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Améliorer mon texte ? (1)

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Améliorer mon texte ?
Message de kristel66 posté le 29-01-2009 à 18:40:14 (S | E | F)

Familyur à tous !

Mon professeur m'a demander de repondre à cette question :Do you agree with any of the writer's (how to be an alien , chater one "a warning to beginners ",George Mikes)opinions about the English ? Which ones

Moi j'ai fait :
I am not agree with the author about this sentence"in england people almost never lie, but they are almost never quite honest with you either" because i think that English is honest and that they do not lie because they respect enormously the others.
moreover I am not agreement with the author when he says “in england only stupid people try to show how clever they are.” because this sentence wants to say in some kinds which English is idiotic and which they know no Latin author. However I think that English is very intelligent and conscious of the authors Latin. I also add that the steam engine was invented by English (James Watt) that proves to some extent their intelligence.

And finally I acknowledge that I am not agreement with this sentence “in England THEIR love THEIR CATS MORE than THEIR FAMILY”
it is not because the English love the animals that they prefer them with their families I want as to add as sometimes the animals and the men behave in a similar way. Thus I voice no disadvantage have those which English respects the cats.

SVP pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes (ou me les dire)

merci d'avance ^^

Réponse: Améliorer mon texte ? de laure95, postée le 29-01-2009 à 21:47:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici ce que tu dois corriger:
I am not agree (être d'accord: to agree) with the author about this sentence"in england people almost never lie, but they are almost never quite honest with you either" because i think that the English is (pluriel!) honest and that they do not lie because they respect enormously the others.
moreover I am not agreement with the author when he says “in england only stupid people try to show how clever they are.” because this sentence wants to say in some kinds which English is idiotic and which they know no Latin author. However I think that English is very intelligent and conscious of the authors Latin. I also add that the steam engine was invented by English (James Watt) that proves to some extent their intelligence.

And finally I acknowledge that I am not agreement with this sentence “in England THEIR love THEIR CATS MORE than THEIR FAMILY”
it is not because the English love the animals that they prefer them with their families I want as to add as sometimes the animals and the men behave in a similar way. Thus I voice no disadvantage have those which English respects the cats.

Réponse: Améliorer mon texte ? de joey93, postée le 31-01-2009 à 20:48:59 (S | E)
"English people..honest", je pense qu'il faut ajouter "people" car sinon on ne sait pas de quoi tu parles.
Il conviendrait également de mettre une majuscule à "England".
"this sentence wants to say", une phrase siginifie quelque chose, ou essaye de faire passer une idée, donc "this sentence means/ conveys the idea that..."
"was invented by an English man"
"in England THEY love their cats..." animals, ici pas d'article car ce sont "les animaux" en général.
"they prefer them to their families".
"sometimes animals and men" pas d'article.




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