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Correction - Nos vacances idéales ! (1)

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Correction - Nos vacances idéales !
Message de guigui2212 posté le 01-03-2009 à 20:26:58 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai un travail à faire pour demain, la consigne était :
En environ 15 lignes, il faut rédiger ce que seraient nos vacances idéales; on devait donc employer un minimum de 6 structures en would/wish/could ...
J'ai donc rédigé ça : (j'ai pas mal de lacunes en anglais, et j'ai donc besoin de votre aide pour quelques expressions)

In order to hapen my best holidays, firstly, I would like to be with my friend, especially my girl friend. My family would be present, but not really with me. Then, I wish i went skiing or i went to the tropics at the seaside. Still, I would have to do a lots of sports, like football, tennis, cycling, or skiing : I need to move and fun to spend good holidays. Furtheremore, I wish the weather were beautiful in order to let me to do the most activities possibles. But, all the same, I have to stop my dreams... yet if all is possible... I wish moreover I spent all my nights in a lots of parties. Finally, to conclude, at this holidays, the time woulde be unlimited, and there would never problems, abuse, or violence.

Voilà ma petite "rédaction", je pense qu'il y a quelques fautes et des expressions mal dites, vous pourrez sûrement m'aider sans souci, le niveau demandé n'est pas très haut
Merci beaucoup d'avance !
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-03-2009 20:29

Réponse: Correction - Nos vacances idéales ! de linsey34, postée le 01-03-2009 à 21:29:35 (S | E)
Dear guigui,

In order to hapen my best holidays, firstly, I would like to be with my friend, especially my girl friend. My family would be present, but not really with me. Then, I wish i went skiing or i went to the tropics at the seaside. Still, I would have to do a lots of sports, like football, tennis, cycling, or skiing : I need to move and fun to spend good holidays. Furtheremore, I wish the weather were beautiful in order to let me to do the most activities possibles. But, all the same, I have to stop my dreams... yet if all is possible... I wish moreover (à mettre en tête de phrase) I spent all my nights in a lots of parties. Finally, to conclude, at this holidays, the time woulde be unlimited, and there would never verbe? problems, abuse, or violence.

Réponse: Correction - Nos vacances idéales ! de azer3, postée le 01-03-2009 à 21:34:51 (S | E)
Voilà quelques éléments de correction pour ta petite rédaction.
In order to hapen/verbe mal écrit et mal choisi/ my best holidays, firstly, I would like to be with my friend/s/, especially my girl friend/attaché/. My family would be present, but not really with me. Then, I wish i/ça s'écrit toujours en majuscule/ went skiing or i/de même/ went to the tropics at the seaside. Still??, I would have to do a lots of sports, like football, tennis, cycling, or skiing : I need to move and to have fun to spend a good holidays. Furtheremore, I wish the weather were/le futur/ beautiful in order to let me to do the most activities possibles/so I can do the most possible activities à la place de "in order to..."/. But, all the same, I have to stop my dreams... yet if all is possible... I wish moreover that I spent all my nights in a lots of partiesplaces. Finally, to conclude, at/during/ this holidays, the time woulde be unlimited, and there would never happen problems, abuse, or violence.

Réponse: Correction - Nos vacances idéales ! de guigui2212, postée le 01-03-2009 à 21:39:07 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses, je vais bien évidement en tenir compte.
Si vous voyez encore quelques fautes n'hésitez pas !

Merci encore à vous.




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