because I want to do something quite general and not be trapped in something that I may don’t like. Moreover, we have generally just one chance to have such experience, contrary to an internship, even abroad, and I really want to make the most of that occasion. Regarding to the lessons, if it is possible I will probably give priority to Political Sciences but to subjects that we haven’t dealt with yet and also to Law, because I know that the Anglo-Saxon conception of law is quite different than ours, so it might be interesting.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discussing about that during the coming interview.


Je sais que je vous en demande beaucoup là (trop ?), mais merci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.

Réponse: Cover letter/Lettre de motivation UK de azer3, postée le 08-12-2008 à 22:55:37 (S | E)
Boisoir, voici mon approch merci de verfier.

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,

Curently, I'm studing in the XXXX, and as next year is our mobility year,??? I’m really interested in studying during one year in the University of Manchester, as a part of an Erasmus program.

I think this year will be a real opportunity for us to diversify our studies and to experiment another system. Since a long time, I have waned to spend a while abroad, especially in the United Kingdom. First of all, it migtht be beneficial to improve my spoken English comprehension and my ability to communicate with English speakers that may be essential for my integration into professional life. But also I want to be in your university because I’m really interested in the Anglo-Saxon culture in general, but mostly the English’s one, which seems similar, and in the same time, so particular.

We have the choice between an internship and a year in the university, and I choose that because I want to do something quite general and I don't want to be trapped in something that I may don’t like-it. Moreover, generally we have only one chance to make such experience, contrary to the internship, even abroad. And I really want to have the most of that occasion. Regarding to the lessons, if it is possible I will probably give priority to Political Sciences but also to the subjects that we haven’t dealt with yet and to the Law, because I know that the Anglo-Saxon conception of law is quite different than ours, so it might be interesting.

Thank you for your time and your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discussing about that during the coming interview.

??? ici tu dois signaler ou vous allez déminager.
have wanted: since implique l'emploi de "present perfect" mais ça sera mieux d'utiliser un autre verbe
but,but..tu as trop utiliser cette conjonction.
Bon je vois que c'est plus logique comme ça, j'ai essayer d'enlever les fautes pour que ça devient plus souple ta lettre mais je vois que tu dois la reviser encore une fois voir changer quelque chose pour quelle sois bien acceptable et bon chance enfin.




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