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Compréhension écrite/Cell phones (1)

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Compréhension écrite/Cell phones
Message de let123 posté le 16-01-2009 à 11:14:24 (S | E | F)

Cell phones, instant messaging and email have encouraged teenagers to create their own inventive and very private written language. So they can keep in touch with their friends but, at the same time, hide their communications from their parents.

The New York Times reports that 1,175 parents were interviewed for a survey pubished 18 months ago. About half of them learned how to text-message from their children. More than 60% parents agreed that it helped them communicate but that sometimes children didn't want to hear their voices. 58% of parents said that their children preferred a text to a phone call to ask them to be home by a certain time. One researcher, who is studying the impact of technology on adolescents, said : "you can reach them but that doesn't mean they have to answer."

Texting is in between calling and sending an email. Teenagers never think of writing letters to their parents when they're away from home : it's too time-consuming But parents aren't usually very good at texting. They don't always understand what their children are trying to tell them.

One girl called Savannah says she wants to keep in touch with her parents, but also wants to keep them at a distance. She doesn't text very much in front of her parents beause they read her messages. At first, her father didn't know how to relate to her. He had to learn. So she gave him a quick course in text-messaging!

Savannah's father is well aware of ho destabilizing cellphones, ipods and hand-held video games can be to family relationships. When he sees kids text under the table at the restaurant, he says they don't realise it's time to have a real conversation. He would like to walk up to them and say, "Put those things away and talk to your parents!"

A. Right or wrong ? Give your reasons, quoting from the text.
1. Teenagers use a secret code to communicate.
2. They communicate n front of their parents but they hide from them.

B. Complete the facts from the survey.Published when ?
Number of parents interviewed :
Percentage of parents who learned to text-message from their children :
Percentage of parents who said it helped them communicate with their children :
Percentage of parents who said that children preferred a tex to a phone call:

C. Find out what teenagers prefer and why ? 1. Texting
2. Writing a letter
3. Calling

D.Read abouthow Savannah's father feels about cellphones, ipods and video games. What is the problem with them ?[color=#FF0000][/color]

E. So what's his message to all kids ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-01-2009 16:09

Réponse: Compréhension écrite/Cell phones de jean31, postée le 16-01-2009 à 11:21:12 (S | E)

Tu as simplement "oublié" ? de donner tes réponses.
Personne ici, pas plus qu'ailleurs, ne les donnera à ta place.
À te lire.

Réponse: Compréhension écrite/Cell phones de let123, postée le 16-01-2009 à 13:39:49 (S | E)
très bien alors voila corrige moi si j'ai faux merci
A)1. Wrong : teenagers to create thei own inventive and very private written language.
2. Right :they can keep in touch with their friends but, at the same time, hide their communications from theirparents.

1. Yes
Reason : they can keep in touch with their friends .
Problem : je nae sais pas.
2. No
Reason : It's too time consuming.
3. je ne sais pas.

E. When he sees kids text under the table at the restaurant, he says they don't realise it's time to have a real conversation.

F."Put those things away and talk to your parents!"

Réponse: Compréhension écrite/Cell phones de jean31, postée le 16-01-2009 à 15:30:17 (S | E)

Vouloir c'est pouvoir. When there's a will there's a way.
Il ne te reste plus qu'à trouver la D.
Les indices sont forcément dans le texte.
Relis-le autant de fois que nécessaire jusqu'à ce que tu trouves.
A +

A)1. Wrong Right. “Teenagers create their own inventive and very private written language. Une langue écrite inventive et très personnelle, cela ressemble beaucoup à un code secret. Non ?
2. Right :they can keep in touch with their friends but, at the same time, hide their communications from theirparents. OK

1. Yes Ce n’est pas une réponse valable, même à supposer qu’elle soit correcte. Il te faut la rédiger.
Ex.=> Teenagers prefer texting because they can keep their parents at a distance.

Reason : they can keep in touch with their friends .
Problem : je ne sais pas. => Texting stops them from having a conversation with their parents.
2. No À rédiger.
Reason : It's too time consuming. OK
3. je ne sais pas.. => Sometimes children don’t want to hear their (parents’) voices.

E. His message is:"Put those things away and talk to your parents!" OK




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