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Correction/ High school (1)

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Correction/ High school
Message de loupevivante posté le 24-03-2009 à 00:14:53 (S | E | F)

Could your correct my text please...? Thank you...

When we make our entrance in that world, that transition world between two other completely different, another page of our life was over. After childhood and before the adult period was that particular part during which our feelings were mixed up, during which life seemed pink or dark black. Indeed, adolescence, that period so dreaded by parents although they had already passed by the same road, is characterized by that motional game and by High School.
My beginnings in that new world seemed to be uncertain. Hesitating between two programs, I opted, finally, for the IBO one wishing discover every piece of earth that carried our planet, Earth. However, that choice took on a risky character: indeed, I didn’t know a single person who enlisted (registered) us in that section too. Then, I decide to sponge off that situation discover my real personality, the true one.
Never, since the very first minutes of my High School journey, I have felt blue through my choice. Very day was full of surprises, no one was like the other. In brief, routine didn’t get any logic sense during that couple of years, which spent so quickly that it was impossible to appreciate their real and entire value. I felt so many feelings with that group, which was mine from around fifty months, I lived so different and enriching adventures: never I would remove of my mind those days because they contributed to the human being I’m today!

Modifié par bridg le 24-03-2009 06:29

Réponse: Correction/ High school de robertbrou, postée le 25-03-2009 à 12:28:29 (S | E)

Je tente à vous corriger.

When we made our entrance in that (which world?) world, that transition world between two other completely different ones, another page of our life was over turned. After childhood and before the adult period The period between childhood and adulthood was that particular part of our lives during which our feelings were mixed up, during which where life seemed pink or dark black. Indeed, adolescence,that period so dreaded by parents although they had already passed by traveled the same road is characterized by that emotional game and by high school.

My beginnings in that new world seemed to be uncertain. Hesitating between two programs, I opted, finally, for the IBO (what is IBO?) one wishing discover every piece of earth that carried our planet, Earth (not sure I understand this). However, my choice was very risky that choice took on a risky character: indeed, I didn’t even know a single person who enlisted (registered) us in that section too: Then, I decided to sponge off learn from that situation to discover my real true personality, the true one.

Never, since the very first minutes of my high school journey, have I felt blue through my choice decision. Every day was full of surprises. Not one was like the any other. In brief, the routine didn’t get have any logical meaning sense during those couple of years, which spent passed/went by so quickly that it was impossible to appreciate their real and entire value. I felt so many feelings with that group, which was mine part of me from around fifty months. I lived so many different and enriching adventures that I could never forget I would remove of my mind those days because they contributed to the human being I am today!

Hope this helps!


Réponse: Correction/ High school de hugotachini, postée le 25-03-2009 à 17:19:14 (S | E)
En rouge ce qu'il faut retirer
En vert les ajouts

When we make made our entrance in that world, that transition world between two other completely different, another page of our life was over. After childhood and before the adult period Teenage was that particular part during which our feelings were mixed up, during which life seemed pink or Indeed, adolescence, that period so dreaded by parents although they had already passed by the same road, is characterized by that emotional game and by High School.
My beginnings in that new world seemed to be uncertain. Hesitating between two programs, I finally opted finally, for the IBO one wishing to
discover every piece of earth that carried our planet earth. However, that choice took on a risky character: indeed, I didn’t know a single person who enlisted (registered) us in that section too. Then, I decided to sponge off that situation to discover my real true personality, the true one.
Never, since the very first minutes of my High School journey, I haved felt blue through my so bad, frightened in the choices that I made. Every day was full of surprises, not one was like the other. In brief Briefly, the word "routine" didn’t get any logic sense during thatose couple of years, which spent so quickly that it was impossible to appreciate their real and entire value. I felt so many feelings with that group, whicho was mine from for around fifty months, I lived so many different and enriching adventures: never I would remove of my mind that I will never forget those days because they contributed to the human being I’m today!

Modifié par hugotachini le 25-03-2009 17:20

Modifié par hugotachini le 25-03-2009 17:26

Modifié par hugotachini le 25-03-2009 17:27

Réponse: Correction/ High school de loupevivante, postée le 25-03-2009 à 22:24:29 (S | E)
Thank you!!!




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