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Introduce myself/correction (1)

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Introduce myself/correction
Message de sam1983 posté le 27-01-2009 à 00:17:49 (S | E | F)

Salut tout le monde, mon professeur m'a demandé de produire une paragraphe 'INTRODUCE YOUR SELF' et voila mon paragraphe:
Hi, my name is Sami, I’m 25 years old, I’m from Tunisia, and I was born in Monastir on the 13th September 1983. I have one brother younger than me and one sister older than me, my best friends name are Bader and Oussama. I have two nieces and I love him very much.
I speak three languages Arabic, French, English and now I learn Italian.

I was very bad in English at the high school, but in last year I started to learn English in the privet school called AMIDEAST, because now my dream is to speak English very well.
In eight November two thousand eight I came to Rome, for study in university link campus.

S'il(s) vous plaît aidez-moi pour avoir un paragraphe correct.
Merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-01-2009 06:21
Modifié par bridg le 27-01-2009 06:39

Réponse: Introduce myself/correction de swan85, postée le 27-01-2009 à 09:59:38 (S | E)

Voici une première correction de ce que je viens de voir :

Hi, my name is Sami, I’m 25 years old, I’m from Tunisia, and I was born in Monastir on the 13th September 1983. I have one brother younger than me and one sister older than me, my best friends name (s) (il y a plusieurs noms) are Bader and Oussama. I have two nieces and I love him/ them (les nièces je pense) very much.
I speak three languages Arabic, French, English and now I learn Italian.

I was very bad in English at the high school, but in last year I started to learn English in the privet/private school called AMIDEAST, because now my dream is to speak English very well.
In eight November two thousand eight I came to Rome, for/to study in university link campus.

Réponse: Introduce myself/correction de jean31, postée le 27-01-2009 à 10:06:01 (S | E)


My name is Sami, I’m 25 years old, I’m from Tunisia, and I was born in Monastir on September 13,1983. I have one younger brother and one older sister. My best friends' names are Bader and Oussama. I have two nieces and I love them very much.
I speak three languages Arabic, French, English and now I learn Italian.

I was very bad in English at high school, but last year I started to learn English in the private school called AMIDEAST, because now my dream is to speak English very well.
On November 8, 2008 I left to Rome in order to study at the link campus university.

- Attention à ne pas faire de phrases "à rallonge".
- Les pronoms personnels complément s'accordent en genre et en nombre avec la/les personne(s) à laquelle/auxquelles ils se rapportent.
- au lycée/à l'école = at school, sans article.
- Les dates s'écrivent le plus souvent en chiffres, plus rarement en lettres.
- to come = venir <--> to go/leave = aller/s'en aller/partir.
- pour/afin de + infinitif = to/in order to + base verbale. <--> Jamais "for" devant un infinitif.
- Dans un nom composé de plusieurs noms, le nom "noyau" se place à la fin puisque le (ou les) autre(s) joue(nt) le rôle de déterminant(s) et se place(nt) donc avant.
Bonne chance pour ton oral

Réponse: Introduce myself/correction de kolimang, postée le 27-01-2009 à 10:41:08 (S | E)

une petite correction encore : I was very bad at English.
To be good/bad at sth






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